Beach House in Ses Oliveres Toni Girones
2013-05-04 01:00
Text description provided by the architects. The secular action of Cadaqués population interpreting the natural space and setting out the stone terraces in a dry process for the planting of olive trees and grapes, it is a morphologic characteristic of “Cap de Creus”. The course of time and the scanty means, they thought a technique and trace the system ground rules that optimize the natural resources.
在一片橄榄林中,位于“se Oliveres”海滩的边缘,距离村庄的老地方一定距离,也就是该住宅的投影位置。这些石阶与一条古老的溪流相提并论,这条溪流将“特拉蒙塔纳”的干风吹走,沿着斜坡向西转向,得到了“装束”…的新鲜气息。墙高在40至70厘米之间,那与4米至5米之间的隔开有助于超过原来的地形跌落,放置在最低坡度线上。大约有15棵橄榄树,10棵松树,5棵柏树和2棵含羞草,形成了从东到西穿过地块的植物群,留下了一个北方的洞穴,作为其中之一,它与更高的高度相适应,因为我们在那里再次遇见了大海。
In an olive grove placed at the limit of “Ses Oliveres” beach and a certain distance of the old part of the village, is where that residence is projected. The stone terraces are parallels a the old stream that canalize the “tramontana” dry wind and, following the slope turn to west to receive the freshness of “garbí”… walls between 40 and 70-cm-high that with separations between 4 and 5 metres help to exceed the original drop of the topography, placed to continue the line of minimum slope. About 15 olive trees, 10 pines, 5 cypress and 2 mimosas, form the vegetal mass that crosses the plot from the east to the west, leaving a north gab that, as one, answer to the more elevated heights since where we meet again the sea.
The house do not use up all the regulatory height because it searchs the horizon between the ground and the olive leaves. New horizontal planes from the old stream since the overhead of the plot turned up, passing through a ground floor that, as a gab inside the dig rock and the pre-existing olives, has a good thermal inertia and crossed ventilation agreed with the dominant winds. The structure of the bearing wall is drawn up tangent to the original structure of the agricultural construction… The terraces that were removed to build the new topography go back adapting itself to other needs, taking roots of the act of living again in the place.