Mike - Ophelia Lazaridis Quantum
2013-11-28 01:00
Text description provided by the architects. The Quantum-Nano Centre (QNC) at the University of Waterloo is the first research facility of its kind in the world to bring together the disciplines of quantum computing and nanotechnology in one building. It was conceived to generate synergies between the respective fields of quantum computing and nanotechnology for groundbreaking research leading to innovative solutions and commercialization.
Site: The building is located on the University of Waterloo’s main campus in the Math/Computer/Science precinct and set within an existing network of routes and courtyards.
Program: The five-storey, 26,500-square-metre facility houses the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), the Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology and the University of Waterloo’s undergraduate program in nanotechnology engineering for up to 400 academics. It includes a 929-square-metre cleanroom with fabrication facilities for quantum and nanodevices, an advanced metrology suite, extensive teaching and research laboratories, a multi-purpose space/auditorium, seminar rooms and offices.
概念: 将为iqc和纳米技术工程提供各自在整体上的独立身份,该聚合策略将两卷由一个共有的6层中央中庭连接起来的入口与两个主要入口结合在一起:一个在环形道路上为iqc服务,另一个在校园侧为纳米技术工程服务。中庭也提供了一个隐蔽的步行路线和非正式的聚会空间。
Concept: To provide the IQC and nanotechnology engineering each with its separate identity within the whole, the massing strategy combines two volumes joined by a common six-storey central atrium with two main entrances: one on the ring road to serve IQC and the other on the campus side for nanotechnology engineering. The atrium also provides a sheltered pedestrian route and informal gathering space.
IQC设在东西向的酒吧大楼里。IQC的心脏是六层中庭,有悬空楼梯.在概念上受英国剑桥牛顿研究所的启发,它的特色是‘心灵空间’ - 休息室,办公室和会议室 - 围绕中庭组织,以促进跨学科的互动。一系列背彩绘玻璃白板反射光线,并提供书写表面,以捕捉自发的想法。
The IQC is housed in a ‘bar’ building with an east-west orientation. The heart of the IQC is the six-storey atrium with suspended stairs. Conceptually inspired by the Newton Institute in Cambridge, England, it features ‘mind spaces’ — lounge, office and meeting rooms — organized around the atrium to promote interdisciplinary interaction. A series of back-painted glass whiteboards reflect light and provide writing surfaces for capturing spontaneous ideas.
The nanotechnology engineering research ‘box’ faces the campus. The plan is based on a traditional laboratory building layout with perimeter offices and interior labs. The perimeter of the volume is supported by an exterior structural steel “honeycomb” which is suspended from concealed steel trusses in the penthouse. The structural honeycomb allows column-free, flexible office space and minimizes structural columns in the cleanroom below. The QNC is constructed to the most stringent scientific standards to reduce vibration, temperature fluctuations, electromagnetic fields and other sources of ‘noise’ that can disrupt quantum and nanoscale experiments.
In order to achieve an environment with low vibration, low electromagnetic interference (EMI) and minimal radio frequency interference, advanced structural, mechanical and electrical designs were employed and lab spaces were concentrated below grade where these effects are minimized.
Materials: The podium is clad with burnished concrete block to relate to the primarily masonry campus fabric of the University of Waterloo. The IQC façade plays on the concept of ‘superposition’ (where a digital switch can be on, off or both simultaneously) through degrees of reflection, transparency and the play of light on its surfaces.