Forn de la Vila de Llíria Restoration and Musealization hidalgomora arquitectura
2013-06-08 01:00
架构师提供的文本描述。“Forn de la Vila”是附在中世纪墙壁上的一座面包炉,是LLíria最重要的土木哥特式建筑之一(西班牙巴伦西亚)。它可能建于十三世纪末,根据它的类型,我们可以把它包括在传统的瓦伦西亚熔炉中,历史上被称为“霍诺斯-德潘考尔”。
Text description provided by the architects. The “Forn de la Vila”, a bread furnace attached to the medieval walls, is one of the most important pieces of civil gothic in Llíria (Valencia, Spain). It was probably built in the late thirteenth century and according to its typology we can include it in traditional Valencian furnaces, historically named "Hornos de pan cocer."
As a result of a proliferation of private bread furnaces in Llíria, in the second half of XIXth century, the Forn de la Vila ends functioning as a furnace and it starts being used exclusively as a dwelling.
It is characterized by its lancet arches of ashlar, which start from the ground at different levels, as well as by their stays covered by wooden beams and the enclosure with a brick vault of the furnace (olla). The interior is divided into three levels separated by two central arches that are situated in parallel, there are two othertransverse arches.
In the first phase of restoration the historic stonework were consolidated and the unsuitable items, which were negatively affecting its structure and which were threatening the integrity of the monument, were eliminated. Then, the efforts were focused on the recovery of the building typology, and to enable it as an educational resource of history and ethnology, through the restoration, the reconstruction and the rehabilitation of the original medieval furnace elements (olla, chimney, fleca, alcabor, etc.).
在这最后一个阶段的过程中,完成了Forn de la Vila的博物馆版画,其主要目的是以建设性和类型化的方式帮助更好地理解这座建筑,并在整个历史中公布它的演变过程。
In the cours of this last phase, the museography of Forn de la Vila was accomplished, whose main objective was to help understanding better this building, in a constructive and in a typological way, and to publish its evolution throughout the history.
博物馆的建议是将LLíria的Forn de la Vila变成一座遗址博物馆,在这一选择中找到一个理想的选择,以恢复瓦伦西亚土木哥特式建筑的这一范例,并实现这座建筑及其建设性要素不会失去其历史、功能和类型意识。
The museography proposal was to turn the Forn de la Vila of Llíria into a site museum, finding in this option the ideal choice to recover this example of Valencian civil gothic architecture, and achieving that the building and its constructive elements did not lose their historical, functional and typological sense.
The main objective was the recovery of the medieval bread oven as architectural type, fact that has been achieved through a faithful architectural restoration of the traditional building systems, and its diffusion from a didactic perspective.
The different building elements, the rests founded from different ages, and many recognizable stratus have been identified to be shown and understood.
With this purpose a sign or an identification plaque indicates the item to emphasize and, where appropriate, the approximate date of its execution and its incorporation to the patrimonial ensemble.
A series of information panels will help us to understand the use and the history of the building that we are visiting. On the one hand they explain in a graphical and in a written way the operation and the different parts of the furnace, and other they contextualize the building historically and graphically.