Blue Office Bochum SSP SchürmannSpannel
2014-08-19 01:00
Text description provided by the architects. The "Blue Office" is an innovatice office building on the eastern edge of the Technologie-Quartier in Bochum-Querenburg, Germany. Based on an integrated design the architects realized a highly efficient, attractive building with 2.070 square meters of effective space on a 2.330 square meter plot.
在这里,SSP SchürmannSpannel AG的建筑工作室成功地发展了通信建筑的概念,并且现在一个异构的办公环境中工作。跨学科规划小组开放的工作领域促进复杂建筑项目处理过程中的非正式交流。10间会议室有助于与客户和规划伙伴举行重点突出的会议或创造性讲习班。单一办公室、小组办公室、交流休息室和务虚地补充了工作环境的混合,并为员工提供了根据当前任务在集中和沟通之间作出选择的机会。
Here the architectural studio of SSP SchürmannSpannel AG has succesfully developed the concept of a communication building and works now in a heterogeneous office landscape. Open work areas for interdisciplinary planning teams promote informal exchange in the processing of complex construction projects. Ten meeting rooms facilitate focused meetings or creative workshops with clients and planning partners. Single offices, group offices, communication lounges and retreating areas complement the mix of the working environment, and offer employees the opportunity to choose between concentration and communication according to their current tasks.
© Jörg Hempel Photodesign
The unique location with a beautiful view over the Ölbachtal provides an excellent combination of indoor and outdoor spaces through room high glazing and a spacious terrace. Both the four storey north component, and the two storey southern component of the building, reveal a beautiful view of the surrounding green landscape. A transparent element, containing the main entrance, open meeting areas and a cafeteria connects the two components.
The Blue Office is oriented towards the future and designed for flexible use. Six independent rental units can be used individually or together. The open, modular office areas allow an individual partition by users and can react flexible to varying requirements. The southern part of the building can equally be used flexible as open office space, seminar space or exhibition space with an outstanding event location with a beautiful view of the Ölbachtal set. Service areas with circulation areas, adjoining rooms and spacious meeting rooms complement the office space.
© Jörg Hempel Photodesign
Maximum energy efficiency according to the Passivhaus-Standard is generated by the building through an optimal ratio of building surface to volume and a highly insulated facade. In addition, the exhaust heat from the server room is integrated. A decoration on Klimaschutz-Award 2013 citation impressively verifies the innovative integrated design concept of the Blue Office.
© Jörg Hempel Photodesign