Chameleon Cabin White Arkitekter
2013-12-20 01:00
架构师提供的文本描述。斯堪的纳维亚白色Arkitekter公司的建筑师兼合伙人马蒂亚斯·林德(Mattias Lind)设计了一套完全由纸制成的房子-变色龙小屋(Chameleon Cabin),根据你从哪个角度看,它会像变色龙一样改变外观。它像黑白大理石一样闪闪发光。
Text description provided by the architects. Mattias Lind, architect and partner at Scandinavian White arkitekter, has designed a house made entirely of paper – Chameleon Cabin – that changes appearance like a chameleon depending on which angle you view it from. It shimmers like marble in black and white.
© Rasmus Norlander
C.Rasmus Norlande
Architecture is always perceived in motion and that is something the Mattias Lind utilized to create an illusion with Chameleon Cabin. The design concept is based on a corrugated outer surface. A construction that makes the house change color as you move around it and at the same time increases the stability. By printing images of white and black marble on the façade, the architect wants to make a modest every day material more beautiful. For the interior a bright yellow was chosen in order create a warm feel while contrasting against the more discrete black and white of the façade.
© Rasmus Norlander
C.Rasmus Norlande
The house consists of 95 modules and weighs around 100 kilograms. The inner surface is about 7 square meters and the house is 3 meters high. It is built of sheets of Miniwell, corrugated paper that is 2 millimeters thick, in the format 1.200x1.600 millimeters. Compared to other cardboard material Miniwell is stiffer in relation to its own weight. It is a durable material that provides good stability. The roof and facade is suspended with hangers, in a solution similar to Lego, which makes the house easy to assemble and adjust. The design is flexible and possible to extend several hundred meters if needed.
© Rasmus Norlander
C.Rasmus Norlande
The final result was preceded by numerous full scale tests where the house was assembled in order to ensure stability and develop an interesting architectural form.
© Rasmus Norlander
C.Rasmus Norlande
该项目是由White Arkitekter,打印机G teborgstryckeriet和品牌代理公司开心F B合作,以探索材料的极限。
The project is a co-operation between White arkitekter, the printer Göteborgstryckeriet and brand agency Happy F + B, in order to explore the limits of the material.
马蒂亚斯·林德(Mattias Lind)认为,未来我们会看到更多使用纸张的建筑,特别是考虑到这种材料是可再生的。参数化设计结合新的数字绘图和刀具,为解决复杂问题和创造新的结构创造了新的机遇。
Mattias Lind believes that we will see more buildings in the future that use paper, particularly given that the material is renewable. Parametric design together with new digital drawing and cutting tools creates new opportunities to solve complex problems and create new architecture.