Vilamarina Building Batlle i Roig Arquitectes

2013-01-11 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。Viladecans镇位于巴塞罗纳省的拜克斯勒洛雷加特县。它最初站在巴塞罗那公路上,现在是C-245号,与海岸线平行行驶,并将拉洛雷加特三角洲左侧的城镇与沿边的城镇联系起来,直到20世纪50年代,它一直沿着直线发展,目的是将市中心与C-245公路附近城镇的城镇连接起来。20世纪60年代以后的人口爆炸和大规模工业用地的种植改变了这一趋势,导致了快速增长。然而,由于地理和结构条件的限制,地形、山腰、海边、主要基础设施(高速公路和铁路)的布局以及Riera de Sant Climent水道的存在阻碍了扩张。
Text description provided by the architects. The town of Viladecans is situated in the county of Baix Llobregat, in Barcelona province. Originally standing on the Barcelona road, now the C-245, running parallel to the coastline and communicating the towns on the left of the Llobregat delta with those along its edge, it followed a linear development until the 1950s, with the aim of connecting the town centre with those of nearby towns along the C-245. The population explosion of the 1960s and after, and the implantation of large industrial sites modified this tendency, leading to rapid growth. However, expansion was hampered by the geographical and structural conditions of the setting, on the mountain side by the relief, on the sea side by the layouts of major infrastructures (motorway and railway) and eastwards by the presence of the Riera de Sant Climent watercourse.
 © José Hevia
水道阻碍了Viladecans的扩张,就像Lloregat三角洲左面和顶部的大多数城镇(Sant Vicen ge、Santa Coloma de Cervelló、Sant Boi、Gavà、Castelldefels等),这些城镇历史上一直背弃它们,把它们变成露天下水道,排水废水和堆积如山的瓦砾。然而,就维拉德坎而言,1990年代末和21世纪初的人口增长使该镇重新考虑了架设水道的必要性,这将不得不相应地重新考虑其在城市中的作用。因此,维拉德肯人将水道视为向东发展的轴心,并将其作为向南扩展的主要线索。我们的规划建议是在市区内设立一个公园系统,利用在占领本港过程中所产生的空位。这些空旷的空间沿着水道蜿蜒而行,成为镇上新的开放空间,为行人提供了一个以前无法想象的连续体。
Watercourses have hampered the expansion of Viladecans, like most of the towns to the left and around the top of the Llobregat delta (Sant Vicenç, Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Sant Boi, Gavà, Castelldefels, etc.), which has historically turned its back on them to the point of converting them into open sewers into which wastewater was drained and rubble piled up. However, in the case of Viladecans, the demographic growth of the late 1990s and early 2000s led the town to rethink the need to bridge the watercourse, which would have to reconsider its role within the town accordingly. Viladecans therefore took the watercourse as its axis of growth towards the east and as the leading thread of its expansion southwards. Our planning proposal set out to create a system of parks within the town, using empty spaces that had been generated in the process of occupation of the territory. These empty spaces, threaded along the watercourse, became the town’s new open spaces and provided a continuum for pedestrians that had previously been unthinkable. 
 © José Hevia
该项目的基础是将水道解释为通过城镇连接农业公园和山腰的天然走廊,创建了一个城市公园,并尽可能地将开阔的河段合并起来,恢复当地的植被,并将覆盖的部分变成林荫大道。基于生态走廊的理念,公园被设计成沿着小径和自行车道的一系列不同河流物种的树木。特别注意纠正河道,以改善水量的季节性变化,消除不可预见的洪水风险,并在水道上种植了土著物种。整体布局提供了一个新的南北城市轴线,并通过创造尊重公园连续性的新路径,将城市的巩固部分与新的东向增长连接起来。在Riera de Sant Climent的最后一段城市,在古老的C-245公路和高速公路(该镇与农业公园的界限)之间,Viladecans有机会开发一条与高速公路平行的大片土地。这一发展统一了水道周围公共绿地的储备,突出了两个开发部门:西部是一个住宅、商业和第三产业区,东部是一个新的工业和技术发展部门。
The general project was based on an interpretation of the watercourse as a natural corridor that connects the agricultural park and the mountainside via the town, creating an urban park and incorporating the open stretches wherever possible, recovering the native vegetation and turning the covered parts into tree-lined walks. Based on the idea of an ecological corridor, the park was designed as a succession of rows of trees of different riverine species along the paths and cycle tracks. Particular attention was paid to correcting the course of the stream to improve seasonal changes in volume and eliminate the risk of unforeseen flooding, and the watercourse was planted with native species. The overall arrangement presents a new north-south urban axis and connects the consolidated part of the town with new eastward growth by creating new paths that respect the continuity of the park. In the final urban stretch of the Riera de Sant Climent, between the old C-245 road and the motorway, the town’s limit with the agricultural park, Viladecans had the opportunity to develop an extensive strip of land parallel to the motorway. The development unified the reserves of public green space around the watercourse and highlighted two sectors for development: to the west, a residential, commercial and tertiary area, and, to the east, a sector of new industrial and technological development.
 © José Hevia
The Parc de la Marina emerged as the culmination of the green corridor of the Riera de Sant Climent. The watercourse runs uncovered through the park, generating basins to the sides which, in the event of an increase in volume of flow, provide temporary flood control. The system of trees and paths to the north opens out and infiltrates the park, organizing a variety of routes. There are two types of paths: one at the general ground level and one that adapts to changes of topography or the construction of walkways, either climbing or crossing the watercourse or adjacent streets. These changes in topography in the form of dunes serve to create different areas to house the park’s various uses: a natural amphitheatre, a showground, a children’s playground, an aromatic garden, pinewoods and picnic areas. 
 © José Hevia
该公园还旨在建立一个可持续的水力系统,收集和输送雨水,并提供灌溉系统。径流是由一个宽管道系统收集的,尽管它的坡度很小,但它会将水输送到计划中的防洪区域,远离一般的下水道。这样做的目的是促进雨水最大限度地渗透到底土中,以便作为自然灌溉再利用。公园的一般灌溉网络的设计是为了使用最少的资源,以达到最大的性能。整个公园,包括大片的草地,都是用滴水系统浇水的,它可以让地面吸收水分,减少耗水量,并利用废水和地下水,同时又不妨碍其使用。最后,我们致力于住宅、商业和第三产业地区的设计和建设,该地区位于滨海湾公园以西。维拉马里纳区位于阿文古达德国人加布里埃里斯特街(公园旁的街道)和Carretera de la Vila公路之间,后者与维拉德坎中心与高速公路旁的新火车站相连。
The park also aims to generate a sustainable hydraulic system that collects and channels rainwater and provides an irrigation system. Runoff is collected by a system of broad conduits which, despite their gently sloping gradient, channel the water to the planned flood control areas and away from the general sewerage. The idea is to facilitate maximum infiltration of rainwater to the subsoil for reuse as natural irrigation. The park’s general irrigation network is designed to use minimum resources to achieve maximum performance. The whole park, including the expanses of grass, is watered using a drip system that allows the ground to absorb water, reducing consumption and using wastewater and groundwater, without interrupting its use. Finally, we worked on the design and construction of the residential, commercial and tertiary area situated to the west of the Parc de la Marina. The Vilamarina sector is situated between Avinguda Germans Gabrielistes, the street that borders the park, and the Carretera de la Vila road, which communicates the centre of Viladecans with the new railway station situated beside the motorway. 
 © José Hevia
Faced with the criteria of low-density development, zoning and diversity of image that tend to characterize this type of intervention, our proposal sought to construct an urban sector with high density, concentrated uses and, above all, a structural and formal unity that would make the intervention a point of reference. The objective was to strengthen the link between the centre of Viladecans and the railway station by means of the commercial continuity of the streets that relate the two points, the continuum of residential fabric and the force of a recognisable architectural image.
 © José Hevia
这座建筑的设计有一个三层的大棱柱基础,占据了整个建筑。主要的商业底层位于Avinguda德国加布里埃里斯特的住宅入口和商店周围,设想这是一条很好的步行通道,有权将整个公园和城镇与车站联系起来。相反,购物中心位于Carretera de la Vila路附近。购物中心或中轴线的布局与街道平行,其主要入口在两端,通往火车站和市中心,并充当一条连接维拉迪坎和其车站的通道。
The building was designed with a great prismatic base of three storeys that occupied the entire site. The primarily commercial ground floor is laid out around the shop and entrance to the dwellings on Avinguda Germans Gabrielistes, which was envisaged as a great pedestrian thoroughfare with the power to relate the whole with the park and the town with the station. The shopping centre, conversely, was situated adjacent to the Carretera de la Vila road. The mall or central axis was laid out parallel to the street with its main entrances at either end, leading to the railway station and the town centre, and acting as a passage that communicates Viladecans and its station.
 © José Hevia
The 320 dwellings are distributed in ten blocks of 12 storeys, interrelated on the first and second floors by a strip of duplex apartments over the shop on the avenue, with the aim of bringing new life to the street and revitalizing the front overlooking the park. The dwellings in the tower blocks (three per landing) are laid out facing east and west, prioritizing views of the park over the south-facing orientation with views of the agricultural park in the delta. The guiding idea of unifying the whole led us to use just two materials in the façade, for both the commercial base and the tower blocks. We chose a very bright, glazed white brick for the blind walls and dark porcelain stoneware for the west-facing façade with its horizontal strip windows and the east façade with its French windows overlooking the park. The complex functions as a neighbourhood with all the necessary facilities and services, at the same time joining up with the old town of Viladecans, continuing the town’s growth towards the new transport systems.





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