Centro Cultural Casal Balaguer Flores - Prats + Duch
2014-05-22 01:00
Courtesy of Flores & Prats + Duch-Pizá
架构师提供的文本描述。卡萨尔·巴拉格尔(Casal Balaguer)是帕尔马(Palma)历史中心的一座宫殿,这是一座数百年来的洪水,始于1300年,然后在1500年,最后在1700年,它失去了作为公共建筑的家,成为整个城市的文化中心。重视建筑物中所包含的时间,而不与塑造其性质的历史阶段相距,使我们能够在不离开他的情况下采取行动:如果观察不能区分时间,行动就不能有距离。我们从内部采取行动,这是一个物理和直接的想法,用重新占领它的决定改变建筑,给它一个更长寿命的新时代,使它更可持续。在绘制了很长一段时间之后,让我们来决定它,从这个意义上说,这幅画使我们有信心在没有物质和时间距离的情况下,在一个持续的时间里,把新的干预措施纳入我们的眼睛,就好像它们已经存在了一样。最终的结果是新一代,有遗产和新事物,这是一项工作,承担了现有的压力,并从中吸取了教训。这是一个几何变形,但也材料,比例和尺寸。
Text description provided by the architects. Casal Balaguer is a palace of the historic center of Palma, a flood over the centuries family home, starting in 1300, then in 1500 and finally in 1700, which now loses its household to be a public building, a cultural center for the entire city. To value the times contained in the building, without taking physical distance with the historical stages that have shaped its qualities, allows us to act without departing from him: if observation do not distinguish times, the action must not have distances. We act from within it, a physical and direct thought, transforming the building with the decision to re-occupying it, giving it a new era of longer life making it more sustainable. Having drawn the building for a long time let us decide on it, and in this sense the drawing gives us the confidence to work on what was found without physical and temporal distances with the story, in a continuous time which makes new interventions get incorporated appearing to our eyes as if they had already existed. The end result is a new generation, with legacy and new things, a job that takes the strain existing and draw from it. It is a geometric metamorphosis, but also of materials, proportions and dimensions.
The building is updated based on the previous one, a transformation that welcomes the new features. The effort is to make the ancient palace express its maximum spatial, materials, and historical qualities... because the new function gives us the freedom to draw a new project within the previous building. Taking it as a construction, without the typical constraints of the use for which it was intended, allow us to stop seeing it as a building of domestic dimensions, and move on to assess their spatial and physical as the start of the new occupation qualities. Explore the unfinished condition of the existing building, suggests that actions on it are not over, it is something evolving, imperfect result of the addition of steps in which ours is just one more, not the last. This dialogue of confidence in what we find, in a positive observation that values and respects as signs of an earlier occupation, giving the project a temporary sense which makes would not be possible to recognize from what time is this place.
Courtesy of Flores & Prats + Duch-Pizá
Architects Flores & Prats, Duch-Pizá
Location Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain