Boulevard Las Brujas Mas Fernandez Arquitectos
2014-05-29 01:00
“布鲁哈斯大道”大楼是过去10年来,如Pio XI购物中心、Luis Carrera、San Felix、Av秘鲁等购物中心在零售建筑中积累的经验的综合。
“Boulevard Las Brujas” building is the synthesis of the accumulated experience in Retail buildings by the office during the last 10 years, such as shopping centers Pio XI , Luis Carrera, San Felix, Av Peru and others.
The large covering that wraps the volumes that contain shops, helps to give the building a strong appearence, leaving the billboards captivated by architecture.
The corporative images of todays main market brands are far away from what one would like as an architect (far away from the reality), with which we have to work on our commercial architecture.
正因为如此,我们不需要把这些设计留给一个糟糕的架构,由品牌管理,而不是让我们的工作留给开发人员,只想为他们的业务带来有吸引力的回报。但多亏了普通民众的评论,开发商(其中一些)开始意识到,并试图将自己与竞争对手区分开来。现在,在“布鲁哈斯大道”的例子中,什么是附加值?回想起智利经济繁荣时期的第一座商业建筑,购物“洛斯科布·德·维塔库拉”(Los Cobres De Vitacura)、“埃尔普埃布洛·因格尔斯”(El Pueblo Ingles)和普罗维登西亚的画廊就是一个很好的例子,说明人们是如何向渴望国际风格的人们提供服务的。“布鲁哈斯大道”试图成为当年这些价值观和行动的典范。
Just for that we do not have to leave these designs at the hands of a bad architecture, governed by brands, and not to leave our job for developers interest in just attractive returns for their business. But thanks to common peoples reviews, the developers (some of them) are becoming aware and seek to differentiate themselves from their competition. Now, in the case of “Boulevard Las Brujas, Which is the added value? Just remembering the first commercial buildings in the era of the economic boom of Chile, Shopping “Los Cobres de Vitacura”, “El Pueblo Ingles” and the galleries of Providencia are good examples of how services were offered to the people, eager of the international style. "Boulevard Las Brujas" attempts to be a good example of those values and actions of those years.
A general three-body based, rotated among them, linked by a contimuous system of ramps and walkways, creates a path that goes through different scenes. This makes a experience for the consumer that reminds the phrase "to see and be seen". Different levels, generous common areas and a large deck that accommodates to the slope and that commands the large amount of information. A building whose materiality speaks about constant between technology (metal coating) and fine materials (concrete and wood), with squares to locate there large trees providing greenery inside.
The parking, mainly underground, is accessible and has a continuous path, which facilitates its use and do not bother your presence, for being always in a lower level.
Architects Mas Fernandez Arquitectos
Location La Reina, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
Category Commercial Architecture
Architects in Charge Cristóbal Fernández, Andrés Mas, Patricio Pinto, Antonio Mundi