Hornsbergs Strandpark Nyréns Arkitektkontor
2012-12-05 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。Hornsbergs StrandPark是瑞典风景奖的获奖者:Sienapriset,2012。Hornsbergs StrandPark是水和陆地在弯曲的海岸线和现代设计中相遇的地方,圆形的有机形状和干净的线条。
Text description provided by the architects. Hornsbergs Strandpark is the winner of the Swedish landscape award: Sienapriset 2012. Hornsbergs strandpark is where water and land meets in a curvy shoreline and contemporary design, round organic shape and clean lines.
Hornsbergs StrandPark正向西面对着Ulvsundasj n和黄昏的太阳。滨水区和三个长长的浮码头给游客一种漂浮在水面上的光的感觉。尤其是在炎热的夏季下午,公园变成了周围居民的绿洲,用来烧烤和游泳。公园里有几个非正式的休息区和一个淋浴间,里面有一个高高的水箱,可以让慢跑者在阳光下取暖。
Hornsbergs Strandpark is facing west to Ulvsundasjön and the evening sun. The waterfront and the three long floating piers gives the visitor a feeling of floating into the light over the water. This is present particularly in hot summer afternoons when the park becomes an oasis for the surrounding residents and used for grilling and swimming. The park features several informal seating areas and a shower with a high seated tank for water heated by the sun that can be used by joggers.
Hornsbergs Strandpark is used as a living room for all residents and visitors of Kungsholmen.
The plants used at Hornsbergs strandpark are all, with one exception, exotic without being gardened. The trees are located in dense groups including one species each. There are open spaces that holds different functions and events in the intervals between the various tree populations. The edge towards the water is built of sheet pile bonded to the surface with the help of a large concrete crown that spans into the solid rock.
The park is over 700 meters long and consists of four parts. To the west lies a jetty for sunbathing with wooden docks jutting into the lake in different lengths. East of it is Kajparterren formed as a contrast to the organic Strandparken. It is a slightly raised horizontal disc slightly leaning towards the water. Far to the east is an existing part that has been renovated to be more accessible.
该项目还包括Moa Martinson广场。关于拟议的广场设计,Nyréns侧重于在Ulvsundasj n边缘有一个小点的空间情况,以及与提交人Moa Martinson的艺术装饰联系。由于正方形的表面是为了提供进入建筑物的通道,所以它与街道形成了一个水平的差异。水平上的差别是由墙壁和楼梯组成的,两者都可以坐在上面。通往广场的楼梯,斜向外向湖,前景是Kajparterren。温暖的黄昏太阳也朝同一个方向落下。艺术装饰由巨大的花岗岩板组成,上面刻有莫阿·马丁森(MoaMartinson)书籍的引文。作者对题材的选择激发了从楼梯上爆发出来的紫丁香乔木的风格化。紫丁香乔木象征着一种与这个新的城市环境形成鲜明对比的乡土气息。
The project also includes the Moa Martinson square. For the proposed square design, Nyréns have focused on the spatial situation with a small spot at the edge of Ulvsundasjön and on the artistic adornment associations with the author Moa Martinson. Since the square surface is raised to provide access to the buildings it forms a difference of level with the street. The difference in level consists of a wall and staircase both possible to sit on. The stairs open to the square that is turned diagonally out to the lake with Kajparterren in the foreground. The warm evening sun falls into the same direction. The artistic decoration consists of large granite slabs that houses engraved quotations from the books of Moa Martinson. The author's choice of subject matter has inspired the stylized lilac arbor that breaks forth from the stairs. Lilac arbor symbolizes a homey, rustic appearance that stands in sharp contrast to this new urban environment.