Astana Medya Center Tabanlıoğlu Architects

2013-09-20 01:00
架构师提供的文本描述。AMC(Kazmedia Ortalygy)计划成为一个独特的媒体人物,将哈萨克斯坦国家电台和电视台的演播室与音乐厅和与媒体制作有关的办公室功能结合起来。该中心位于首都行政中心的一个突出位置,位于总统府的轴向仪式路线上,位于重要的行政大楼、铁路总部和交通部之间。
Text description provided by the architects. AMC (Kazmedia Ortalygy)  is planned to be a distinctive media figure, housing Kazakhstan national radio and TV stations’ studios together with concert halls and office functions related to the media production. The Center occupies a prominent site in the capital’s administrative centre, on the axial ceremonial route from the Presidential Palace, situated between the significant administrative buildings, Railways HQ and the Ministry of Transportation.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
The 22-story media complex is now one of the most striking buildings in Astana, a city that has been hailed worldwide for its innovative and experimental architecture. The new facility aims to enhance the professionalism of TV journalism, television and filmmaking in Kazakhstan.  This stunning tower now serves as home for all of Kazakhstan’s national media operators, along with the international broadcasters in Kazakhstan. It has become the country’s chief technological broadcasting platform and meets all international-level requirements for creating high-quality films, TV and radio programs, as well as organizing concerts, press conferences and symposiums.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
The building includes large public-use spaces on the main floors. The huge complex takes up 75,500 square meters (812,675 square feet), with 7,000 square meters of studios and over 21,000 square meters of offices, and has 14 major television studio units and four large audio recording sections. In addition, the (1000 sqm) concert hall sophisticates the public use.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
Synergy born out of collective spaces reflects on the broadcasting understanding. As a symbolic language, the use of media façade creates a visually legible dynamic ambiance with reference to the ongoing events in the building. Four large display screens adorning its façade continuously run news and other programs for city residents. Often, broadcasts on the screens will correspond to events going on inside. The structure’s sleek, elaborate and modern facade hints at the active part it aims to play in the daily life of the city. Open and welcoming, the building is modeled after certain experimental designs in the Middle East and Europe.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
哈萨克斯坦一直在升级其国家数字广播系统,并鼓励高科技本土制作。为了实现这一点,Kazmedia Ortalygy有一个电影制作部门,拥有两个900平方米的大型工作室,配备了最新的高清晰度电视连续剧制作技术。它还有八个装备精良的部队,适合拍摄复杂的节目.大楼顶层的两个工作室包括全景拍摄设备,可以将阿斯塔纳的鸟瞰视角融入到节目中。新闻制作部门有四个250平方米的单位,能够24小时播放节目.哈萨克斯坦希望其新闻节目和新闻发布会能够迅速达到全球最高的生产标准。
Kazakhstan has been upgrading its national digital broadcasting system and encouraging high-tech homegrown productions. To achieve this, Kazmedia Ortalygy has a filmmaking section with two large 900-square-meter studios equipped with the latest high-definition technology for creating TV series. It also has eight well-equipped units suitable for shooting complex programs. Two studios on the building’s top floor include panoramic filming equipment that can incorporate a bird’s-eye view of Astana into programming. The News Production section has four 250-square-meter units capable of producing round-the-clock broadcasts. Kazakhstan expects its news programming and press conferences to quickly reach the highest global production standards.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
The media center also has a Radio and Audio Production Complex with everything the country needs to achieve its goal of enhancing its radio broadcasting and audio production. This section includes a large, modern concert auditorium suitable for symphony orchestras and other gala performances as well as two smaller recording studios and a voiceover recording unit. Finally, the facility is complete with a state-of-the-art Concert Center and Conference Complex, offering an excellent venue for all types of congresses, public events and entertainment activities.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
Today’s colorful, fast moving and assertive image of the media is physically embodied by the architectural language.  The building is unique, with a contemporary transparent design. Despite its size and complexity, it is designed and built in a year.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
Media Center is not only a significant building structure but also a synergetic operation model blended the in the daily life of Astana, linking Kazakhstan efficiently to the rest of the world.  Strongly perceived from afar and in diverse prospects, the building materializes as an eye-catching “sign”; AMC is the contemporary extension of Astana, being one of the unique media complexes in the world. 
 Floor Plan






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