Christ Resurrection Church Cino Zucchi Architetti + Zucchi - Partners

2012-11-19 00:00
Text description provided by the architects. The context (an industrial suburb of Milan) and the existing building to be replaced (a warehouse converted church-hall built by a group of worker priest in the 1960s) generated a formally restrained project, which tackles the difficult subject of a contemporary house of worship without indulging in structural exhibitionism or in the search for figurative freedom.
 Courtesy of Cino Zucchi Architetti
Cino Zuchi Architetti提供
The specifications requested by the competition brief and the limitations imposed by the existing building and open spaces led to the configuration of a necessarily compact spatial solution, which had to respect its site. The project aims to maximise the relationship between the churchyard and the city and with its garden and sports field. The volume of the church and of the adjacent rooms is hollowed out in such a way as to create a covered reception area for the community towards the street to the south and on the west towards the hedges that line the football field. The existing sports field around the back retains its shape and size. The street façade, steeple, new street-front fence and auxiliary elements make up the concave profile that ‘embraces’ the churchyard, exploiting the long diagonal view of the façade from the city.
 Courtesy of Cino Zucchi Architetti
Cino Zuchi Architetti提供
从维格瓦诺(Vigevano)胡安·卡拉穆埃尔(Juan Caramuel)教堂的门面(著名的“阿尔克特图拉民间建筑”的作者)到米兰保罗·乔维奥(Paolo Giovio)的吉奥·庞蒂(Gio Ponti)教堂,前面的Via Pisa完美地反映了“风帆式”正面的悠久传统。新的前沿占据了附近演讲的屋檐线,两侧之间的凹角在入口上方形成了一个遮蔽区域,并形成了新的教堂墓地空间。
The front onto Via Pisa perfectly reflects the long tradition of “sail-style” facades, from the seventeenth century façade of Juan Caramuel’s church in Vigevano (author of the renouned “Arquitectura civil recta y obliqua”) to Gio Ponti’s church in Via Paolo Giovio in Milan. The new front takes the thread of the eaves of the nearby oratory; the concave angle between the two sides creates a sheltered area above the entrance and gives shape to the new churchyard space.
 Courtesy of Cino Zucchi Architetti
Cino Zuchi Architetti提供
Surrounding the main volume of the church-hall a lower body covered with a pitched roof houses the spaces destined to the social life of the parish complex: priest’s offices, meeting rooms, the sacristy and the atrium to a large underground event room in correspondence to the liturgical hall. If the general layout of the spaces is entirely traditional, an accurate determination of areas of relevance, the proportions of the rooms, lighting, the simple design of the liturgical space and furnishings express the search for a welcoming space for a contemporary Christian community, where contemplation and activity in the world, daily life and a sense of the sacred are not separate moments, but aspects of a unified feeling. The layout of the new environments which form the parish complex aims to maximise their relationship with its open spaces, opening them up to moments of togetherness which constitute a key element of its life.
 Courtesy of Cino Zucchi Architetti
Cino Zuchi Architetti提供
这个礼拜场所的内部空间是和平的,神秘的,但不是戏剧的,日常的,但不是平淡的。它的建筑是对历史教堂的两种主要类型学范式的当代诠释:纵向的单一大厅,以长老为中心的轴心,以及聚集在祭坛周围的中央或椭圆形的计划。在许多变体中,这两种空间形式经常结合在许多历史的例子中,从布鲁内尔斯基的帕齐教堂到维格诺拉的Via Faminia的S.Andrea-在那里,圆形或椭圆形的穹顶设置在一个简单的矩形卷上-直到瓜里尼的几个晚期巴洛克式的例子。室内建筑还与两个相反的比喻矩阵产生了共鸣:方济会和多米尼加教堂,未装饰的带有暴露屋顶结构的大厅,以及反改革时期壁画教堂的包围穹顶。
The interior space of this place of worship is meant to be peaceful, mystical but not theatrical, daily but not prosaic. Its architecture is a contemporary interpretation of the two major typological paradigms of historic churches: the longitudinal single hall, with an axis centred on the presbytery, and the central or oval plan gathered around the altar. In their many variations these two spatial forms are often combined in many historical examples, from the Pazzi Chapel by Brunelleschi, S. Andrea on the Via Flaminia by Vignola - where a circular or elliptical dome is set on a simple rectangular volume - up to several late baroque examples by Guarini. The architecture of the interior resonates also with two opposite figurative matrices: the Franciscan and Dominican churches, undecorated halls with exposed roof structures, and the enveloping domes of the frescoed churches of the counter-Reformation.
 Courtesy of Cino Zucchi Architetti
Cino Zuchi Architetti提供
Between the churchyard and the interior hall there is a lower transverse space, which serves as a vestibule as well as being the home of the baptismal font, whose location opposite to the altar harks back to the position it occupied in ancient times.
 Courtesy of Cino Zucchi Architetti
Cino Zuchi Architetti提供
The ceiling of the church hall features the rhythmical alignment of thick transverse ribs that contain the skylights. Two white stucco “sails” or “wings” – branch out from the walls to generate a spatial embrace; a large skylight on the back wall carries daylight over the presbytery from the north. The outer facades are faced with an array of vertical slabs of equal dimension but different materials: white Trani stone, Grey Serena stone, oxidized zinc sheets, silkscreened glass. Their rhythm, position and quantity changes according to sun orientation, quality of internal spaces and relationship with the urban setting, generating a bi-dimensional decorative pattern which acts as a finer texture in respect to the bolder volumetric statement.
 Courtesy of Cino Zucchi Architetti
Cino Zuchi Architetti提供
即使计划中的神圣家具和法国艺术家Hélène Delprat的艺术作品尚未完成,教堂也已被社区完全采纳,该社区以各种私人和公共时尚使用其房舍,这证实了该设计适合于当代神圣空间的成功。
Even if the planned sacred furniture and the artwork by the French artist Hélène Delprat are not yet completed, the church has been fully adopted by the community which uses its premises in a variety of private and public fashions, confirming the success of the design moves apt for a contemporary sacred space.
 Courtesy of Cino Zucchi Architetti
Cino Zuchi Architetti提供





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