The Garden of the Silhouettes Esculpir el Aire
2014-07-03 01:00
Text description provided by the architects. Tactile perception in “the Garden of the Silhouettes” 1. Tactile perception in architecture If the eye "is the organ of distance and separation", touch is the one “of nearness, intimacy and affection". The eye "surveys, controls and investigates", whereas touch "approaches and caresses." 1.
2. Tactile perception in childhood: a scene for the action. A child experiments a new discovery when the action of his hands and his feet is leaving visible traces: his fingerprints in the material thing.
3. Tactile perception in The garden of the Silhouettes 3.1. The main door A certain point of time exists in the architectural work definition where the outdoor space skin and the indoor space skin come together: the main door. Rhythm slows down and the feet then seem to pause, the man’s skin and the building’s skin touch each other.
© David Frutos | BISImages
3.2. Rhythm is also a tactile experience The skin breakup produces rhythm. All around the perimeter of the Garden’s skin it is taking place the multiplicity of ‘the silhouettes’. The artificial lighting of that space offers the same vibrant, sequenced character throughout the night just like the day, by using thin luminaries inside the vertical joints of the ceramic pieces.
© David Frutos | BISImages
3.3. The material skeleton of The Garden of the Silhouettes. The Garden of the Silhouettes operates in front of three gradual levels: the scale of a child, the scale of Man and the scale of the building and the environment. The folded floor Folding the floor in order to define the heigth of a child, with his small scale, make possible we could perceive space like ‘an embrace below’: ‘space is able to hold us in its hands’.
剪影花园,作为一个光的空间和一个幻想的时间,被设想为被实验,正如Juan Ramón Jiménez所写的,就像“自然,儿童的童年海滩,以及那些没有忘记他们可以再次成为孩子的男人的海滩”2。
The Garden of the Silhouettes, as a space of light and an illusion time, has been conceived for being experimented, as Juan Ramón Jiménez wrote, like “Nature, childhood beach for children and for men who have not forgotten that they can be children again”2
雪铁糖1号,朱海娜。皮肤的眼睛。建筑和感官。奇切斯特(西苏塞克斯),威利-学院,2005年,p。47.2 Jim Enez,Juan RAM N.Tiempo y Espacio。弗拉格门托3号。马德里。“经济发展新议程”,1986年,p.84.
Citas 1 PALLASMAA, JUHANI.The eyes of the skin. Architecture and the senses. Chichester (West Sussex), Wiley-Academy, 2005, p. 47. 2 JIMÉNEZ, JUAN RAMÓN. Tiempo y Espacio. Fragmento 3. Madrid. Biblioteca Edaf, 1986, p. 84.