Park Linné kister scheithauer gross architekten
2014-05-29 01:00
Text description provided by the architects. PARK LINNÉ Cologne: Laying of the foundation stone for 50 additional apartments
客户MichaelDornieden强调,“ParkLinn是另一个例子,说明如何将工业休憩地改造成一个对周围环境有刺激作用的活跃的城市地区”。在资深市长Jürgen Roters在场的情况下,为本季度市中心奠基的三座城市别墅LACAND N、Torres和CristBAL现在得到了庆祝。这些别墅将提供50套新公寓,面积从65平方米到187平方米不等,地下停车场将提供64个停车位。这个设计是由来自科隆的Kister Scheithauer毛额Architekten(KISG)提出的,他在公园林恩开发项目中建造了9座城市别墅(E2-E10)和一座公寓楼(F1 G1)。
‘PARK LINNÉ represent another example of how to convert industrial fallow sites into a lively urban district with stimulating effects on the surroundings’, client Michael Dornieden emphasises. In the presence of Senior Mayor Jürgen Roters, the laying of the foundation stone for the urban centre of the quarter, the three city villas LACANDÓN, TORRES and CRISTÓBAL, was now celebrated. The villas will provide 50 new apartments with floor areas ranging from 65 to 187 square metres and 64 parking spaces in the underground car park. The design was originated by kister scheithauer gross architekten (ksg) from Cologne, who implement a total of nine city villas (E2-E10) and one apartment complex (F1+G1) in the PARK LINNÉ development.
典雅的城市别墅,经典的联排别墅,时髦的阁楼,和时尚的城市公寓,镶嵌在一个独特的花园景观中,在最高层-这就是客户DORNIEDEN Park Linn GmbH。
Elegant city villas, classic townhouses, trendy lofts, and stylish city apartments, embedded in a unique garden landscape, at the highest level – that is how the client, DORNIEDEN PARK LINNÉ GMBH & CO. KG, formulated his wishes. The urban planning concept is based on the image of an urban quarter with proportioned streetscapes and discernible detached houses. This ensemble is framed by distinctive, higher corner buildings, which define the new spatial edges.
LACAND ON(E8)和LA Gallea(E3)的建筑用来定义进入正在开发的场地内部的大门情况。这个空间是从建筑物的深度和高度惊人而来的。往南看,一个成像的正方形序列沿着一个轴展开,这一点在树木群的位置上得到了进一步的强调。约翰·基斯特教授解释说:“核形状和内在一致的外观是公园林恩外观的特征”。
The buildings LACANDÓN (E8) and LA GALLEGA (E3) serve to define a gate situation leading into the interior of the site under development. The space derives its order from the staggering of building depths and heights. Towards the south, an imaged sequence of squares develops along an axis, which is further emphasised by the positioning of groups of trees. ‘Clear shapes and inherently consistent façades characterise the external appearance of PARK LINNÉ“, Professor Johannes Kister explains.
With protrusions and recesses the different alternating plastered surfaces in bright colours give the buildings a classic-modern appearance. The entrance portals are partly equipped with wooden doors as well as stone slabs and visually structure the entire ensemble. Furthermore, windows predominantly extending down to the floor, loggias and roof terraces determine the architecture. Considerately worked out details of the respective entrance situation give each villa its individual charm and strengthen the generation of an address.
Col ON公寓楼(F1 G1)已经完工,其他住宅单元将于2015年底开始启用。
The COLÓN apartment complex (F1+G1) has already been completed and the other residential units shall be ready for occupancy as from the end of 2015.
Architects kister scheithauer gross architekten
Location Eupener Straße, 50933 Cologne, Germany
Design/responsible partner Prof. Johannes Kister
Design Team Ruth Hofmann, Astrid Kunz, Magdalena Mazurkiewicz
Photographs Yohan Zerdoun