Rijksmuseum Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos

2013-04-10 00:00
 © Jannes Linders
.Jannes Linders
架构师提供的文本描述。经过欧洲招标后,西班牙塞维利亚建筑师Cruz y Ortiz ArquArchtos被由政府首席建筑师Jo Coenen主持的一个委员会选出,负责领导Rijksmum博物馆的改造工作。克鲁兹·y·奥尔蒂斯建议对大楼本身进行最小程度的改造。这家公司重新设计了博物馆最初的建筑师皮埃尔·凯珀斯(PierreCuypers)构想的清晰布局,剥去了后来增加的建筑,以确保它再次成为一个连贯的整体。这一结果使19世纪的建筑变成了一座明亮而宽敞的21世纪博物馆。新的国立博物馆有一个令人印象深刻的新入口区域;一个新的亚洲展馆;一个新的室外展览空间和花园;最先进的设施,包括新的餐厅、一家商店、一个经过修复的图书馆和礼堂;更新的教育设施、一个新的服务入口、一个单独的建筑来保存藏品;以及符合当今要求的气候控制和安全功能。还恢复了他们以前的荣耀是高天花板,宽敞,19世纪后期画廊。按照计划,在可能的情况下,装饰墙壁和天花板的纪念性装饰将归还给荣誉画廊、大厅、夜视厅和楼梯井。库珀斯的标志最好保存在图书馆,那里的原始设计和装饰品已经得到了很大程度的维护。法国室内设计师让-米歇尔威尔莫特,他的作品为卢浮宫赢得了国际赞誉,被邀请为改造后的里克斯姆博物馆设计室内设计。他为画廊创造了所有的展示元素,以补充修复后的19世纪博物馆,包括展示柜、底座、照明和家具。在与克鲁兹·y·奥尔蒂斯协商后,威尔莫特还确定了室内配色方案,这是受皮埃尔·奎珀斯为这栋建筑设计的调色板的启发。
Text description provided by the architects. Following a European tender process, Spanish architects Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos of Seville were chosen by a committee chaired by the chief government architect Jo Coenen to lead the transformation of the Rijksmuseum. Cruz y Ortiz proposed minimal alterations to the building itself. The firm has recreated the clear layout conceived by the museum’s original architect, Pierre Cuypers, stripping the building of its later additions to ensure that it is once again a coherent whole. The result transforms the 19th century building into a bright and spacious 21st century museum. The new Rijksmuseum features an impressive new entrance area; a new Asian Pavilion; a new outdoor exhibition space and garden; state-of-the-art facilities including new dining spaces, a shop, a restored library and auditorium; renewed education facilities, a new service entrance, a separate building for the conservation of the collection; and climate-control and security features, which are in line with today’s requirements. Also restored to their former glory are the high-ceilinged, spacious, late 19th century galleries. In keeping with the plan to restore the building where possible, the original monumental ornaments that decorated the walls and ceilings will be returned to the Gallery of Honour, the Grand Hall, the Night Watch Gallery and the stairwells. Cuypers‘ hallmark is best preserved in the library where the original design and ornaments have largely been maintained. The French interior architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte, whose work for the Louvre has earned him international acclaim, was invited to devise the interior design for the transformed Rijksmuseum. He has created all display elements for the galleries that complement the restored 19th century museum, including the display cases, plinths, lighting and furniture. In consultation with Cruz y Ortiz, Wilmotte has also determined the interior colour scheme, which has been inspired by Pierre Cuypers’ palette for the building.
 © Pedro Pegenaute
Cruz y Ortiz have created an impressive new entrance area suitable for the needs of a leading international museum. The museum’s two inner courtyards have now been opened up, with the removal of galleries that were added in the 1950s and 1960s. A two-part, 2,250 square-metre Atrium has been created by sinking the floor of the two courtyards below ground level and connecting them via an underground zone beneath the original passageway through the building. The Atrium can be accessed from the passageway, which features glass walls through which passersby can admire the view of the courtyards. The Atrium features large glass-covered roofs and pale polished Portuguese stone floors that reflect the natural light, making the voluminous courtyard spaces feel airy and bright. Overlooking the courtyards are the warm brick façades of the surrounding museum buildings, interspersed with windows and niches. The light-filled Atrium is a welcoming space in the heart of the museum, and can be accessed by all visitors even without a ticket. Located within the entrance area are a café, the ticketing booth and a cloakroom.
 East-West Section
由克鲁兹和奥尔蒂斯设计的独立亚洲馆坐落在里克斯姆博物馆南面的花园里,周围是水。这座不规则的两层高的建筑与国立博物馆的红砖墙相映成趣,墙壁用浅色的葡萄牙石和玻璃砌成。它的特点是许多倾斜的墙壁和不寻常的视线。展馆通过地下通道与主楼相连。亚洲馆是为了展示来自中国、日本、印度尼西亚和印度、越南和泰国的文物和艺术品而创建的,可追溯到公元前2000年至公元2000年。博物馆丰富的亚洲艺术藏品在670平方米的空间里和谐地展示,总共有365件展品。在花园的对面,在奎珀斯别墅(Cuypers Villa)和TeekensSchool(绘图学校)之间,克鲁兹·Y·奥尔蒂斯(Cruz Y Ortiz)新建了另一座小建筑-新的服务入口,通过地下通道进入博物馆。博物馆的改造包括为游客开辟一个大型室外公共空间,面积为1.45万平方米的历史花园。根据1901年皮埃尔·凯珀斯的设计,这座花园的新布局是由荷兰景观建筑公司Copijn LandschapsArchitten设计的。花园的特色是一些原始的正式花园风格,以及修复的雕像和古代建筑的碎片。一个喷泉,池塘,温室和儿童花园将很快增加到这个“户外博物馆”。亨利·摩尔展览将于2013年6月21日在花园开幕,这是每年夏季将举行的一系列国际雕塑展览中的第一次。
Designed by Cruz y Ortiz, the free-standing Asian Pavilion is situated facing the Museumplein in the garden to the south of the Rijksmuseum, and is surrounded by water. The irregular-shaped, two-storey structure stands out against the red brick walls of the Rijksmuseum, with its walls faced in pale Portuguese stone and glass. It is characterised by many sloping walls and unusual sightlines. The pavilion is linked to the main building via an underground passageway. The Asian Pavilion has been created to showcase objects and works of art from China and Japan, Indonesia and India, Vietnam and Thailand, dating from 2000 BC to 2000 AD. The museum’s rich collection of Asian art is harmoniously presented in the 670 square-metre space, with a total of 365 objects on display. On the opposite side of the garden, between the Cuypers Villa and the Teekenschool (Drawing School), Cruz y Ortiz have placed another small new building – the new service entrance, offering access to the museum via an underground passage. The transformation of the Rijksmuseum has included the opening up of a large, outdoor public space for visitors, in the form of a 14,500 squaremetre historic garden. Based on a 1901 design by Pierre Cuypers, the garden’s new layout was created by the Dutch landscape architecture firm Copijn Landschapsarchitecten. The garden features several of the original formal garden styles, as well as restored statues and fragments of ancient buildings. A fountain, pond, greenhouse, and children’s garden will soon be added to this “outdoor museum”. A Henry Moore exhibition will open in the garden on 21 June 2013, the first in an annual series of international sculpture exhibitions to be held each summer.
Atelier大楼是保存和管理荷兰文化遗产的场所,是一个恢复和保护、科学实践、研究和教育中心。它于2007年开业,并容纳了国立博物馆和阿姆斯特丹大学的系。Atelier大楼由政府建筑署开发,由国立博物馆和教育、文化和科学部(OCW)委托建造,是Cruz y Ortiz建造的第一个建筑,作为国立博物馆翻修的一部分。占地面积超过9,000平方米的Atelier大楼将一座新建筑与皮埃尔·凯珀斯(Pierre Cuypers)设计的一座名为“安全研究所”(SafetyInstitute)的现有建筑合并起来。这座建筑的砖砌立面与国立博物馆及其周围的建筑相辅相成,但建筑师们创造了一个易于辨认的轮廓,以帮助识别这座建筑。功能是建筑设计中的主要考虑因素。不寻常的“锯齿状”屋顶结构,有玻璃的北立面,以及侧壁呈角状的三角形窗户,确保只有北方的光线才能进入,以避免直接的阳光照射。所有的工作室,走廊,门和电梯都比平时更高更宽,方便了大型艺术品的通行。
The Atelier Building is a venue for the preservation and management of Dutch cultural heritage, housing a centre for restoration and conservation, scientific practice, research and education. It opened in 2007, and accommodates departments from both the Rijksmuseum and the University of Amsterdam. Developed by the Government Buildings Agency and commissioned by the Rijksmuseum and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), the Atelier Building is the first structure by Cruz y Ortiz to be completed as part of the Rijksmuseum renovation. Covering a surface area of more than 9,000 square-metres, the Atelier Building merges a new structure with an existing building designed by Pierre Cuypers, known as the Safety Institute. The building’s brick façade complements that of the Rijksmuseum and its surrounding buildings, yet the architects have created an easily recognisable silhouette to help identify the building. Functionality was the main consideration in the building's design. The unusual ‘zigzagging’ roof structure, the glazed northern elevation, and angled, triangular-shaped windows of the side-wall ensure that only northern light is admitted, to avoid direct sunlight. All the studios, hallways, doors and lifts are higher and wider than usual, facilitating easy passage for large works of art.
 © Pedro Pegenaute
The Rijksmuseum’s multidisciplinary education centre will be situated in the historic Teekenschool (Drawing School). The renovation has restored the school building to its original function as a space for learning, enriching the museum experience by providing opportunities for art enthusiasts of all ages to take part in specially created programmes revolving around the Rijksmuseum collection. Established in 1892, the Teekenschool owes its name to its original function as a drawing school, a forerunner of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. The concept and design of the building was developed by architect Pierre Cuypers, who envisioned it as a place that would help to improve national art education. The restored building will be the most comprehensive museum education centre in the Netherlands. Connected by the theme of ‘learning to look by doing’, the centre's three modern studios will accommodate a varied range of activities. During the ten-year transformation of the Rijksmuseum, the Philips Wing has remained open to the public, with the exhibition Rijksmuseum, The Masterpieces. The Philips Wing will close for renovation in March. Cruz y Ortiz will lead the design, and the space will be converted into a new home for temporary exhibitions.
 First Floor Plan





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