FRMP publication material A E I O U arquitectos

2013-01-02 00:00
Text description provided by the architects. The building, of slender proportions, is located in one of the most beautiful corners of the city of Valladolid due largely to the most beautiful bridge that crosses the river Pisuerga. The plot is located at the end of a big park and marks, somehow, the end and the beginning of the city. The experience of the building starts on the outside, with its approach and its access and ends in an interior flooded with views over the river Pisuerga and the city of Valladolid.
 © José Antonio Lozano García - Marcos Cortes Lerín
c.JoséAntonio Lozano García-Marcos Cortes lerín
当一个人接近普拉多大道时,西面的高地已经在城市的天际线上脱颖而出:一堵概念清晰的混凝土墙。萨拉曼卡大街的喧闹交通活动是由这张盲目的画布引起的,这张画布提供了巨大的无声回应。外墙的清洁受到建筑物首字母[FRMP]的渗透而中断,从远处看,大楼的功能是:[Castilla y León]市和省区域联合会总部。这个混凝土屏风耸立在一个城市空间的前面,它表达了情节的角落状况,以及在穿越老桥的河流之前(普恩特·科甘特)。
As one approaches the Monasterio del Prado Avenue the west elevation already stands out in the city skyline: a concrete wall with an enormous conceptual clarity. The noisy traffic activity of the Salamanca Avenue is responded to by this blind canvas which offers a massive silent response. The cleanness of the facade is interrupted by the penetration of the building’s initials [FRMP]which already, from a distance, indicatebuilding’s function: the headquarters of the Regional Federation of Municipalities and Provinces [of Castilla y León]. This concrete screen rises up in front of an urban space which articulates the plot’s corner condition as well as it precedes the river crossing through the old bridge [Puente Colgante].
 © José Antonio Lozano García - Marcos Cortes Lerín
c.JoséAntonio Lozano García-Marcos Cortes lerín
通往大楼的通道是通过一架倾斜飞机进行的,它迫使人们离开城市广场,使之回到萨拉曼卡广场无情的交通中。这架倾斜的飞机以现代马赛克的形式出现,参会城市的所有名字都刻在人行道上,显示了总部所有成员的存在。因此,进入成为整个地区的步行,一个镇,一个省,直到代表他们的机构的首字母。由白色混凝土建造的缩写FRMP,为进入城市大厅提供了框架,该大厅在皮苏尔加河(Pisuerga River)上变成了一个视点。“M”成为这座建筑的入口,象征着卡斯蒂拉和莱昂所有市镇的存在。
The access to the building is done through an incliningplane that forces to leave behind the urban plaza and to turn ones back on the relentless traffic of the Salamanca Avenue.The sloping plane presents itself as a modern mosaic in which all the names of the participating municipalities are carved in the pavement showing the presence of all members of the headquarters. The access, therefore, becomes a walk through the entire region, town by town, province by province up to the institution’s initialsthat represent them. The acronym FRMP, built of white concrete, frames the access to an urban lobby which is turned into a viewpoint over the Pisuerga River. The 'M' becomes the entrance to the building as a symbol of the presence of all municipalities of Castilla y León.
 © José Antonio Lozano García - Marcos Cortes Lerín
c.JoséAntonio Lozano García-Marcos Cortes lerín
The vertical ascent is done inside a clock. The clockis also a glass panoramic elevator and allows the building to establish a visual communication between people who use it and the ones who cross the river over the Puente Colgante. A trip inside time that not only refers to the symbolism of the clock in the traditional image of public buildings but also becomes a living tribute to the relationship between time and motion described in Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity.
 © José Antonio Lozano García - Marcos Cortes Lerín
c.JoséAntonio Lozano García-Marcos Cortes lerín
The three remaining elevations are designed to capture as much natural light as possible in order to create an illuminated working space.One can perceive in the inside, thanks to the concrete canvas, a subtle silence that becomes the soundtrack of a space flooded with light and wrapped in transparent shadows and reflections of the building, the city, the river and the suspension bridge. All these reflections and transparencies form a visual collage and allow workers to make eye contact between theirworking space and the privileged urban environment in which the building is located. This façade is perforated by four glass patioswhich create a closer relationship between the workers and the Pisuerga River.
 © José Antonio Lozano García - Marcos Cortes Lerín
c.JoséAntonio Lozano García-Marcos Cortes lerín
The building not only resolves this delicate corner of the urban tissue but also, from its design to its materialization,it ‘stitches’ the natural artery of thePisuergaRiver and the artificial artery of the Salamanca Avenue. The response of these two antagonistsis best seen in the design of the elevations. The institution is represented not only by the presence of the building but also through the transparency of the glass façade and the cleanness of the concrete one. The choice of the materials only reinforces the idea of creating a building which derives in a suitable work space.





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