New Judiciary Police Department ‘s Headquarters Saraiva + Associados
2014-05-17 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。2014年3月11日,位于葡萄牙里斯本的新的司法警察局总部落成.Saraiva Associados负责建筑项目,该项目旨在保护这一公共机构的历史和价值。总干预面积98.000平方米。
Text description provided by the architects. The new Judiciary Police Department headquarters, in Lisbon, Portugal, was inaugurated on 11 th March 2014. Saraiva + Associados was responsible for the architecture project, which aimed to conserve the history and values of this public institution. The total intervention area has 98.000 sqm.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
司法警察部门无疑是葡萄牙最负盛名和最具代表性的机构之一。虽然我们把严谨、纪律和紧缩与这个机构联系在一起,但它的新总部具有一个整体的但人性化的形象,没有一个严格的规模。Saraiva Associados公司的首席执行官兼首席建筑师米格尔·萨拉瓦解释说,几何表皮赋予了新建筑一个统一的形象,减少了它对社区的影响。
«The Judiciary Police Department is undoubtedly one of the most prestigious and emblematic institutions in Portugal. Although we associate rigor, discipline and austerity to this institution, its new headquarters has a corporative but humanized image, without an austere scale. The geometric skin gives the new building a unified image, reducing its impact on the neighborhood», Miguel Saraiva, CEO and leading Architect at Saraiva + Associados, explains.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
The exterior image of the building reflects a modern style of clean lines, through glazed facades interspersed with opaque elements, giving it a balanced composition of volumes. The building is equipped with high technology and safety features that make it one of the most advanced institutional buildings in Portugal.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
The new building was built on a hierarchy of geometric recessions that reduce the impact on the urban surroundings. It has a Northeast/Southwest orientation, with maximum volumetric of 11 floors above the ground level and two large central courtyards that interleave the volumes and unify the built set. Its interior courtyards provide natural light, creating a pleasant workspace.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
位于里斯本Rua Gomes Freire的新总部被整合成一个具有重大历史价值的城市遗址,Saraiva Associados项目打算以此为基础,创造一个现代化和实用的解决方案。
The new headquarters, located at Rua Gomes Freire, in Lisbon, is integrated into an urban site with great historical value, which Saraiva + Associados project intended to honor, creating a modern and functional solution.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
Until the late nineteenth century this urban site was a transitional space between the rural suburbs and the historic center of Lisbon. In the transition to the twentieth century the site has undergone a marked process of urbanization with the construction of Camões College, in 1909, Veterinary Medicine Faculty, between 1927 and 1937, and the old Judiciary Police Department’s headquarters and National Identification Archives, between 1956 and 1958.
用司法警察局的国家主任Almeida Rodrigues的话说,这个总部是世界上最好的刑事调查机构之一。葡萄牙司法部长Paula Teixeira da Cruz说,这一高质量的工作使司法警察部门能够回到原来的汇总表,将所有服务集中在一座大楼中,提高了业务效率,降低了维护费用。
In the words of Judiciary Police Department’s National Director, Almeida Rodrigues, this headquarters «is amongst the best in the world for criminal investigation institutions». Portuguese Justice Minister, Paula Teixeira da Cruz, says this «high quality work allows the return of Judiciary Police Department’s to its original matrix, concentrating all services in a building, with greater operational efficiency and reduced maintenance costs»
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG