911 Memorial Museum Davis Brody Bond

2014-03-21 00:00
9·11纪念馆馆长爱丽丝·M·格林沃尔德(Alice M.Greenwald)描述说:“博物馆的建筑师们不得不应对一系列具有挑战性的物质条件和保护任务。”“但是,更重要的是,他们还必须考虑到网站的神圣性,这就要求人们对地点的真实性如何影响游客的情绪有一个非同寻常的理解。”
“The architects of the Museum had to respond to a challenging set of physical conditions and preservation mandates,” described Alice M. Greenwald, Director of the 9/11 Memorial Museum. “But, even more importantly, they also had to consider the sanctity of the site, which required an extraordinary understanding of how authenticity of place could impact visitors’ emotions.”
这座11万平方英尺的博物馆旨在“展示和保存9·11事件的历史和记忆,同时记录袭击的影响并探讨其持久的意义”。这座博物馆最初是从世贸中心(World Trade Center)的广场和由Sn hetta设计的玻璃展馆进入的。在这里,为9/11遇难者家属提供了一个小礼堂和私人空间,在游客被引导下由“丝带”组成的温柔队伍之前。
Designed to “present and preserve the history and memories of the events of 9/11, while documenting the impact of the attacks and exploring their enduring significance,” the 110,000 square foot museum is first accessed from the plaza of the World Trade Center and through a glass pavilion designed by Snøhetta. Here, a small auditorium and private space for 9/11 victims’ families is provided, before visitors are guided down a gentle procession formed by “the Ribbon.”
 3. Model of the “Ribbon”, the Ramp that Gently Descends and Guides Visitors from the Plaza to the Bedrock Level. Image © Davis Brody Bond
 Section. Image © Davis Brody Bond and Snøhetta
部分。图像(戴维斯·布罗迪·邦德和Sn hetta)
The Ribbon was inspired by the ramp used to remove debris from the site in the aftermath of the attacks. It serves as the Museum’s main circulation, leading visitors through a contemplative experience that reveals the story of 9/11 before ultimately culminating at the bedrock level where the sheared base columns of the World Trade Center towers remain.
Throughout the decent, framed views offer a glimpse of the slurry wall, "the original retaining wall that was built to withstand the lateral forces of landfill and river, and which survived the collapse of the towers."
 Plan of the Bedrock Level. Image © Davis Brody Bond
At the end of the Ribbon, “the descent continues down along the Vesey Street Stairs (“Survivors’ Stairs”), which were used by hundreds to escape to safety on 9/11. It ultimately leads to two exhibition spaces and Foundation Hall, the Museum’s culminating space whose sheer scale conveys the enormity of the site and reinforces awareness of the absence of what once was there.”
The two exhibition spaces are located within the footprints of the Twin Towers, directly below the Memorial’s reflecting pools. A historical exhibition gallery takes the place of the North Tower, while a memorial exhibition, education center, and excavation of the original structure occupies the space of the South Tower. 
 World Trade Center Tridents in the entry pavilion by Snøhetta. Image © Amy Dreher
由Sn hetta组成的世界贸易中心展馆中的三叉戟。形象(艾米·德雷赫)
戴维斯·布罗迪·邦德(Davis Brody Bond)的联邦航空局(FAIA)的史蒂文·M·戴维斯(Steven M.Davis)说:“这个遗址的历史重要性及其象征意义,使得我们必须在集体体验和个人体验之间“我们依靠四个原则来指导我们的工作:记忆、真实性、规模和情感,希望能为游客提供最敏感、尊重和信息丰富的体验。”
“The historic importance of the site and its symbolism made it essential for us to find a balance between the collective and the individual experience,” says Steven M. Davis, FAIA of Davis Brody Bond. “We relied on four principles to guide our work: memory, authenticity, scale and emotion, hoping to provide the most sensitive, respectful and informative experience for visitors.”
Memory: “One of the primary goals in the design was to remind people what existed on the site before 9/11. The World Trade Center towers were fixtures on the New York City skyline and part of the daily life of hundreds of thousands of people. Within the Museum, the inverted volumes of the towers bring to memory their presence in the life of the city.”
Authenticity: “Few memorials occupy the site of the events they commemorate. The Museum is located where the attacks occurred and where the recovery process began. It gives visitors a first-hand encounter with the site. The artifacts also speak to this authenticity. Ranging in scale from the monumental to intimate, they include the slurry wall, the foundations and column bases at bedrock, as well as artifacts carefully selected during the recovery.” 
 South Tower with Box Beam Columns. Image © Red Square Design
Scale: “The World Trade Center was enormous, as was the impact of 9/11. The scale of the original building has been preserved and contributes to the impact of the visit. Foundation Hall is a cathedral-like space, a place of meditation. It is bordered on one side by the North Tower volume and on the other by the 60-foot slurry wall. It also houses the 58-ton steel “Last Column” that was ceremoniously removed from the site on May 30, 2002, marking the official end of the nine-month Ground Zero recovery effort.”
Emotion: “How visitors will experience the Museum has been a significant consideration in its design. The design ensures that visitors, when confronting subjects of emotional intensity, includes areas that allow and promote moments of solemnity and contemplation.” 
The 9/11 Memorial Museum is comprised of three basic materials - concrete, aluminum, and wood - all of which are intended to evoke “both the raw character of the site and the period of recovery, yet also provide tactile elements that are familiar and comfortable to the visitor.”
建筑师戴维斯布罗迪邦德位置世界贸易中心,纽约,美国类别博物馆建筑师主管史蒂文M戴维斯,FAIA;公司名称:中国国际航空公司AIA展馆入口建筑师Sn hetta展览设计师当地项目有限公司历史展览设计师莱曼设计区2014年110000.0平方米项目年红场设计,戴维斯·布罗迪·邦德,戴维斯·布罗迪·邦德和Sn海塔,艾米·德雷尔,沃利·戈贝茨制造商装货.
Architects Davis Brody Bond Location World Trade Center, New York, NY, USA Category Museum Architects in Charge Steven M. Davis, FAIA; Carl F. Krebs, AIA Pavilion Entry Architect Snøhetta Exhibition Designers Local Projects, LLC Historical Exhibition Designer Layman Design Area 110000.0 m2 Project Year 2014 Photographs Red Square Design, Davis Brody Bond, Davis Brody Bond and Snøhetta, Amy Dreher, Wally Gobetz Manufacturers Loading...





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