AD Classics Mivtachim Sanitarium Jacob Rechter

2013-08-06 01:00
The building was designed by the Israeli architect Jacob Rechter in 1968 and immediately gained world-wide recognition, appearing in numerous international magazines and earning Rechter the prestigious Israel Award for architecture in 1973. Along with other brutalist icons, the Mivtachim Sanitarium was an idealistic, utopian structure, encapsulating the socialist ideas prevalent in 1960's Israel.
这座7,750平方米的结构是由裸露的混凝土建造的,其中包括两个主要部分:前面的客房、共享地中海全景的客房以及后面的服务和入口大厅,通向齐奇龙·亚科夫镇(Zichron Ya‘akov)。相同的客房被设计成简陋、模块化的单元,以一种类似波浪的形式与山的曲线相得益彰。雷克特在岩石山地形上方的大型山脊上,将这些建筑单元提升,从而达到了“漂浮”的效果。1973年,以色列奖评审团赞扬了这一点:“这座建筑提供了一个罕见的例子,展示了一种综合了地球和天空的建筑。”
The 7,750 square meter structure was constructed of exposed concrete and contained two major sections: the guest rooms to the front, sharing the panoramic vista of the Mediterranean Sea, and the service and entrance hall in the back, which lead to the town of Zichron Ya’akov. The identical guest rooms were designed as humble, modular units multiplied in a wave-like form that followed the mountain’s curves. By raising the units upon large pilotis above the rocky mountain terrain, Rechter was able to achieve a “floating” affect, an aspect which was praised by the jury of the Israel Award in 1973: “The building provides a rare example of an architecture that synthesizes the earth and sky.” 
 Images from the exhibition: The Object of Zionism, at the SAM (Swiss Architecture Museum, Basel, 2011). Curators: Zvi Efrat and Hubertus Adam
展览的图片:犹太复国主义的对象,在SAM(瑞士建筑博物馆,巴塞尔,2011年)。馆长:Zvi Efrat和Hubertus Adam
雅各布·雷克特出生于以色列,是以色列建筑三位创始人之一泽耶夫·雷克特的儿子。与第二代以色列人(称为“Sabras”)中的许多人一样,Jacob Rechter欢迎当时在当代建筑中占主导地位的激进风格-从国际风格的白色灰泥(一种与散居国外的人有关的运动)到粗俗、暴露的暴行。使用这种廉价的建筑方法,不仅使雷克特与国际时代接轨,而且还体现了以色列本土的气息。作为建筑师ZviEfrat,以色列普遍使用混凝土:“[它]当然不是本地的,但在任何意义上都是真实的。”
Born in Israel, Jacob Rechter was the son of Ze’ev Rechter, one of the three founding fathers of Israeli architecture. Like many in the second generation of Israelis (known as “Sabras”), Jacob Rechter welcomed the radical style predominant in contemporary architecture at the time - from the white stucco of the international style (a movement associated with the diaspora) to the coarse, exposed concrete of brutalism. The use of this cheap construction method not only aligned Rechter with the international zeitgeist, but also expressed the local Israeli flavor. As architect Zvi Efrat states of the common use of concrete in Israel: “[it] is certainly not local, but it’s authentic in every sense.”
 Images from the exhibition: The Object of Zionism, at the SAM (Swiss Architecture Museum, Basel, 2011). Curators: Zvi Efrat and Hubertus Adam
展览的图片:犹太复国主义的对象,在SAM(瑞士建筑博物馆,巴塞尔,2011年)。馆长:Zvi Efrat和Hubertus Adam
Mivtachim疗养院由Mivtachim养恤基金拥有,是以色列劳工组织“的旗舰,旨在定期举办务虚会,客人们可以在那里休息、盛宴和恢复精力。随着工党的垮台,疗养院的小房间越来越不受欢迎,该中心于2004年关闭。2005年,以色列慈善家莉莉·埃尔斯坦(Lili Elstein)购买了这处房产,并开始将其改建成一家豪华酒店,增加了五层楼,拆除了原有建筑的主要部分;翻修不仅违背了这栋建筑朴素、现代的外观,也违背了最初稀疏设计所固有的社会主义理想。
The Mivtachim sanitarium, owned by the Mivtachim Pension Fund, was the flagship of the “Histadrut” - the Israeli labour organization - and was meant to host periodical retreats where guests would rest, feast, and regain their energy. With the descent of the labour party, and the sanatorium's small rooms falling out of favor, the center was shut in 2004. In 2005, the Israeli philanthropist, Lili Elstein purchased the property and began converting it into a luxury hotel, adding five floors and demolishing major parts of the original structure; the renovation not only contradicted the building’s modest, modernist appearance, but also the socialist ideals inherent in the original sparse design. 
 Courtesy of Architect Amnon Rechter
建筑师Amnon Rechter提供
谢天谢地,一场旷日持久的公开辩论使埃尔斯坦改变了主意。2010年,雅各布·雷克特(Jacob Rechter)的儿子阿姆农·雷克特(Amnon Rechter)与建筑师拉尼·齐斯(Rani Ziss)一起对该计划一个小型精品酒店的新计划包括80个房间,两个翻新的音乐厅和一个艺术画廊。在年轻的雷克特的监督下,外立面将被保存下来,所有的原始木制品都将被翻新。此外,每两个房间将合并为一个,以创造更大,豪华的房间。Amnon Rechter声称:“我们[.]按照原来的计划来修理所有的东西。完工后,该物业的访客便会看到我父亲完成时的情况。“
Thankfully, a prolonged public debate caused Elstein to change her mind, and in 2010 the plan was replaced by a new modest renovation by Amnon Rechter, son of Jacob Rechter, along with the architect Rani Ziss. The new plan for a small boutique hotel contains 80 rooms, two renovated concert halls and an art gallery. Under young Rechter’s supervision, the exterior facade will be preserved, and all original wood work refurbished. Furthermore,  every two rooms will be merged into one in order to create larger, luxurious rooms. Amnon Rechter claims: “We are [...] fixing everything according to the original plans. Upon its completion, visitors of the property will view it as it was when my father completed it.” 
 Images from the exhibition: The Object of Zionism, at the SAM (Swiss Architecture Museum, Basel, 2011). Curators: Zvi Efrat and Hubertus Adam
展览的图片:犹太复国主义的对象,在SAM(瑞士建筑博物馆,巴塞尔,2011年)。馆长:Zvi Efrat和Hubertus Adam
[1]建筑师Zvi Efrat教授,“以色列项目:建筑和建筑1988-1973年”
[1] Prof. architect Zvi Efrat,  “The Israeli Project: Construction and Architecture 1948-1973”
建筑师雅各布·雷克特位置Hapisga,Zikhron Ya‘akov,以色列类别酒店面积7750.0平方米
Architects Jacob Rechter Location Hapisga, Zikhron Ya'akov, Israel Category Hotels Area 7750.0 sqm Project Year 1968
该项目的图像由建筑师Amnon Rechter提供。
Images of the project were provided by Architect Amnon Rechter





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