Free Universitys Philology Library Foster + Partners
2013-10-15 01:00
One of Foster and Partners most ecologically advanced buildings, the new Library for the Faculty of Philology, was opened today at the Free University, Berlin. The library is the culmination of decades of research and experimentation by the studio on how buildings can utilise passive and active technologies to radically increase energy efficiency and reduce the impact on the environment. The opening ceremony, which was addressed by Norman Foster, celebrated the completion of Foster’s overall redevelopment of the Free University. This consists of two interrelated parts: the design of a new central library, housing the collections of 11 separate libraries; and the restoration of the existing campus buildings.
在建筑上,图书馆结合了一个密集的混凝土结构和一个轻透明的信封。这种并列不仅反映了建筑物的正式性质,而且也是其生态规划的关键。负责这一设计的资深合伙人戴维·纳尔逊(David Nelson)在描述设计背后的动力时指出:“我们意识到,学生们将花上数百个小时在图书馆里学习,并希望为他们提供一个完美的学习环境-一个由自然光线和空气驱动的环境。”学生们可以坐在每一层连续运行的阅读课桌旁,进入位于四层中央核心的书目馆藏。随着设计的进展,楼板演变成一系列起伏的曲线,这创造了一个正式的动力和宽敞的双层夹层空间。图书馆的空气动力学水滴形围护结构是为了在最小的建筑围护范围内容纳最大的楼面面积,保持与周围建筑物的比例,并允许在图书馆的以太一侧进行美化庭院。它独特的颅骨形式已经为图书馆赢得了绰号-“柏林脑力”。
Architecturally, the library combines a massed concrete structure with a light diaphanous envelope. This juxtaposition not only informs the building’s formal character, but is also key to its ecological programme. Describing the impetus behind the design, David Nelson, the senior partner in charge, noted: “We realised that students would spend hundreds of hours in the library and wanted to provide them with the perfect environment to study – one which was animated by natural light and air.” Students can sit at the reading desks that run continuously around each floor plate and access the bibliographic collections which are housed in the four-storey central core. As the design progressed, the floor plates evolved into a series of undulating curves, which creates a formal dynamism and spacious double-height mezzanine spaces. The library’s aerodynamic water-drop shaped enclosure was developed to house the maximum amount of floor area within the minimum building envelope, remain in scale with the surrounding buildings, and allow landscaped courtyards on ether side of the library. Its unique cranial form has already earned the library the nickname – the ‘Berlin Brain.’
The building enclosure consists of three parts. The external shell is alternately clad in opaque aluminium and transparent glazed panels that correspond to the solar path - helping regulate the internal temperature. In a playful allusion to the importance of colour in the original campus, the supporting steel frame - which is formed of radial geometries - is painted yellow, making the structure legible and emphasising the cavity between the inner and outer skins. A translucent glass fibre inner membrane acts as a diffuser to spread natural light, ‘glowing’ with ambient light throughout the day and subtly registering the weather outside in a dappled play of reflections and patterns over its surface. Views through the transparent panels and openings allow glimpses of the sky above, with the light diaphanous envelope giving an impression of being surrounded by light and air.
The double skin of the enclosure acts as an air duct and thermal buffer, ‘breathing’ by opening and closing different panels. In combination with the mass of the concrete structure, which is a passive thermal store that is further heated and cooled by piped water inside the structure, it acts in response to Berlin’s varying climate. In lower temperatures (below 6°c), the external skin closes like a cocoon and fresh air is drawn through an undercroft and warmed as it passes through by the thermal core. In moderate temperatures (above 16°), a mix of fresh and recirculated air is cooled by the core. While for 60 percent of the year, the library can be entirely naturally ventilated by opening various panels and using controlled fresh air drawn in through the undercroft. During the day the library is entirely naturally lit. These factors mean that the library will consume 35 percent less energy than a comparable building.
新图书馆的遗址是由六个独立的庭院组合而成的。连同现有校园建筑物的修复,这次重组是自由大学重建计划的第二部分。Candilis Josic Woods和Schiedhelm的类似垫子的校园设计于1971年开业,旨在确保这些建筑能够根据学校的需求进行重新配置。建筑被聚集在一系列的内部街道和走廊周围,以鼓励开放的交流,教职员工和设施分散在整个大学。因此,自由大学的例子是1960年代的建筑实验,由团队X和其他谁试图创造一个建筑本身是一个组织结构。自由大学被认为是一座“理想的城市”,立即被誉为大学设计的里程碑。
The site of the new library was formed by combining six separate courtyards. Together with the restoration of the existing campus buildings, this reorganisation was the second part of the Free University redevelopment. Opened in 1971, Candilis Josic Woods and Schiedhelm’s mat-like campus design was planned to ensure that the buildings could be reconfigured as the university’s needs dictated. Buildings were clustered around a series of internal streets and corridors to encourage open communication, with the faculty and facilities decentralised across the university. As such, the Free University exemplified the architectural experiments of the 1960s by Team X and others who sought to produce an architecture that was itself an organisational structure. Conceived as an ‘ideal city,’ the Free University was immediately hailed as a milestone in university design.
© Nigel Young - Foster + Partners
从项目开始,福斯特团队就坚持要按照原有设计的原则对现有建筑进行修复。内部布局被重新安排和合理化,以反映当代的教师结构和现代教学实践。在可能的情况下,对原来的固定装置进行翻新,并将所有地毯更换为原供应商制造的复制件。特别是,该团队在修复面板系统的方法上非常敏感,该系统是由法国工程师让·普劳夫(Jean Privé)根据勒柯布西耶的“模数”比例系统以及灵活性和预制原理设计的。虽然指定的Cor-10钢板́具有自我保护的腐蚀性特性,导致建筑物的绰号为“铁锈桶”的红色变成了红色,但这些面板很容易腐烂,需要更换。为了保持原意,福斯特队用青铜重新包覆建筑物,这是自我保护的,最终会与原来的面板几乎无法区分的色调结束。此外,原来的遮阳篷被取代,形成一个彩色并列与面板。
From the beginning of the project, the Foster team was adamant that the existing buildings should be restored along the principles of the original design. The interior layouts were rearranged and rationalised to reflect the contemporary faculty structures and contemporary teaching practices. Wherever possible, the original fixtures were refurbished and all the carpets replaced with duplicates made by the original supplier. In particular, the team were sensitive in their approach to restoring the facade panel system, which was designed by the French engineer, Jean Prouvé, following Le Corbusier’s ‘Modulor’ proportional system and the principles of flexibility and prefabrication. Although the Cor-ten steel panels Prouvé specified had self-protecting corrosive characteristics, resulting in a reddened colour that is the source of the building’s nickname ‘die Rostlaube’ - the ‘rust-bucket’, these panels were prone to decay and required replacement. In keeping with the original intent, the Foster team reclad the buildings in bronze, which is self- protecting and will eventually weather to a tonal finish that is virtually indistinguishable from the original panels. In addition, the original awnings were replaced to form a colourful juxtaposition against the panels.
© Nigel Young - Foster + Partners
As Lord Foster noted, the structural system proved so flexible that much of the remaining structure from the reorganisation could be demounted and reerected in different locations. This proved that “the original design of the Free University was, in many ways, years ahead of its time - an inspiration that we drew from as we designed the new library to be a forward-thinking exemplar of environmental building.”
Architects Foster + Partners
Location Thielallee 44, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Architects in Charge Norman Foster, David Nelson, Stefan Behling, Christian Hallmann, Ulrich Hamann, Ingo Pott
Project Team Bettina Bauer, Stefan Baumgart, Florian Boxberg, Mark Braun, Niels Brockenhuus-Schack, Andre Heukamp, Stanley Fuls, Ulrich Goertz, Wendelin Hinsch, Andreas Medinger, Jan Roth, Diana Schaffrannek, David Schröder, Mark Sutcliffe, Hugh Whitehead
Photographs Reinhard Gorner, Rudi Meisel