DEA Vogelweh Kleeblatt Molter

2012-09-11 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。去年年初,Technische Werke Kaiserslautern开始为供水网络进行新的铺设,以连接Vogelweh队在美国的住房区。两个新的配送节点之一将结束在西部城市入口,在Vogelweh路交叉口。所需数量是由技术安装、储存和后备系统决定的.事实证明,这卷书相当可观,对于Vogelweh-Kleeblatt上有限的空间来说,几乎太大了。凯泽尔斯劳滕市和TWK都很清楚,在这个突出的位置上,就在这个城市的入口和世界著名的Vogelweh队的门口,一座建筑将会受到很大的关注。因此,TWK坚持认为,这个项目不应该看起来像一个庞大的,单一的单位。如果可能的话,这座建筑应该低估它的大小;也许看起来就像一群小型建筑。此外,该建筑物应公正的位置,它应该以一种相关的,有意义的和有趣的方式在视觉上呈现。当然,费用应尽可能低。这些相互冲突的参数决定了建筑项目-简略。
Text description provided by the architects. Early last year the Technische Werke Kaiserslautern started work on the new lay-out for the water distribution network in order to hook up the US-housing area of Team Vogelweh. One of the two new distribution nodes was going to end up at the western city entrance, at the Vogelweh road intersection. The required volume was determined by the technical installations, storage and back-up systems. As it turned out, this volume was fairly substantial, almost too large for the limited space available on the Vogelweh-Kleeblatt. The City of Kaiserslautern and the TWK were well aware that a building, on this prominent location, the very city entrance and the doorstep of the world renowned Team Vogelweh, was going to receive a lot of attention. Therefore the TWK insisted that the project should not look like a bulky, singular unit. If possible, the building should underplay its size; perhaps look like an ensemble of small buildings. Furthermore, the building should do justice to the location and it should be visually present in a relevant, meaningful and interesting way. Naturally the costs should be kept as low as would be realistically possible. These conflicting parameters determined the architectural project-brief.
 © Michael Heinrich
The first clue to a design approach turned out to be the site itself: the building was to be located at a Kleeblatt, a cloverleaf, a road intersection without left turns. That is to say, the building will mostly be seen from moving cars, from a moving point of view. But there was more to the site than immediately meets the eye. Apart from being right next to the US housing area, the other side of the intersection is occupied by the Opel car factory. The American Army and Air Force have been a continuous presence in Kaiserslautern since 1945, and the Opel factory since 1966. Together they provide employment for a large part of the population of the city, and thus, by extension, two determining factors of Kaiserslautern are present at the site. The central idea was to make the building a sculpture to mark the entrance to Kaiserslautern. As a sculpture the building would be able to underplay its true size and purpose. If one seriously intends to hide a building, one is well advised to look at camouflage techniques.
 © Michael Heinrich
In 1909 the famous American naturalist and painter Abbott Handerson Thayer published, together with his son, a book called “Concealing Coloration in the Animal Kingdom”. It was the first scientific inventory of camouflage in nature and an instant bestseller. Since then the military (for obvious reasons) and artists share a keen interest in camouflage, and have been learning from nature and each other. From the early Futurists and Rationalists right up until the present day, architects and artists have applied camouflage patterns. One particular technique of camouflage has always received attention. It goes back to the First World War, to the time before the invention of radar, when range finding and aiming were still done completely visually. In its most extreme forms this type of camouflage was used at sea where it is impossible to hide (for ships, not submarines obviously). It was the next best thing to being invisible. This technique intended to hide the vector of a ship, its exact speed and direction, by breaking up silhouette and form through the use of high contrast colors and patterns. In short, it was camouflage intended for moving objects. This type of camouflage has since become known as dazzle-paint.
 © Molter-Linnemann
事实上,汽车业也采用了这种技术。它是用于道路测试新车模型。事实上,欧宝在凯泽斯劳滕工厂生产了他们的道路试验原型。为了不立即将最新的设计进展透露给竞争对手,对样机进行了精心的伪装。在德国,围绕这一现象形成了一种完整的汽车杂志文化。这些杂志投入了大量的精力,成为第一个展示最新视觉照片的人。这些原型车被称为埃尔金,在德语“Erlk nige”,一个奇怪的名字,有一个有趣的背景。最初,埃尔金是一个神话般的精灵从一个古老的北欧寓言,歌德写了一首相当令人毛骨悚然的诗。这首诗告诉我们,厄尔金是邪恶的力量,捕食我们新出生的孩子。不知怎么的,在一种奇怪的意思倒置中,“Erlk nig”这个词现在已经演变成某种珍贵的东西,必须保护它不被眼睛捕食和偷窃,因此应该被隐藏在视线之外。Erlk nige,原型测试车,运动高度对比条纹和形状,以隐藏在平淡无奇的视线:伪装的本质。在移动的观众的漩涡中,将这些炫目的油漆图案应用于不可移动的物体,隐藏形状和大小,但吸引人们注意它的存在似乎是合适的,而在公共空间中,它可以被认为是一种额外的安全形式。
As a matter of fact, the car industry has also adopted this technique. It is used when road-testing new car models. Indeed Opel partly produces their road test prototypes in the Kaiserslautern plant. In order not to immediately give away the latest design developments to the competition, the prototypes are carefully camouflaged. In Germany a whole culture of car magazines has developed around this phenomenon. The magazines put a tremendous amount of effort into being the first to present pictures of the latest sighting. These prototype cars are called Erlkings, in German “Erlkönige”, a strange name with an interesting background. Originally the Erlking was a mythical sprite from an ancient Nordic fable, around which Goethe composed a rather chilling poem. This poem tells us that the Erlking is force of evil, preying on our newly-borne and children. Somehow, in a strange inversion of meaning, the word Erlkönig nowadays has evolved to indicate something precious that must be protected from preying eyes and theft, and therefore should be hidden from sight. Erlkönige, the prototype test cars, sport high contrasts stripes and shapes in order to hide in plain sight: the essence of camouflage. It seemed somehow fitting to apply these dazzle-paint patterns to an unmovable object in a vortex of moving spectators, hiding shape and size but drawing attention to its presence, which in a public space can be considered an additional form of security.
 © Michael Heinrich
Over the last decades ambitious cities all over the world have used architecture and art as instruments for marketing and branding, sometimes successfully, at other times less so. The creation of identity and meaning through architecture is always difficult. It rarely rings true. If a project does not become a part of the local culture, a part of everyday life, then even the best marketing and branding campaign will simply fail. One might think then that the best strategy is to not loudly state that something is art or architecture. As the French artist Jean Dubuffet said (somewhat freely translated): “art does not sleep in beds especially made for it. It would rather disappear then be put on display: what it does like is to be incognito, its best moments occur when art forgets what it is about.” But funny enough this very artist produced intriguing, playful black and white sculptures, sometimes the size of this building, sometimes even bigger, but always loud, very much visually present. As always in life, it is better to act, to initiate something new than not to act. For this you do not need state-of-the-art expensive building techniques or exclusive materials. With an off-the-shelf industrial product, a few good craftsmen and a bit of creativity it is possible to create a building that hopefully communicates fun and vitality but also represents, in a meaningful way, its surroundings and context.
 © Michael Heinrich
One of the big cultural debates in contemporary Germany (which of course also includes architecture) revolves around the notion of authenticity. This is not surprising: in Germany approximately 50 percent of all buildings had to be rebuilt after WWII. In the big cities this percentage was considerably higher. In the immediate post-war period an incredible amount of buildings were erected in a very short time, most of them built cheaply and in a boring, repetitive modernist style (not withstanding beautiful exceptions of course). All in all this has resulted in a latent aversion for anything looking modern, or even different. Surely, it is to be expected that a lively debate will develop around this project. It will have champions and opponents. But if this happens, this building will find in a very natural way its place and acceptance in the life of the people living in Kaiserslautern and hopefully it will remind them of the things that make up this city. As a landmark it will then develop its own authenticity and it also will come to reflect and represent the tight knit bond between the City of Kaiserslautern and its US-partners.





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