One Workplace Design Blitz
2013-07-31 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。“一个工作场所”总部项目对“一个工作场所”和“设计闪电战”都是一个独特的机会。One Workplace是北加利福尼亚最大的家具经销商,也是旧金山湾区Steelcase家具的单一来源。这项雄心勃勃的指令不仅重新定义了公司的建筑标准,而且重新定义了陈列室体验本身,并创造了一个既为员工又为客户服务的世界一流工作场所。一个工作场所已经将销售和展示厅的行业模式从交易体验转变为协作和伙伴关系。这一领导地位使一个工作场所成为一个令人敬畏的客户合作伙伴,并使其公司总部的下一次迭代体现了这一创新和进步。不再是静态陈列室,工作陈列室需要证明什么是可能的,当伟大的头脑聚集在一个多学科设计实验室的背景下。
Text description provided by the architects. The One Workplace Headquarters project was a unique opportunity for both One Workplace and for Design Blitz. One Workplace is the largest furniture dealer in Northern California and the single source for Steelcase furniture in the San Francisco Bay Area. The ambitious directive was to re-define the architectural standard not only of the company, but also of the showroom experience itself and create a bleeding edge, world-class workplace that serves both employees and customers alike. One Workplace had already shifted the industry paradigm of sales and showrooms away from a transactional experience to one of collaboration and partnership. This leadership position makes One Workplace a formidable client partner, and the next iteration of their corporate headquarters needed to embody this innovation and progression. No longer a static showroom, the working showroom needed to demonstrate what is possible when great minds come together within the context of a multi-disciplinary design lab.
Design Blitz was a natural design partner for One Workplace. As a young firm who is redefining the architectural service model through their use of client-friendly technology and open platform, they had already established a track record for creating innovative workplaces for several of Silicon Valley’s most successful technology companies including Skype, Comcast and Square. Working in partnership with One Workplace, Design Blitz realized the transformation in built form, creating a working showroom representative of One Workplace’s evolution. A collaborative process, the project brought together Design Blitz’s expertise in workplace architecture and One Workplace’s special knowledge of furniture to create a layered environment.
The project consists of 35,000 square feet of office/showroom/workspace with an adjacent 180,000 square foot warehouse (warehouse improvements were completed separately). In addition to the warehouse, the site also included an existing 10,000 square foot stand-alone, mid-century office building layered with many years of dated tenant improvements. The project successfully connected this building and 25,000 square feet of warehouse into the re-imagined workplace. Design Blitz’s design for the new facade and landscape improvements expand One Workplace’s space into a multi-functional indoor-outdoor environment.
In addition to redefining the showroom experience, the project is also about adaptive reuse and urban regeneration. The site is located adjacent to the San Jose Airport, arterial roads and a freight train station in an industrial part of Santa Clara. The concept of transit innovation with the omnipresent planes, trains and automobiles provided significant inspiration for the design team. The city identified the specific intersection where the site is located as a gateway to the city. As such, this project not only had to serve the needs of One Workplace, but also plays a key role in regeneration efforts of the city. The warehouse and office buildings were both in disrepair. After exploratory demolition, Design Blitz determined that the small office building had great bones that could be salvaged and celebrated in the new project. Given the raw nature of the existing warehouse and office building and the exploratory nature of the Design Lab work typology, it was determined that the design vernacular should avoid the pristine and celebrate the industrial history of the site.
一个工作场所是一家族所有的家族经营的公司,有三代人在该公司工作过。这个家庭有着强大的意大利传统,庆祝该项目的家庭和社区质量是非常重要的。在最初的谈话中,厨房作为家庭中心和餐桌作为关键要素的概念不断涌现。因此,“设计闪电战”将厨房作为将所有用户聚集在一起的机会,并作为这两栋建筑之间的规划连接。从字面上讲,办公室是在中间举行的。一进入大楼,你马上就会看到咖啡厅。这是一个聚会和吃饭的地方。领导这一接待功能,确保客户和用户遇到一个温暖和欢迎的空间。也正是在这些最初的对话中,DesignBlitz开始通过空间映射客户端和用户体验。地图上的体验表明,客户和用户都会被送进太空,体验一系列精心规划的触点,然后回到起点-就像回飞镖一样。在开放式办公空间的中心,两层楼高的“回巢”进一步显现出来。高架会议室和观察平台允许One Workplace团队成员快速调查地板,并向客户展示各种系统解决方案如何进行混合,以创建统一、灵活和分层的工作场所布局方法。
One Workplace is a family-owned and family-run company with three generations having worked in the company. The family has a strong Italian heritage and it was very important to celebrate the familial and communal quality of the project. During initial conversations, concepts of the kitchen as the family hub and the dining table as key elements kept emerging. As such, Design Blitz used the kitchen as an opportunity to bring all users together and as the programmatic connection between the two buildings. Quite literally, the office meets in the middle. Upon entering the building you are immediately presented with the work-cafe. It is an area to meet and eat. Leading with this hospitality function ensures that customers and users encounter a warm and welcoming space. It was also during these initial conversations that Design Blitz began mapping both the client and user experiences through the space. The mapped experiences demonstrated that both customers and users would be sent out into the space to experiences a series of carefully planned touch points and then brought back to their starting point - much like the path taken by a boomerang. The boomerang further manifested itself in the creation of the two-story stacked ‘boomerang’ in the center of the open office space. The elevated conference room and observation platform allows members of the One Workplace team to quickly survey the floor and show customers how a variety of systems solutions can intermix to create a unified, flexible and layered approach to workplace layout.
One Workplace occupied their previous office for over a decade and the new headquarters needed to last at least that long. Design Blitz planned for longevity and flexibility by providing a raised floor system in the open office for easy future furniture reconfiguration as well as limiting color and pattern to elements that are easily interchanged as trends change. In learning more about how One Workplace engages with their clients Design Blitz determined that environmental context is key to effective sales. Customers will purchase an entire space, an environment rather than a single piece. It was crucial that the architecture supported the furniture and not the other way around. Individual spaces were designed holistically to encourage an emotional connection by the customer. In addition to being an innovative design, the project demonstrates strong metrics for the economics of efficiency. One Workplace moved from a 45,000 square foot space into the new 35,000 square foot space while increasing staff from 101 to 165. The increased efficiency was achieved by reduction in workstation foot print and a move by the majority of the sales team to a mobile work flow where workers do not have a dedicated workstation. Mobile workers store their belongings at a centralized location and work either at a shared workstation or in the soft seating of the work cafe or alternate work areas. One Workplace is walking the walk when it comes to modern work typologies.
Location 2500 De La Cruz Boulevard, Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA
Photographs Bruce Damonte