eVolo Skyscraper Competition 2014 A Skyscraper That Grows
2014-04-02 01:00
According to the designers, "existing carbon capture practices use the method of point capture, capturing carbon gases at the source, requiring a significant initial investment in additional facilities, infrastructure, and maintenance of underground storages." Moreover, they argue that the "implementation of point capture method may directly and indirectly contribute to a significant sum of greenhouse gases through construction, material production and processing, in addition to the contingencies associated with underground storage."
Internal Rendering. Image © YuHao Liu & Rui Wu
Noting that current research on carbon gases suggests alternative methods of capture, such as "air capture through carbon-philic resins and material processes that reform carbon dioxide into solid construction material", they have hypothesised a material capable of "assimilating carbon dioxide as a means to self-propagation." Employing such a material allows air capture of carbon dioxide and the resultant production of a solid construction material capable of support
"Various circulation methods can be employed depending on the need, and retrofitting of circulation enables the occupation of individuals. Naturally, clusters of habitation will emerge with the circulation access at its center, with each structure able to accommodate multiple circulation access and clusters. As occupied spaces increase, varying access can be linked to form lifted streetscapes between a multiplicity of clusters. While programmatic attributions are left undefined and inherently open to occupying individuals, the open structural framework allows tetris-like stacking and up to six directions to extend existing space. The regularity of its physical form guarantees the ease and accessibility of occupation, attracting and inspiring new methods of inhabiting within the skyscraper. Given the three-dimensional freedom of occupying space, new forms of social interaction may also emerge as a result."
Unlike conventional skyscrapers which rely on steel frame and concrete casting, this skyscraper suggests a more environmentally conscious construction method, an alternative mode of occupation and ownership, and potentially a "distinct organisation of social relati
Section. Image © YuHao Liu & Rui Wu
This competition, established by eVolo Magazine in 2006, aims to recognise innovative proposals for vertical living. After reviewing nearly 600 projects from 43 different countries, the jury has selected three winners and 20 honorable mentions. See the competition’s winning scheme, Vernacular Versatility, second place scheme, Marinetti's Monster, along with the honourable mentions here.
Wiel Arets、Wiel Arets建筑师、伊利诺伊理工学院建筑学院院长John Becmann、首席轴心国Madi Michael Hensel、奥斯陆建筑学院教授Lisa Iwamoto、IwamtoScott首席建筑教授、加州大学伯克利分校Kas Oosterhuis教授、Delft技术大学教授德里克·皮罗齐教授、建筑设计师奥本海姆建筑设计2013年第一名-汤姆·普莱斯、汤姆·普莱斯·费尔南多·罗梅罗、FR-EE·克雷格·斯科特校长、伊瓦莫托-斯科特建筑学院校长、加利福尼亚艺术学院教授卡罗尔·威利斯、Skyspraper博物馆主任、哥伦比亚大学丹·伍德教授、首席工作建筑公司教授、耶鲁大学教授
Wiel Arets, Principal Wiel Arets Architects, Dean of the Illinois Institute of Technology’s College of Architecture John Beckmann, Principal Axis Mundi Michael Hensel, Principal AKNW + NAL, professor at Oslo School of Architecture Lisa Iwamoto, Principal IwamotoScott Architecture, professor at University of California Berkeley Kas Oosterhuis, Principal Oosterhuis-Lénárd, professor at Delft University of Technology Derek Pirozzi, Architectural designer Oppenheim Architecture + Design, first place 2013 eVolo Skyscraper Competition Tom Price, Principal Tom Price Fernando Romero, Principal FR-EE Craig Scott, Principal IwamotoScott Architecture, professor at California College of the Arts Carol Willis, Director Skyscraper Museum, professor at Columbia University Dan Wood, Principal WORK Architecture Company, professor at Yale University
Architects YuHao Liu & Rui Wu Location Canada Category Skyscrapers Project Year 2014 Photographs YuHao Liu & Rui Wu