Under Construction Place of Remembrance Barclay - Crousse
2014-01-29 01:00
由秘鲁作家马里奥·巴尔加斯·洛萨领导的真相委员会于2010年发起了一场开放的全国建筑竞赛,争取在秘鲁人之间建立一个和解之地。20多年来,该委员会在恐怖主义运动“光辉道路”发起的冲突中面临着一场冲突,造成70 000多人死亡。
The Truth Commission, led by Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, launched in 2010 an open national architectural competition for the construction of a place of reconciliation between Peruvians, confronted for over twenty years in a conflict initiated by the terrorist movement Sendero Luminoso, which killed more than 70,000 people.
The jury of the competition, including Kenneth Frampton, Rafael Moneo, Francesco dal Co, Wiley Ludeña and José García Bryce, chose the project led by Barclay & Crousse, out of a total of 99 proposals submitted.
Named "Place of Remembrance", this center includes a theater-auditorium, a research and consultation area, temporary and permanent showrooms, and related services.
The project, located on the cliffs that define the bay of Lima, is carefully installed on the logic of the cliffs and ravines that make them up, recovering the memory of the place in its physical configuration and its materiality.
The building emerges from an esplanade open to the public, the image of the pre-Columbian "canchas" or fields, enclosed by terraces that articulate the entrances to the various elements of the program. The entrance to the Place of Remembrance is from the city, through a pedestrian path that takes the visitor away from the everyday and the city to go through the gap left between the cliff and the building, recalling the natural ravines that join the Lima plateau to the ocean, at the foot of the cliff.
This path continues along the entire visit, through a system of ramps that end on the roof, from where visitors can take the road back to the city, in a succession of open and covered spaces that predispose the visitor to interact actively with the content of the museum.
The environmental responsibility is assumed by means of simple architectural devices for thermal, acoustic and visual comfort, as well as to achieve greater efficiency in the consumption of water and energy.
Architects Barclay & Crousse
Category Museums & Exhibit
Project Architects Sandra Barclay and Jean Pierre Crousse
Collaborators Paulo Shimabukuro, Carlos Fernandez, Sebastián Cilloniz, Rosa Aguirre, Mauricio Sialer
Photography Cristobal Palma