BIG Set to Build Blåvand Bunker Museum
2013-11-18 01:00
比尔克·因格尔(Bjarke Ingels)描述说,“与现有的封闭混凝土块相反,新博物馆的建筑结构将像一颗开放的心,融入景观。这座博物馆在各个方面都与激进分子的历史截然相反,它更加封闭、黑暗和厚重。”
"Contrary to the existing closed concrete lump, the new museum will, in its architecture, function as an open heart integrated into the landscape,” Bjarke Ingels described. “The museum is in every way the opposite of the militant history with its more closed, dark and heavy features.”
Plaza. Image Courtesy of BIG
“Organized around an open central square, the galleries allow much light and will give magnificent views to the surrounding countryside,” he continued. “The bunker is a war machine without holes for doors and windows and rejects all humanity. In contrast, the museum is integrated into the landscape and invites visitors inside.”
Interior Central. Image Courtesy of BIG
Cafe. Image Courtesy of BIG
History Museum. Image Courtesy of BIG
Bl vand地堡博物馆将进一步为BIG在博物馆设计方面的独特体验做出贡献。你可能还记得最近完成的丹麦国家海洋博物馆。除此之外,BIG还被委托设计位于丹麦比伦德的乐高大厦、法国波尔多的MECA文化中心和美国犹他州帕克市的金博尔艺术中心。
The Blåvand Bunker museum will further contribute to BIG’s unique experience with museum design. As you may recall, BIG recently completed the Danish National Maritime Museum. In addition to this, BIG has been commissioned to design the LEGO House in Billund, Denmark, the MECA Cultural Center in Bordeaux, France, and the Kimball Art Centre in Park City, Utah, USA.
Blåvand Bunker Museum Site . Image Courtesy of BIG
负责Bjarke Ingels、Jakob Lange、David Zahle项目负责人Brian Yang Team Andreas Klok Pedersen、Michael Sch nemann、Alina Tamosiunaite、Katarzyna Siedlecka、Ryohei Koike结构工程AKT II面积2500.0平方米的建筑师
Architects BIG Partners in Charge Bjarke Ingels, Jakob Lange, David Zahle Project Leader Brian Yang Team Andreas Klok Pedersen, Michael Schønemann, Alina Tamosiunaite, Katarzyna Siedlecka, Ryohei Koike Structural Engineering AKT II Area 2500.0 sqm
建造Bl vand Bunker博物馆的所有资金均由A.P.M ller和Chastine Mc-Kinney M ller基金会捐赠。
All funds to build the Blåvand Bunker Museum were donated by the A.P. Møller and Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller Foundation.