The Pine Crest Residence Vin Varavarn Architects
2014-10-13 01:00
Text description provided by the architects. The project originated as a design for a 7 storey apartment building. It is intended as a quiet and orderly residence with limited number of units which are large and spacious with 3-4 bedrooms. This aspect is quite different from other existing condominium projects.
The project owner wishes for a contemporary design which will be quite different from other surrounding buildings and could withstand the test of time. The building consists of 18 apartment units which are easy to maintain. Ground floor level consists of a lobby & reception, including a fitness room, staff quarter. The exterior area is designed for a swimming pool and changing rooms with outdoor shower areas and some open space courts. The apartment on 2nd - 7th floor are residential 3 and 4 bedrooms units. The parking facility is located underground.
The design concept started with a desire for a simple contemporary building with appropriate usage of various functional spaces. The basic intention is not to create an opulent architecture, but to create a design of spaces which project warmth and personal. Therefore the aim of producing a characterize of a domestic structure became more important than being trendy. Consideration was given to the facilitation of good ventilation by means of planning orientation to capture maximum natural breeze, views and natural light. This is achieved by splitting the building into 2 wings, separated by a small central garden court which contains a huge pine tree that could be seen from surrounding units.
由于该项目位于Soi Tonson,意思是‘松林巷’,因此业主将这座建筑命名为“松树峰住宅”。通过记住这个名字,建筑师决定为外部外观选择类似松木的外观,为大型建筑创造一种温暖的感觉。使用真正的木材成本太高,难以维护,不适合大规模建筑。因此,研究了用酸性污渍处理纤维水泥板,以改变颜色,产生最相似的颜色和真实木材的阴影,但相当耐寒的气候条件。该建筑采用两种材料,酸性染色纤维水泥板和洗涤石集料作为表面处理。至于洗涤石集料,这是泰国建筑商几十年来使用的一种非常古老的技术。有些人可能认为它是过时的,但实际上,它可以适当地应用和适合整体的设计外观。
And as this projects is located in Soi TonSon which mean 'the Pine Lane', the owner therefore named this building “ Pine Crest Residence”. By keeping this name in mind the architect decided to select the wood appearance for the external facade which resembles pine wood and yet create a warmth feeling for the large scale building. To utilize real timber would be too expensive and difficult to maintain and unsuitable for large scale building. So research was undertaken to process the fiber cement planks with acid stain in transforming the color that produces the most similar color and shades of real wood, and yet quite durable to the climate condition. The building utilizes 2 types of materials, acid stain fiber cement plank and washed stone aggregates as surface finishes. As for the washed stone aggregates, it is a very old technique used by Thai builders for many decades. Some may think it is outdated, but actually it can be appropriately applied and suitable to the overall design appearance.
Architects Vin Varavarn Architects
Location Bangkok, Thailand
Design Team M.L.Varudh Varavarn, Jongsarit Jinachan, Angkana Nanjaiya
Photographs Spaceshift Studio