Boffo Building Fashion 2013 Neiheiser - Valle

2013-12-20 01:00
 Endless Field
[纽约,纽约]-2013年12月12日(星期四)-美国友邦保险(AIA)获奖的博福大厦(Boffo)时装系列中的第二个安装,由内海泽办公室琳达·法罗(Linda Farrow)在为期三周的时装
[New York, NY] – Thursday, December 12th, 2013 the second installation in the AIA award winning BOFFO Building Fashion series opened with a three week fashion and architecture retail installation by Linda Farrow + Office of Neiheiser & Valle. A shipping container and surrounding warehouse space at the SuperPier at Hudson River Park (15th Street) in New York City, will be radically transformed, inviting visitors to a unique public art experience. An endless landscape of stone and light by Neiheiser & Valle adjacent to the Hudson River provides the backdrop for more than just Linda Farrow’s collection of luxurious eyewear, but an experience that transforms the brand for its New York City fans.
 © Naho Kubota
(Naho Kubota)
This BOFFO Building Fashion project is designed to transport the visitor from the dark winter of New York City to an infinite landscape of stone and light. Neiheiser & Valle state, “Eyewear mediates our vision and moderates our intake of light, but it also has the power to transform and transport.” For this installation, the architectural elements are minimized while the spatial qualities essential to both vision and illusion - deep space, radiance, and reflection - are maximized. The only objects present are the Linda Farrow glasses, suspended against an undulating environment of rich material qualities - coarse piles of stone, gold displays, ethereal mirrors, polished marble, and crisp light. Parallel walls of mirrored reflection multiply the space in both directions, creating an infinite field that is both heavy and light, an expansive landscape paradoxically contained within the confines of a shipping container, an oasis of luxury and warmth unexpectedly discovered in a cold warehouse by the Hudson River.
 © Naho Kubota
(Naho Kubota)
安装将提供从琳达法罗系列,以及其著名的国际设计师合作的眼镜选择。首次推出与Suno和3.1 Phillip Lim合作的SS14系列,以及与Dries Van Noten、Jeremy Scott、Oscar de la Renta、The Row和Prabal Gurung等设计师继续合作。
The installation will offer a selection of eyewear from the Linda Farrow collection, as well as its celebrated international designer collaborations. Unveiling for the first time the SS14 collaboration collections with Suno and 3.1 Phillip Lim, as well as continuing collaborations with designers like Dries Van Noten, Jeremy Scott, Oscar de la Renta, The Row, and Prabal Gurung.
Alongside the eyewear collection, the installation will offer a capsule collection in celebration of the Linda Farrow 10th anniversary of the relaunch of the brand. Expanding into lifestyle for the first time, the capsule collection is a luxurious selection of collaborative projects created with leading designers including shoes by Nicholas Kirkwood, lingerie by Agent Provocateur, jewellery by Mawi and the first Linda Farrow handbag, among other items and will be the exclusive brick & mortar to carry the capsule in New York.
 Courtesy of Neiheiser & Valle
“2013年对琳达·法罗来说是一个里程碑。能够用像胶囊系列这样令人兴奋的项目来庆祝十周年,而现在又能与波菲建筑时装公司这样的传奇项目合作,真是不可思议“,琳达·法罗(Linda Farrow)的西蒙·贾布伦(Simon Jablon)和特蕾西·塞迪诺(Tracy Sedino)说。
“2013 has been a milestone for Linda Farrow. To be able to celebrate a 10-year anniversary with such exciting projects like the capsule collection, and now partnering with a storied project such as BOFFO Building Fashion séries, is incredible” say Simon Jablon and Tracy Sedino of Linda Farrow.
 © Naho Kubota
(Naho Kubota)
琳达·法罗(LindaFarrow)提供了大多数眼镜公司再也无法提供的东西:最纯粹意义上的“创新”。创立于1970年的琳达·法罗(LindaFarrow)品牌的豪华眼镜迅速在时尚的伦敦人和国际喷气式飞机上获得好评。琳达·法罗(LindaFarrow)最初是一名时装设计师,她是第一批将太阳镜视为时尚的人之一,她在时尚系列之后推出了作为一个孜孜不倦的实验者,法罗开创了今天依然时尚的许多造型和风格。琳达·法罗(LindaFarrow)独创性的悠久传统一直保持在与迄今为止最令人兴奋的设计师合作的基础上,这些设计师带来了新的视角,同时也尊重了让琳达·法罗(Linda Farrow)成为风格、排他性和卓越品质的价值观。琳达·法罗(LindaFarrow)从来没有忘记过它的基本价值观是什么:在奢侈品水平上创造创新产品。今天,它以与世界上最受欢迎的设计师合作而闻名(Dries Van Noten,Oscar de la Renta,The Row,Matthew Williamson,Alexander Wang,Jeremy Scott,Kris van Assche等)。琳达·法罗(Linda Farrow)拥有前所未有的老式太阳镜系列(70年代和80年代的2000多款原创设计),以及其奢华的18K系列和豪华系列,已成为当今时尚界最令人兴奋的品牌之一。
Linda Farrow offers what most eyewear companies can no longer offer: “innovation” in the purest sense of the word. Established in 1970, the Linda Farrow brand of luxury eyewear rose quickly to acclaim amongst stylish Londoners and international jet set. Originally a fashion designer, Linda Farrow was one of the first to treat sunglasses as fashion, producing collection after cutting-edge collection. A tireless experimenter, Farrow pioneered many of the shapes and styles that remain stylish today. Linda Farrow’s long tradition of originality has been kept current by the use of collaborating with the most exciting designers to date, who bring a new perspective, whilst respecting the values which have made Linda Farrow a by-word for style, exclusivity and excellence. Linda Farrow has never lost sight of what its fundamental values are; to create innovative products at a luxury level. Today renowned for its collaborations with many of the world’s most acclaimed designers (Dries Van Noten, Oscar de la Renta, The Row, Matthew Williamson, Alexander Wang, Jeremy Scott, Kris van Assche among them). Its unprecedented range of vintage sunglasses (over 2000 original designs from the 70s and 80s), and its uncompromisingly luxurious 18K and Luxe lines, Linda Farrow has established itself as one of the most exciting brands in fashion today.
Neiheiser & Valle is a multidisciplinary design practice committed to both playful experimentation and serious research. Ryan Neiheiser and Giancarlo Valle see design as a conversation, a loose exchange of forms and ideas, an open dialogue with their histories and surroundings. They approach each project with an intellectual curiosity, an artistic rigor, and a strong commitment to realizing their ideas in the world.





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