Omnibus House Gubbins Arquitectos
2013-08-08 01:00
架构师提供的文本描述。Omnibus的房子坐落在靠近Quebrada de Aguas Claras的Qubrada de Aguas Claras附近,在从Laguna de Zapallar出发的Cachagua入口的顶部,在一个缓缓的斜坡上,周围环绕着高大而众多的桉树,周围是Cachawa和Zapallar周围的山丘,远处可以看到太平洋。
Text description provided by the architects. The Omnibus house is located in close proximity to the Quebrada de Aguas Claras, on top of the entrance to Cachagua coming from Laguna de Zapallar, on a gently sloping, surrounded by high and numerous eucalyptus that faces Cachagua and Zapallar surrounding hills, with a distant view of the Pacific Ocean.
Life and leisure space To break the typical areas of an urban house; kitchen, living–dining room and dormitories, this house has a double circulation that deconstructs these areas into a set of complimentary places. This creates a way of inhabiting that moves away from a typical urban arrangement into a more playful one.
To inhabit the exterior from within To inhabit the exterior of a holiday house does not only imply the direct interaction with the outside of the house, but also the interaction through the house. This has been achieved through its own structure and arrangement, allowing the possibility of re-discovering new views from the terrace-roof; from the back terrace through the living room, from the corridor or galleria by the main façade or sheltered along the houses stone base.
A sustainable architecture The north orientation of the houses main façade (23.5 meters width by 3.1 meters height) offers the possibility of becoming a large solar collector that at night time re-emits the accumulated thermal energy gathered during the day, by its walls, concrete slabs and roof.
Materiality and construction The use of concrete as the main material, gives a sense of mass that is necessary for relating to the context. Its color complements the surrounding trees and allowed the used of a large span for the roofing and the use of different textures produced by the rough sawn timber formwork sold by a local retailer.
Architects in Charge Pedro Gubbins Foxley, Víctor Gubbins Browne
Location Puchuncavi, Chile
Photographs Marco Mendizabal