Güiro Art Bar Los Carpinteros + Absolut Art Bureau

2012-12-21 01:00
Absolut Art Bureau and Art Basel Conversations
对于第11版的巴塞尔迈阿密海滩艺术(2012年12月6日至9日),绝对艺术局将继续作为艺术巴塞尔的第一年的协理赞助商,对艺术的近30年的承诺。作为其使命的核心,绝对艺术局是巴塞尔艺术对话的展示伙伴之一,也是它在迈阿密的众多参与活动之一。“巴塞尔艺术对话”是一个生动的论坛,节目内容从艺术家分享他们的创作实践,到全球艺术界的舆论领袖,包括博物馆馆长、收藏家、画廊主任和评论家齐聚一堂,讨论当今全球艺术市场和更广泛的艺术界的一些最重要的问题。除了倡导在巴塞尔迈阿密海滩艺术展上进行辩论的物理平台之外,绝对艺术局还将通过一个增强的数字平台来提供这些世界级的讨论。有关巴塞尔艺术对话的高质量视频可在以下网站观看:http:/www.antitartbriau.com和www.art basel.com。
For the 11th edition of Art Basel Miami Beach (6 – 9 December 2012), Absolut Art Bureau will continue Absolut’s nearly 30-year commitment to the arts as a first-year Associate Sponsor of Art Basel. Holding discourse and the sharing of ideas as central to its mission, Absolut Art Bureau is the Presenting Partner of Art Basel Conversations as one of its many involvements in Miami during Art Basel’s prestigious show. Art Basel Conversations is a lively forum with programming ranging from artists sharing insight into their creative practices, to global art world opinion leaders including museum directors, curators, collectors, gallery directors and critics gathering to discuss some of today’s most important issues in the global art market and wider art community. In addition to championing a physical platform for debate during Art Basel Miami Beach, Absolut Art Bureau will make these world-class discussions accessible through an enhanced digital platform. High quality videos of Art Basel Conversations will be available for viewing at www.absolutartbureau.com and www.artbasel.com
 © Roberto Chamorro, Courtesy of Sean Kelly Gallery
“绝对艺术局是巴塞尔艺术界的一个很好的合作伙伴。他们对巴塞尔艺术对话的支持帮助我们与更广泛的全球观众分享艺术世界的想法。我们真的很期待看到洛斯卡潘特罗斯在大洋边看到他们的Güiro。“Marc Spiegler,巴塞尔艺术部主任
“Absolut Art Bureau is a great partner for Art Basel. Their support for Art Basel Conversations helps us share artworld ideas to a wider global audience. And we’re really looking forward to seeing their Güiro by Los Carpinteros on the Oceanfront.” Marc Spiegler, Director, Art Basel
Güiro: An Art Bar Installation by Los Carpinteros
在户外继续对话,绝对艺术局将介绍居伊罗。继去年6月杰里米·肖(Jeremy Shaw)在巴塞尔举行的巴塞尔艺术展上的基利安酒吧(Kirlianat Art Basel)获得成功后,绝对艺术局今年将与出生在古巴的马可·卡斯蒂略(Marco Castillo)和艺术家团体达戈贝托·罗德里格斯(Dagoberto Rodriguez)合作,展示一个被设想为Gesamtkunstwerk的艺术酒吧设施。居伊罗将位于海洋前沿,是巴塞尔艺术馆在过去10年规划的与艺术相关的活动的所在地,旁边是迈阿密艺术巴塞尔海滩艺术馆,在柯林斯公园展出户外作品和表演。
Continuing the conversation outdoors, Absolut Art Bureau will present Güiro. Following the success of Jeremy Shaw’s bar The Kirlian at Art Basel in Basel last June, Absolut Art Bureau will collaborate this year with the Cuban-born, Madrid-based Marco Castillo and Dagoberto Rodriguez, the artist collective known as Los Carpinteros, to present an art bar installation conceived as Gesamtkunstwerk. Güiro will be located on the Oceanfront, home to art-related activities programmed by Art Basel for the past 10 years, and flanked by Art Basel Miami Beach’s Art Public featuring outdoor works and performances in Collins Park.
los carpinteros的大型建筑借鉴了一个露天艺术酒吧的概念,它是由古巴前哥伦比亚人Taíno居民发明的一种古巴无处不在的打击乐器,由干燥的硬壳热带水果制成。它也是古巴俚语中用来表示聚会的词。椭圆形,板条结构将从内部照明,以强调其网格设计。它的长方形开口将作为座位为游客,而中心将被一个圆形酒吧与绝对鸡尾酒。书架将存放艺术家挑选的书籍、瓶子和随机物品。Güiro将伴随一个现场音乐、表演和活动的策划节目,以体验所有感官的沉浸体验。杰出的马洛坎作曲家琼·瓦伦特(JoanValent)构思了一个特别的音乐节目,突出了Güiro乐器的声音,让参观者感受到视觉艺术家在各个方面的创作背后的灵感。
Los Carpinteros’ large-scale construction draws on the concept of an open-air art bar inspired by the güiro, the ubiquitous Cuban percussion instrument made from a dried hard- shell, tropical fruit, invented by the pre-Colombian Taíno inhabitants of Cuba. It is also the word used in Cuban slang to connote a party. Oval in shape, the slatted structure will be lit from within to emphasize its gridded design. Its rectangular openings will function as seating for visitors, while the center will be occupied by a round bar complete with Absolut cocktails. The shelves will store a selection of books, bottles, and random objects selected by the artists. Güiro will be accompanied by a curated program of live music, performances and activities for an immersive experience of all senses. Distinguished Mallorcan composer Joan Valent has conceived a special program of music highlighting the sounds of the güiro instrument to give visitors a sense of the inspiration behind the visual artists’ creation on all fronts.
除了功利主义功能和音乐参考之外,居伊罗还扩展了洛斯卡潘特奥斯最近的一部作品,这些作品从泛光监狱的建筑语言中塑造了公民空间。在18世纪,英国哲学家杰里米·边沁(JeremyBentham)发展了这座泛光监狱的独特的圆形结构,并允许一名中央守卫监视周边地区的无数囚犯。这个系列的最新例子是Sala de lectura Ovalada(2011)-一个没有书籍的10英尺高的阅览室-2011年春天在纽约的肖恩凯利画廊展出。
In addition to its utilitarian function and musical references, Güiro expands on a body of recent work by Los Carpinteros which fashion civic spaces from the architectural language of panopticon prisons. The distinct circular configuration of the panopticon prison was developed in the 18th century by the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham and allowed a centrally placed guard to watch numerous prisoners placed along the perimeter. The most recent example of this series by Los Carpinteros was Sala de Lectura Ovalada (2011) – a ten-foot high reading room devoid of books – on view at Sean Kelly Gallery in New York in the spring of 2011.
 © Roberto Chamorro, Courtesy of Sean Kelly Gallery
“We’re delighted to work with Art Basel to reach new audiences and create opportunities to exchange ideas about art. We’re no less excited to continue our series of art bars, working this time with Los Carpinteros. The artists have produced some of the most memorable and critically acclaimed work to emerge from Cuba recently. Güiro on the Oceanfront will be a magnet for conviviality during the show, where people can come together to relax and share their art experiences – in an environment that is itself a work of art.” Vadim Grigorian, Global Project Leader, Absolut Art Bureau





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