La Queue du Lézard Community Center Rue Royale Architectes

2014-03-04 01:00
作为拉罗谢尔Mireuil区城市重建项目的核心,“La Queue du Lézard”(“蜥蜴尾巴”)是一个由当地社区设施组成的综合体,是由法国国家城市复兴署(ANRU)与现场公司的景观设计师共同开发的一项计划的一部分。一个社区中心、一个城市运动场和一个游戏图书馆被组合成一个200米长的狭长地带,由交替的建筑元素和空隙组成。它是按照通用结构的原理设计的,它围绕着一个包含所有技术和服务领域的混凝土脊髓,一个胶水层压的骨架和一个道格拉斯松树的皮。这个整体的建筑表达,允许在概念定义阶段调整节目,现在呈现了固体和空隙相互融合的一般观点。这种设计方法及其灵活性使项目获得了“蜥蜴尾巴”的绰号。
At the core of the urban renewal project for the Mireuil district of La Rochelle, “La Queue du Lézard” (“The Lizard’s Tail”) is a complex of local community amenities which is part of a plan proposed by ANRU (the French National Agency for Urban Renewal) developed together with landscape designers from the In Situ firm. A community centre, city sports grounds and a games library are grouped together in a 200 m long narrow strip made up of alternating built elements and voids. It is designed according to the principle of generic architecture, constructed around a concrete spinal cord that contains all the technical and services areas, a glue-laminated skeleton and a skin of Douglas Pine. This overall architectural expression, which allowed programmes to be adjusted during the concept definition stage, now presents a general view in which solids and voids blend into each other. This design method and its capacities for flexibility earned the project the nickname of the “lizard’s tail”.
 © Philippe Maillot
Urban bonds
该项目位于一个地区,其城市发展是以1960年代的规划原则为基础的,是典型的大型住宅综合体。基于一个自由开放的计划,它从严格的直角网格上的组成中获取一致性。各种拆除所腾出的空间使重新组织公共空间、容纳新建筑物和将旧的Châteaux d‘eau街区开放给Mireuil成为可能。这座建筑很自然地符合这一城市布局,从东到西,从瓦伦尼斯大道上的教堂到́街,都是以一长卷木材的形式延伸开来的。从形式上看,其思想是在倾斜的场地上保留一个严格的水平建筑。这种所谓的横向性使这一新方案在与现场规模对抗时具有连贯性和合法性。这种城市联系是在重建城市本身所需的时间内建立起来的,它也在人们的头脑和精神上形成了一种社会纽带,选择通用建筑为该方案提供了真正的力量,使它能够以统一、连贯的整体容纳不同的方案。正是建筑元素的优良品质,高质量材料的使用,以及与光线和阳光的配合,才使它变得如此多样和有趣。
The project is located in a district whose urban development, typical of large housing complexes, is based on the planning principles of the 1960s. Based on a free open plan, it takes its coherence from its composition on a strictly right-angled grid. The space freed by the various demolitions made it possible to reorganise the public spaces, to accommodate new buildings and to assert the opening of the old Châteaux d’Eau neighbourhood onto Mireuil. The building fits naturally into this urban layout and is stretched in the form of a long volume of wood, from East to West, from the church on Avenue des Grandes Varennes to Rue de la Résistance. From the viewpoint of form, the idea is to preserve a strictly horizontal building on a sloping site. This asserted horizontality gives coherence and legitimacy to this new programme in its confrontation with the scale of the site. This urban bonding, which takes places physically within the time required for rebuilding the city within itself, also forms a social bond in people’s minds and mentalities.The choice of generic architecture gives real strength to the scheme and allows it to accommodate the different programmes in a unified, coherent whole. It is the fine quality of the architectonic elements, the use of high-quality materials, and the play with light and sun that make it so varied and interesting.
 © Philippe Maillot
Experimenting with the active strip concept
The community centre, located in the core of the scheme, makes use of the natural slope to organise itself in half-storeys. A concrete “spinal column” contains all vertical circulation routes, sanitary accommodation and building services areas. The roof contains a continuous services plenum covered with metal gratings that also cover the vertical ends. The adjacent roofs are planted and not accessible, but they are visible from neighbouring buildings. Glue-laminated timber portal half-frames, placed on a regular 2.70 m grid, form two spacious simple roofed structures – one on each side of this backbone – where all the scheme’s high- quality spaces are located. The envelope consists of a timber framework façade covered with Douglas Pine weatherboards, placed vertically and horizontally in alternation. These elevations appear to be held in place by vertical “props” that dance along the façades. These “props” consist of galvanised steel T-section stanchions, delicately faced with stabilised timber. On the south façade, the “props” are detached from the façade and support brise-soleil sun-breaks. Their positions are calculated to completely stop sunshine in the summer and to allow it freely into the rooms in winter. The games library is designed according to the same architectural and technical principle.
 © Philippe Maillot
A warm heart for the community centre
Special attention was paid to the community centre’s reception area. Accessible from Place des Palabres on the South, it provides easy, safe access. Its central position allows easy access to all activities, and the large transparent glazed areas allow monitoring of circulation flows and of people. The reception lobby, with its warm, welcoming red colour, sets the tone for the whole scheme. This warm atmosphere is enhanced by the widespread use of wood (for the structure, internal finishes, and false ceilings), the large transparent areas and the omnipresent natural daylighting. Located on the three half-storeys, it has view of the entire building. The general organisation includes a very large space called the Agora on the West, which can be used completely separately or even rented for a token fee for private activities. It is entirely self-contained in terms of sanitary accommodation, eating facilities, access, etc. On each side of the active strip, there are rooms of different sizes, for offices or workshops.The simultaneous views of both sides of the building create a reassuring atmosphere and provide a permanent view of the surrounding city. On the other hand, the play of brise-soleil sun-breaks provide great privacy from the outside for users, who can see without being seen.
 © Philippe Maillot
Integrating environmental design for a Low Consumption Building project
Certain fundamental principles of environmental design were applied:
a “bioclimatic” architectural concept based on compact buildings, ideally oriented in relation to the sun’s path. a part of the structure is in concrete to give the building the required thermal inertia. There is also a glue-laminated timber structural framework. The external facings are in forested wood, such as pine. thermal insulation is reinforced to limit heating needs. The choice of external insulation decreases thermal amplitudes between day and night, and between winter and summer. Special attention is paid to the building’s airtightness. Heat losses are limited, particularly by providing air-locks in all cases. the spaces and openings are designed to limit heat losses and overheating as follows:
On the south, large glazed wall openings are protected by canopies (which are adjusted to allow in the winter sun and to completely stop sunshine in the summer) and dense vegetation. On the north, glazed wall openings are reduced. On the east and west façades, the openings are fitted with external fabric blinds.
Architects Rue Royale Architectes
Location Avenue des Grandes Varennes, 17000 La Rochelle, France
Category Community Center
Area 2390.0 sqm
Project Year 2014
Photographs Philippe Maillot





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