BioCasa 82 Rosario Picciotto + Welldom

2014-07-12 01:00
 Courtesy of Marco Zanta
架构师提供的文本描述。BioCasa 82,位于蒙特贝卢纳(意大利特雷维索),是欧洲第一个获得LEED最高等级住宅合格证书(LEED白金)的私人住宅,也是世界上第一个私下进行碳足迹分析并取得显著成果的私人住宅之一。事实上,这项研究计算出,在100年的时间里,有害排放物比传统建筑的排放量低60%。环境方面的一个重要结果是:建筑部门占地球二氧化碳污染总量的30%。
Text description provided by the architects. BioCasa_82, located in Montebelluna (Treviso, Italy) is the first private residence in Europe to be awarded the certificate of conformity to the highest level of LEED for Homes, LEED PLATINUM, as well as one of the first in the world to have privately conducted the carbon footprint analysis with remarkable results. The study has, in fact, calculated that for a lifetime of 100 years the harmful emissions are 60% lower than that of a traditional building*. An important result for the environment: the construction sector accounts for a 30% of the total CO2 pollution of our planet.
 Courtesy of Marco Zanta
Bio-Casa_82的建筑和室内设计-克劳迪娅和Diadora首席执行官Enrico Moretti Polegato的私人住宅-是由Arch设计的。RosarioPicciotto,尽管Welldom一直在关注建筑、工程和可持续咨询公司,但都采用了一种整体定制的方法,使BioCasa 82达到了前所未有的幸福和可持续性水平。根据美国LEED白金协议,在136个*中有117个点,在与设计创新相关的参数方面,11分中有10分,在建筑施工中的可持续性实践的创新和应用方面,该项目拥有欧洲最高的​​值。
The architecture as well as the interior design of BioCasa_82 - private residence of Claudia and Enrico Moretti Polegato, Diadora CEO - were made by Arch. Rosario Picciotto, whilst Welldom has followed the construction, the engineering and the sustainable consultancy according to a holistic tailor-made approach that led BioCasa_82 to levels of well-being and sustainability never achieved before. With 117 points out of 136**, according to the American protocol LEED Platinum, and 10 points out of 11 for the parameter related to innovation in design, the project boasts the highest values ​​in Europe as far as innovation and application of sustainability practices in the building construction are concerned.
 Courtesy of Marco Zanta
A project that Claudia and Enrico Moretti Polegato strongly committed to: "We dreamed of a house that, in addition to being beautiful and" healthy", shows consistency between our values ​​and the social responsibility towards future generations. We hope that our choice, thanks to the impact of the symbolic carbon footprint analysis, could stimulate the debate and thus contribute to a progress that we consider necessary for the future of our planet".
 Courtesy of Marco Zanta
这些成果都归功于一种独特的建造过程,即乔瓦尼·法布里斯(Giovanni Fabris)开发的“威尔顿法”(Welldom Method),他是理想生活概念的“哲学家”,它将可持续生物气候工程领域最先进的建筑技术与最大舒适性结合起来-即热舒适性、嗅觉(与空气质量有关)、视觉(与照明有关)、声学和心理。因此,在BioCasa_82中,气候达到了精确的温湿度标准;室内空气总是新鲜的,没有霉菌、细菌、花粉和灰尘;声学极好,没有内部混响;照明设计尽可能自然。此外,所有房间都没有氡气体,也没有电、磁和电磁场。
These results have been achieved thanks to a unique construction process, the "Welldom Method" developed by Giovanni Fabris, a “philosopher” of the concept of ideal living, that combines the most advanced construction techniques in the field of sustainable bio-climatic engineering with maximum comfort - understood as thermal comfort, olfactory (related to air quality), visual (relating to lighting), acoustic and psychological. As a result, in BioCasa_82 the climate reaches precise standard of temperature and humidity; indoor air is always fresh and free of mold, bacteria, pollen, dust; the acoustics are excellent with no internal reverberation; the lighting is designed to be as natural as possible. In addition, all rooms are free of radon gas as well as electric, magnetic and electromagnetic harmful fields.
 Courtesy of Marco Zanta
From the energy saving point of view, BioCasa_82 boasts the 99% of recyclable materials, 100% of the rainwater collected and the 100% energy production from renewable sources thanks to a photovoltaic system that produces about 14kWh of electricity and a high efficiency geothermal plant for the production of heat, hot water and cooling. The house has, in fact, a very low power consumption (<30 kW/m2 per year).
 Courtesy of Marco Zanta
In addition, Welldom used only eco-friendly, recyclable certified materials, employing local products where possible: wood with FSC or PEFC standards from Germany (which were the nearest forests), natural silicate plaster, stone floors in Zovonite from the Padua quarries, concrete from Bigolino of Valdobbiadene, etc.
根据建筑和室内设计,拱门。罗萨里奥·皮乔托(Rosario Picciotto)研究了每一个细节,以夸耀空间的“自然性”,因为他评论道:“尽管它是一个”重要“的房子,但它与富裕和消费逻辑无关。为了满足客户的愿望,每个方面都得到了环境友好性的考虑:这么大的房子怎么能消耗这么少的东西,真是太令人惊讶了。“立面的特点是一个砖状的太阳,包括景观和引导它进入房子。同样的与自然互动的原则也被采纳在那些拥有巨大窗户的生活区,这些窗户被在近绿色的山丘上打开的洁白的窗帘所丰富。
As per the architecture and interior design, Arch. Rosario Picciotto studied each detail in order to boast the "naturalness" of spaces, as he commented: "Despite being a “important” house, it has nothing to do with the opulence and a logic of consumption. In order to meet the client’s wishes, every aspect has been taken care of to be environmentally friendly: it's amazing how such a big house can consume so little". The facade is characterized by a brise soleil that embraces the landscape and led it into the house. The same principle of interaction with nature has been adopted for the living areas that boast huge windows enriched by sheer white curtains that open on the near green hills.
 Courtesy of Marco Zanta
The home decor is almost entirely custom-designed for this project. The kitchen is tailor made by Arclinea; in the huge living area, a white chandelier by Karman add drama to the room, whilst the Eames Lounge Chair by Vitra and Moroso sofas add a classic design touch; in the sleeping area, an original white leather armchair by Modular and a huge yellow marble bathtub. Particular attention has been paid to Viabizzuno in the lighting design in order to meet each space requirements, creating warm and unexpected visual effects. Viabizzuno has, in fact, specifically designed and engineered special lights shaped after the original geometry of the building.
Outside a meadow, not a “garden” with native plants that grow naturally in accordance with the rhythms of the surrounding nature.
* baseline building in energy class C with geometric characteristics equal to those of Biocasa_82.
** the reasons why the maximum 136 points were not achieved is due to the choice of the project site, which is located in the countryside with no close infrastructure and services available, a factor which further validates the high performance achieved in the field of sustainability and energy efficiency.
Architects Rosario Picciotto, Welldom
Location Crocetta del Montello, Italy
Category Houses
Architect in Charge Rosario Picciotto
Area 484.0 sqm
Project Year 2014





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