Hygge House Plain Projects + Pike Projects + Urbanink

2013-08-06 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。每年,为了抵御严寒并将人们聚集在一起,世界上最长的自然冰冻溜冰场建在温尼伯的红河和阿西尼博因河上。在一年一度的国际比赛中,Hygge House是一项获奖作品,该竞赛要求设计师在沿河小径上创建他们对“变暖小屋”的解释。比赛的目标是将艺术和建筑结合起来,并“推动设计、工艺和艺术的发展”。创建Hygge House的多学科设计团队跨越了景观建筑学和平面设计领域,以有效地实现这些目标。
Text description provided by the architects. Every year, in an attempt to fight the fierceness of the winter cold and bring people together, the world’s longest naturally frozen skating trail is constructed on the Red and Assiniboine rivers in Winnipeg. Hygge House is a winning entry in an annual international competition that asks designers to create their interpretation of a ‘warming hut’ along the river trail. The objectives of the competition are to merge art and architecture and to ‘push the envelope of design, craft and art’. The multidisciplinary design team that created Hygge House spanned the realms of landscape architecture, architecture, and graphic design to effectively meet these objectives.
 © Liz Wreford Taylor
莉兹·韦福德·泰勒(Liz Wreford Taylor)
海格豪斯很舒适。这是一个简单的木框架结构,是对加拿大最珍贵的象征之一-荒野小屋的再现。在海格宫内,别墅生活的文物为真实地描绘周末度假的舒适和熟悉奠定了基础,同时鼓励了想象力、参与和玩耍。海格大厦的整个内部漆成荧光黄色。涂层的内容不仅创造了一个温暖的,诱人的空间,避风挡雨-它也创造了一个舞台设置,游客在海格大厦成为必不可少的组成部分的体验。房子的外部漆成黑色,与白色的雪和明亮的室内形成鲜明对比。院子的定义是一圈树木,在冰中“种植”,并涂成黑色,以进一步界定空间,并创造一个聚集的地方在前面的房子。虽然小屋里装满了骑着的鹿角和鱼,雪鞋,一个工作的木头炉子,书籍,摇椅,和旧的小摆设,但是只有当人们走到一起时,海格才能真正实现。Hygge House成为一个温暖和团结的地方。
Hygge House is cozy. It is a simple wood framed structure; a reproduction of one of the most cherished symbols of Canadiana — the wilderness cottage. Within Hygge House, artifacts of cottage life set the stage for an authentic depiction of the comfort and familiarity of the weekend getaway while encouraging imagination, participation, and play. The entire interior of Hygge House is painted fluorescent yellow. Coating the contents not only creates a warm, inviting space, sheltered from the wind — it also creates a stage set where the visitors to Hygge House become essential components of the experience. The exterior of the house is painted black to contrast the white snow and bright interior. The yard is defined by a perimeter of trees, ‘planted’ in the ice and painted black to further define the space and create a gathering place in front of the house. Although the hut is full of mounted antlers and fish, snowshoes, a working wood stove, books, rocking chairs, and old knick-knacks, Hygge is only truly achieved when people come together. Hygge House becomes a place for warmth and togetherness.
 © Evan Marnoch
海格屋是一个白天和夜晚的目的地,当滑冰的人依偎在木头炉子旁,玩鳄鱼酱,摆姿势拍照的时候,他们活了过来。前往河边小径的游客都想在“黄色小屋”拍照。这是一个真正独特的拍照机会,并迅速确立了自己作为一个标志性的地方在城市内,经常出现在社交媒体上。这间小屋是在周末安排的,当地音乐家的表演吸引了一群快乐的人们。晚上,溜冰者在午夜的天空下滑行,回到温暖的小屋,捕捉到一只小海奇。真正值得一看的是,Hygge House向公共领域开放,激发社会互动,在冻结的河流景观上创造了一种新的公民自豪感。它将每年作为永久变暖小屋收藏的一部分出现。这间小屋的设计是为了安装在一个8英尺宽14英尺长的预制金属滑块上,这样结构就可以被拖到河里去了。根据桥梁间隙,该结构的高度限制在12英尺。折叠地板使得一旦小屋位于河径上,可用面积就可以翻倍。
Hygge House is a day and night destination and has come alive as skaters snuggle beside the wood stove, play crokinole, and pose for photographs. Visitors to the river trail all want to have their picture taken at the ‘yellow hut’. It is a truly unique photo opportunity and has quickly established itself as an iconic locale within the city, frequently showing up on social media feeds. The hut is programmed on the weekends with performances by local musicians that attract crowds of happy people. At night, skaters glide around under the midnight sky and return to the warming hut to capture a little hygge. Truly a site to behold, Hygge House opens itself to the public realm and inspires social interaction, creating a new sense of civic pride on the frozen river landscape. It will appear annually as part of the permanent Warming Hut collection. The hut was designed to fit on a prefabricated 8 foot by 14 foot metal skid allowing the structure to be dragged onto the river. The height of the structure was restricted to 12 feet based on bridge clearances. The fold out floor allows the usable area to double in size once the hut is situated on the river trail.
 © Evan Marnoch
The hut was constructed by the design team over the course of a weekend with help from a local framing contractor and volunteers. It is a wood frame structure with plywood sheathing on the exterior and pine tongue-and-groove siding on the interior. The windows and door were purchased from a local home restoration store. The glass was removed and they were cut in half where required. Furniture and artifacts, such as skates, cross country skies, a crokinole table, candle holders, a radio, taxidermy ducks, and a table and chairs, were either purchased from local thrift stores or donated. The hut structure was primed and painted with black and fluorescent yellow paint. The furniture and artifacts were primed and painted separately and secured to the structure on site. The trees were collected locally and were sprayed with black paint before being installed in the ice.





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