The Armadillo Crèche Cornell University Sustainable Design
2013-05-24 01:00
Courtesy of Cornell University Sustainable Design
Courtesy of Cornell University Sustainable Design
Aramadillo Crèche是南非约翰内斯堡幼儿发展(ECD)中心的设计。它可容纳80名儿童,并设有教师培训中心.站在高架上的幼儿发展中心是教育的灯塔。
Armadillo Crèche is the design for an early childhood development (ECD) center in Johannesburg, South Africa. It accommodates 80 children and houses a teacher-training center. Standing on an elevated site, the ECD center is a beacon for education.
Courtesy of Cornell University Sustainable Design
To embrace the necessity of a fence, the design likens itself to an armadillo: it curls in on itself, protecting its soft underbelly with a hard shell. The design integrates the boundary condition with the buildings and landscape, creating zones of different scales for various activities as it unfurls. At the heart of the ECD center lie communal programs: a semi-outdoor dining space and a paved play area. These communal spaces are angled to open up to views of the natural conservation zone.
Courtesy of Cornell University Sustainable Design
这所学校是康奈尔大学(Cornell University)学生领导的跨学科组织康奈尔大学(Cornell University)组织的一个为期两年的过程的产物。学生们在学术顾问和行业专业人士的帮助下,通过一个学期的研究、一个学期的设计开发整合到建筑学学士综合设计工作室课程和三个月的建设中执行了该项目。学生与当地合作伙伴在建筑和教育,以完善的设计。30多名学生志愿者前往南非,与来自周边社区的当地劳工一起建造这所学校。
The school is a product of a two year process orchestrated by Cornell University Sustainable Design, an interdisciplinary student-led organization at Cornell University. Students, with the help of academic advisors and industry professionals, executed the project through a semester of research, a semester of design development integrated into the Bachelor of Architecture comprehensive design studio curriculum, and three months of construction. Students collaborated with local partners in construction and education to refine the design. Over thirty student volunteers traveled to South Africa to construct the school alongside local laborers from the surrounding neighborhood, Cosmo City.
Strong emphasis is placed on sustainable passive sustainable technologies to decrease cost and energy dependency. Conscientious decisions in resiliency are found in all dimensions of the project: the architectural design, construction methods, material production and purchasing, included facilities, project financing and day-to-day operations. (A year after construction, the ECD center was still not connected to the grid. The teachers, however, were not worried: they explained that these passive technologies create a bright, warm, and efficacious school without the use of electricity.)
这一项目是在康奈尔大学的慷慨支持下完成的,与非洲教育、A-目的游戏、Basil Read Developments和the City of
This project was completed with generous support from Cornell University, in partnership with Education Africa, Play-With-A-Purpose, Basil Read Developments, and the City of
Architects Cornell University Sustainable Design
Location Johannesburg, South Africa