Coca Cola Beatbox Pavilion Pernilla - Asif
2012-07-24 00:00
的建筑,体育,音乐和技术,创造了惊人的感官体验。这种有远见的结构充当了一种乐器,让游客在穿过大楼时,可以把马克·罗森(Mark Ronson)和凯蒂·B(凯蒂·B)的“搬到世界任何地方的节拍”可口可乐国歌(Move to the节拍)重新组合起来。
Text description provided by the architects. The Coca-Cola Beatbox, designed by Asif Khan and Pernilla Ohrstedt is an experimental fusion
of architecture, sport, music and technology that creates a stunning sensory experience. The visionary structure acts as a musical instrument, allowing visitors to remix Mark Ronson and Katy B’s ‘Move to the Beat’ Coca-Cola anthem ‘Anywhere in the World’ – as they pass through the building.
The Coca-Cola Beatbox forms part of Coca-Cola’s Future Flames campaign which aims to shine a spotlight on Britain’s brightest stars and inspire other young people to pursue their passions.
Coca-Cola has spent two years working with partners including The Architecture Foundation, the Royal College of Art and experimental theatre company London Quest. Together, these organisations have helped Coca-Cola bring together the best in emerging talent across design, performance and technology as part of its commitment to using its sponsorship to shine a light on inspirational young people – its Future Flames. The result is a pavilion that is created by, embodies and celebrates the passions of thousands of Coca-Cola Future Flames who make a positive contribution to their local communities every day.
位于伦敦的新兴建筑合作者,32岁的Asif Khan和31岁的Pernilla ohrstedt,在由建筑基金会管理的正式委托过程之后,被可口可乐赋予了创造性的控制权。这对充满活力的情侣设计了一个展馆,目的是通过将年轻人对音乐和体育的热情结合起来,将他们与奥运会联系起来。受可口可乐2012年伦敦全球平台的启发-搬到拍子上去-展馆的设计就像一种乐器一样。
Emerging London-based architecture collaborators Asif Khan, 32, and Pernilla Ohrstedt, 31, were given creative control by Coca-Cola following a formal commissioning process administered by The Architecture Foundation. The dynamic pair have designed a pavilion that aims to connect young people to the Games by bringing together their passions for muisic and sport. Inspired by Coca-Cola’s global platform for London 2012 – Move to the Beat – the pavilion has been designed to function just like a musical instrument.
其巨大的水晶正面结构是由200多个红色和白色膨胀的ETFE垫子组成,每个重力挑战面板连接起来就像一座扑克牌屋。集成在这些面板中的是专有的音频、照明和交互式传感器技术,使该架构能够嵌入格莱美奖得主马克·罗森(Mark Ronson)和水星奖提名人凯蒂·B(Katy B)为2012年伦敦举办的“世界各地”(Anywhere)可口可乐国歌中的有节奏的运动声音。他的录音来自奥运运动员的心跳、鞋子吱吱声、射中目标的箭等等。据估计,200,000名游客在到达展馆屋顶的200米路程中登上外部螺旋坡道,在那里他们将欣赏到奥林匹克公园的壮丽景色,由此引发、演奏并在音乐上混合了他的录音。坡道然后深入到展馆的中心,这将是一个互动的灯光安装创造杰森布鲁日工作室。
Its giant crystalline facade structure is made up of over 200 red and white inflated ETFE cushions, each gravity-defying panel connected like a house of cards. Integrated within these panels is proprietary audio, illumination and interactive sensor technology, enabling the architecture to be embedded with rhythmical sport sounds from GRAMMY award winning Mark Ronson and Mercury Prize nominee Katy B’s Coca-Cola anthem ‘Anywhere in the world’ for London 2012. His recordings from Olympic athletes’ heartbeats, shoes squeaking, arrows hitting a target, amongst many others, are triggered, played and musically remixed by an estimated 200,000 visitors' gestures and proximity as they ascend the external spiral ramp on a 200m journey to the pavilion's rooftop where they will enjoy spectacular views of the Olympic Park. The ramp then plunges down into the heart of the pavilion which will feature an interactive light installation created by Jason Bruges Studio.
Jason Bruge Studio’s Aerial Dynamics installation is a living, breathing light show that has been designed to emulate the effervescent energy released when a bottle of Coca-Cola is served and shared. 180 bespoke mechatronic ‘bubbles’ glow rhythmically in time with Mark Ronson’s track. Controlled with individual code, each bubble has eight polypropylene blades that fold intricately in on themselves. Special sensors embedded in the three ‘cheers in celebration’ kiosks at the base of the Beatbox detect when Coca-Cola bottles are clinked together, triggering the blades and bubbles to glow with red and white LED lighting. These light patterns become increasingly intricate as the number of participants grow.