Ace Hotel Downtown LA Commune Design

2014-05-05 01:00
 © Spencer Lowell
Text description provided by the architects. Ace Hotel Downtown Los Angeles opens in the historic United Artists building in Downtown LA. Built in 1927 for the maverick film studio, the ornate, storied theatre and tower stand as monuments to a group of seminal American artists pushing out on their own, and anchors the Broadway Theater District’s modern renaissance. United Artists co-founder Mary Pickford's love for the ornate detail and stone spires of Spanish castles and cathedrals is manifest at the theatre. It’s a true temple of the arts. The mixture of reverent awe and irreverent independence is right up our alley — this is the kind of project we dream of.
We partnered with Commune Design to breathe life back into the historic site. While the theatre's original design was a lush interpretation of the Spanish Gothic style, the tower's facade hid a minimalist poured concrete structure. Therein lies the basis for the concept at Ace Hotel's newest home: the marriage between decadence and democracy, between 1920’s Hollywood glamour and modern minimalism, is informed by a finely tuned ear toward the Broadway Theatre District’s latest revival — a modern renaissance we’re proud to be a part of.
受艺术家作为独立制片人的想法的启发,玛丽·皮克福德(Mary Pickford)-沉默时代的宠儿-离开了阿道夫·祖克(Adolph Zuker)和派拉蒙影业(Parsum Pictures),实现了她的梦想。他们求助于建筑师C·霍华德·克莱恩(C.HowardCrane)来建造联合艺术家剧院和毗邻的塔楼,这座塔最初是德士古的办公室。
Inspired by the idea of artist as independent producer, Mary Pickford — darling of the silent era — left Adolph Zuker and Paramount Pictures to realize her dream, joined by D.W. Griffith, Charlie Chaplin and Douglas Fairbanks. They turned to architect C. Howard Crane to build the United Artists Theatre and adjacent tower, which first served as offices for Texaco.
The movie palaces built in the 1920’s and 30’s ware marked not just by luxury and elegance, but by architects gone a shade or two rogue. The United Artists Theatre offers equal parts classic style, functionality — the advent of “talkies” called for the rapid development of modern acoustics — and a surrender to the glitz and excess of Hollywood. Sweeping design features and minute, delicate details combine to define the golden age of cinema.
 © Spencer Lowell

我们正在百老汇复兴的中心打开我们的大门。在过去的十年里,洛杉矶市中心见证了创作精神的不可否认的复苏,这种精神是在近一个世纪前与联合艺术家创办人一起首次出现的。这一次,变革开始了-小租户搬进了创意的阁楼和办公室,参加派对的人找到了参加地下活动的人,为了寻找下一个新事物,食客们在阿尔玛餐厅、Bäco Mercat餐厅、Bar Amá餐厅、Orsa餐厅和温斯顿餐厅,或者在新装修的大中心市场(Grand Central Market)找到了新东西。MOCA继续主持世界一流的现代艺术展览和活动,博德博物馆明年加入这一社区。
We’re opening our doors in the heart of the ongoing Broadway renaissance. In the last decade, Downtown Los Angeles has seen an undeniable resurgence of the creative spirit that first arrived nearly a century ago with the United Artists founders. This time around, change started small – tenants moved into creative lofts and offices, party-goers found their way to underground events, and diners in search of the next new thing found it at restaurants like Alma, Bäco Mercat, Bar Amá, Orsa and Winston, or at the newly-renovated Grand Central Market. MOCA continues to curate world-class modern art exhibits and events, and Broad Museum joins the neighborhood next year.
百老汇的许多历史剧院正和我们一起恢复生机,这个地区的历史中心作为一个步行社区越来越受欢迎-在这个城市扩张的过程中,这是一件罕见的事情。随着洛杉矶市中心艾斯酒店(Ace Hotel)的到来,那些重视社区意识和致力于我们也珍视的前瞻性设计的零售商-阿克纳工作室、伊索、金福克工作室和坦纳商品公司等,正在进入百老汇交叉路口的零售店,并在新年之际搬进第九家零售店,我们等不及要叫他们邻居了。
Many of Broadway’s historic theatres are coming back to life alongside us, and the historic core of the area is gaining popularity as a walking neighborhood — a rare thing to find in the sprawl of the city. And with the arrival of Ace Hotel Downtown Los Angeles comes retailers that value the sense of community and dedication to forward-thinking design that we too hold dear — Acne Studios, Aesop, Kinfolk Studios, and Tanner Goods, among others, are moving into the retail outlets at the intersection of Broadway and 9th at the turn of the new year, and we can’t wait to call them our neighbors.
洛杉矶市中心的艾斯酒店(Ace Hotel)为前往该地区的游客提供了一个友好的聚集地-这里是创意、创新者、艺术家和企业家见面、工作、迎头赶上的枢纽,并将能量向外部不断变化和充满活力的社区辐射。
Ace Hotel Downtown Los Angeles offers visitors to the area a friendly place to gather — a hub for creatives, innovators, artists and entrepreneurs to meet, work, catch up, and to radiate energy outward into the evolving and vibrant neighborhood outside.
 Sketch Restaurant
Atelier Ace worked with local collective Commune Design to restore the United Artists building and theatre. In addition to their work at Ace Hotel Downtown Los Angeles, they’ve brought their holistic design approach to Ace Hotel & Swim Club in Palm Springs, CA and to the newly opened American Trade Hotel in Panama City, an Atelier Ace portfolio property
The project's facade was approached as an "interpretive" restoration — what would the building have looked like if it had been a hotel, restaurant, or theatre in the heyday of the Broadway Theatre District? The terracotta and plasterwork exterior of the building was stripped of decades of paint, carefully cleaned, and the iron grillwork restored. A wood storefront with molding reminiscent of Josef Hoffman's work was installed to frame stained glass windows, with transoms made by the legendary Judson Studios from an abstracted Gothic-inspired design. A sidewalk cafe spills from the restaurant onto the sidewalk outside, extending the Ace experience unto the neighborhood. The original theatre booth was long gone, so a new space — serving as a newsstand by day, and ticket booth by night — was designed in the deco style that appeared in Los Angeles in the late 1920's.
 © Spencer Lowell
The building was stripped down to its minimalist concrete core, with design elements then layered on top. The original poured concrete ceilings and columns were strategically retained in most public areas and guest rooms. The public spaces in the hotel tower are intimate in scale, flowing naturally from one room to the next — the transition from registration, elevator vestibule, coffee bar, restaurant and into the mezzanine lounge is seamless.
The result is a singular experience, a collection of architectural and design references piled on top of one another. Gropius' office and the Bauhaus, Viennese cafes, Mission-style churches, Luis Barragan, Parisian modernism, Piet Mondrian, and Adolf Loos share space with each other, a nod to the irreverence and "no holds barred" design attitude of Los Angeles in the 1920's and 30's.
 Axonometric Bed
在客房方面,公社从鲁道夫·辛德勒在西好莱坞的住所中汲取了灵感。原有的混凝土天花板得到了维护,墙壁上有Homasote,用于吸声和取暖。房间里的家具是用深灰色中等密度纤维板做的。浴室配有无漆黄铜固定装置,与带有钢和玻璃窗的睡眠和生活空间隔开。客房配有定制的Ace x Revo收音机、羽翼角浴袍和鲁迪理发店及珍珠浴室产品。野口灯和彭德尔顿毛毯编织成蒙德里安图案,完成了空间。选定的房间包括马丁公司(C.F.Martin)。
For the guest rooms, Commune drew inspiration from Rudolf Schindler's residence in West Hollywood. Original concrete ceilings were maintained, with homasote on the walls for sound absorption and warmth. The furniture in the rooms is made of dark grey-tinted Medium Density Fiberboard. The bathrooms, equipped with unlacquered brass fixtures, are separated from sleep and living spaces with steel and glass windows. Guest rooms feature custom Ace x Revo Radios, wings+horns bathrobes and bath products from Rudy’s Barbershop and Pearl+. Noguchi lamps and Pendleton blankets woven in a Mondrianesque pattern complete the space. Select rooms include C.F. Martin & Co. guitars and Ace x Rega RP1 turntables. A great deal of attention is placed on efficiency — there's a place for everything, and an outlet near at hand no matter where you are.
 © Spencer Lowell
这个被恰当命名的楼上屋顶空间被改造成一个室内/室外休息室和游泳池,灵感来自弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特的埃尼斯之家和传说中的好莱坞夜景Les deux咖啡馆́。楼上有一个混凝土地堡样的酒吧,由服装设计师和回归的Ace合作者迈克尔·施密特(Michael Schmidt)安装灯光。施密特由数百英尺的老式钢链和谷仓五金制成,戏院里还发现了打捞出来的原始戏剧灯。混凝土池的灵感来自唐纳德·贾德在马法的游泳池,毗邻一个由当地艺术家阿利亚·彭纳设计的带有钢框架窗户和图案的檐篷的庭院。陶瓷灯笼悬挂在一棵珊瑚树上,位于室外壁炉附近的庭院中央。陈设是由约书亚树雕塑家阿尔玛艾伦的‘铅笔’雪松作品组合而成。户外自定义灯具是由罗伯特刘易斯设计,谁也与Ace在我们在棕榈泉的财产。
The aptly named Upstairs rooftop space was transformed into an indoor/outdoor lounge and pool inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright’s Ennis House and the legendary Hollywood night spot Les Deux Café. Upstairs features a concrete bunker-like bar with a light installation by costume designer and returning Ace collaborator Michael Schmidt, made of hundreds of feet of vintage steel chain and barn hardware, with salvaged original theatrical lights found in the theatre. The concrete pool is inspired by Donald Judd’s pool in Marfa, and is adjacent to a courtyard lined with steel frame windows and patterned canopies by local artist Alia Penner. Ceramic lanterns hang from a Coral tree, positioned in the center of the courtyard near the outdoor fireplace. Furnishings are a combination of Equipale-style and ‘Pencil’ cedar pieces by Joshua Tree sculptor Alma Allen. Custom light fixtures in the outdoor area were made by Robert Lewis Design, who has also worked with Ace at our property in Palm Springs.
景观设计师马修·布朗(Matthew Brown)创建了一个忠实于建筑设计和建造时代的设施-它不是为了让人敬畏或留下深刻印象,而是为了营造一种家和舒适的感觉,为人们提供远离城市的避难所。从屋顶流出的“圣迭戈红”布干维尔(San Diego Red)瀑布,还有波士顿常春藤(Boston Ivy)和爬行的无花果藤(Fig藤蔓),在屋顶休息室和游泳池区的墙壁和窗户上画着图案,在联合艺术家和他们的朋友的创始人的花园庄园里就能找到。固定在屋顶休息室的裸珊瑚树定期给客人提供季节性变化的感觉-这在洛杉矶是出乎意料的,但仔细观察却是显而易见的。
Landscape designer Matthew Brown created an installation faithful to the era of the design and construction of the building — it’s not intended to awe or impress, but to create a sense of home and comfort, to provide a sanctuary from the city. Flowing 'San Diego Red' Bougainvillea cascades from the rooftop, with Boston Ivy and Creeping Fig vines patterning the walls and windows of the rooftop lounge and pool area, would have been found in the garden estates of the founders of United Artists and their friends. The Naked Coral tree that anchors the rooftop lounge provides periodic guests to Ace a sense of seasonal change — something unexpected in Los Angeles, but noticeable to a careful eye.
 © Spencer Lowell
An Ace restoration of the historic United Artists Theatre is available for concerts, premieres, private screenings, conferences, seminars, performances and creative gatherings in 2014. The original murals and intricate plasterwork inside the theatre were restored, while theatre seats were reclaimed and reupholstered. New carpet with a Yin and Yang pattern, inspired by the original ceiling the mezzanine, was installed, along with a new Deco-inspired ticket booth in the façade. Built in 1927 in a Spanish Gothic style, the historic theatre offers 2,300 square feet of lobby space with a 35' ceiling, 1,600 seats and a 783 square foot event space. 
The grand entrance, intricate detail and awe-inspiring craftsmanship illustrate Pickford's prescient instinct to house cinema in devotional dress. The ornately decorated open balcony and mezzanine overlook the expansive theatre, orchestra and proscenium arch, while thousands of tiny mirrors glimmer in the vaulted ceilings. Richly colored murals depict the legends of film's Golden Age, immortalized in mythic attire. The overall effect is a warm, lushly appointed feast for the eyes, rife with history and creative spirit.
 © Spencer Lowell
Architects Commune Design
Location 929 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90015, United States
Category Renovation
Project Year 2014
Photographs Spencer Lowell
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