Study Center in Tacloban Workshop
2012-10-28 01:00
架构师提供的文本描述。2010年秋季,伊瓦尔·图图伦、Trond Hegvold和Alexander E.Furunes(当时在挪威NTNU大学的学生)与当地一个非政府组织/NPO街灯合作发起并建立了一个研究中心。该组织与塔克洛班市海堤贫民窟社区合作,帮助他们的孩子离开街头进入学校。我们最初的项目目标是将建筑过程作为一种工具,使父母能够改善自己孩子的学习条件。通过一系列的研讨会,游戏和现场测试,我们一起工作-使用建筑作为交流激情和知识的平台。作为建筑师,这是一次美丽的经历,看到母亲们如何负责学校内部的设计和建造,而父亲则被雇用来建造这座建筑本身。许多父亲是在当地水泥厂工作的不熟练的临时工,学习中心建成后,培训他们的建筑技能,扩大了他们的就业机会。这个项目不仅是关于一个学习中心的建设,而且是一个社区的建设。
Text description provided by the architects. During the autumn 2010 Ivar Tutturen, Trond Hegvold and Alexander E. Furunes (students at the university NTNU in Norway at the time) initiated and built a study center in collaboration with a local NGO/NPO Streetlight. This organization works with the community of the seawall slum in the city of Tacloban to help their children off the street and into school. Our initial aim for the project was to use the architectural process as a tool to empower the parents to improve the learning conditions for their own children. Through a series of workshops, games and testing on site we worked together - using architecture as a platform for exchange of passion and knowledge. As architects it was a beautiful experience seeing how the mothers took responsibility for designing and building the interior of the school, while the fathers were employed to construct the building itself. Many of the fathers were unskilled day laborers working in the local cement factory; training them in construction skills broadened their employment opportunities after the study center was completed. The project became not only about the building of a study center, but the building a community.
“巴亚尼汉”是一种皮利皮诺态度,指的是集体团结的精神或为实现某一特定目标而作出的努力:每个人都感受到统一、参与和合作的精神。这成为我们在塔克洛班项目的核心价值,在这个过程中,每个人都参与-从构思到完成。当我们三人离开菲律宾的时候,我们正在进行建筑过程的一半。从那时起,父母在街灯的支持下,承担起为自己的孩子完成学业的全部责任。对于孩子们来说,这栋建筑现在已经成为他们父母关心他们和他们未来的一种表现。在与Nerren Hmeres(街灯护士)密切合作,开发有家长参与的工作坊和游戏之后,她延续了与母亲团聚的传统。
“Bayanihan” is a Pilipino attitude that refers to a spirit of communal unity or effort to achieve a particular objective: where everyone feels the spirit of oneness, participation and cooperation. This became the core value of our project in Tacloban, during which everyone was involved throughout the process – from conception to completion. At the point when the three of us left the Philippines, we were halfway through the building process. From this point on the mothers and fathers, with the support of Streetlight, took on the full responsibility of completing the school for their own children. For the children, the building has now become a manifestation of their parents care about them and their future. Having worked closely with Nerren Homeres (Streetlight nurse) to develop the workshops and games involving the parents, she has since continued this tradition of coming together with the mothers & fathers to collaborate in helping their children in their education.
All materials and construction methods for the building were sourced from the surrounding area to help strengthen local businesses, knowledge and crafts. We have since continued this way of working, through the establishment of a design studio called WORKSHOP. We are currently living in Northern India where we are collaborating with a local charity and the community, to build a new kindergarten for an existing school in Dehradun.
What we wanted to achieve was a charged space for the people that use the building. This is why we involved the mothers, fathers and children in the process. This space is created by them and evolves with them. The aim was to develop a space for social awareness and a belief for the future, and by the end of the process the building became a symbol of change manifested through the effort and love of the parents for their children.
”Now that the study center is finished, it looks different from the other building here in Tacloban. All of us mothers are saying that it is beautiful with the natural materials that were used. The fresh air from the ocean is nice and the place is huge and clean. All our effort, hard work and time we spent for this project are worth it! We were playing, enjoying, making drawing and having fun during the workshops, and now we saw the results of all that we did. The drawings we made is now a building..” - quote from one of the mothers.
在前往菲律宾之前,我们成立了一个非营利性组织,studioTACLOBAN(现称为工作坊),为该项目筹集资金。建筑材料的费用约为3万公里。讲习班的工资和钱又是3万克朗。该项目由Aplan Viak、Eidsberg Sparebank、Gjen-dige Brannkass Rakkestad、Gjen-dige Brannkass Eidsberg、Per Knudsen Arkitekter、Rojo Arkitekter、Sparebank 1 SMN赞助。
Before traveling to Philippines we established a non-profit organization, studioTACLOBAN (now called WORKSHOP), to collect money for the project. The cost of building materials was approximately 30 000kr. Salaries and money for the workshops was another 30 000kr. The project was sponsored by Aplan Viak, Eidsberg Sparebank, Gjensidige Brannkasse Rakkestad, Gjensidige Brannkasse Eidsberg, Per Knudsen Arkitekter, Rojo Arkitekter, Sparebank 1 SMN & Øystein Thommesen.