GL Com Headquarters jhyana

2014-12-10 01:00
 © Shin Kyung Sub
3.Shin Kyung Su
架构师提供的文本描述。gl Com的主要业务领域是绩效和事件规划。GL Com希望将其总部从古鲁洞迁到位于首尔的洪代校园街,以加强公司的核心能力,并促进与活动规划有关的不同组成部分之间的无缝沟通。客户希望为大约30名工作人员设计的新GL Com总部具有独特和动态的外观,以符合演出和活动机构的特点。
Text description provided by the architects. GL Com’s main area of business is performance and events planning. GL Com wished to relocate their headquarters from Guro-dong to the Hongdae Campus Street in Seogyo-dong in order to reinforce the core competencies of the company and to facilitate seamless communication between the diverse components related to events planning. The client wished for the new GL Com headquarters, designed for approximately 30 staff members, to have a unique and dynamic appearance, in keeping with the character of a performance and events agency.
 © Shin Kyung Sub
3.Shin Kyung Su
The site is located a block from the Hongdae Campus street. Measuring a little less than 100 pyong(323.3㎡), the site is severely limited by the constraints of the road and the awkward lighting restrictions. Rather than being viewed as obstacles, the height limits of 6m on the main road and 3m on the dead-end road as well as legal requirements for sunlight in the neighboring sites were instead used to draw out usable area and the outlining of the form in the early design stages.
 © Shin Kyung Sub
3.Shin Kyung Su
GL Com总部的上半部分呈现不规则的形状,让人联想到金字塔的图像。这是由于土地的不规则形状所造成的对角线高度限制所致。设计过程的核心是将从场地条件和规则中衍生出来的主要形式转化为GL Comm所希望的创造性和独特的形象。通过在门面上放置多层,一个新的订单到位,并以一个31毫米的三层低E玻璃完成这一过程,该建筑计划自然地揭示动态和敏感的调制,以适应红代市校园街昼夜的双重变化。
The upper half of the GL Com Headquarters takes on an irregular form, evoking images of the pyramids. This is due to the diagonal height limitations imposed by the irregular shape of the land. The core of the design process was to transfer the primary form derived from the site conditions and regulations into the creative and unique image desired by GL Comm. By placing multiple layers on the façade, a new order was put in place, and by finishing this with a three-layered Low-E glass of 31mm, the building was planned to naturally reveal the dynamic and sensitive modulations that match the dual changes of night and day on Hongdae Campus Street.
 © Shin Kyung Sub
3.Shin Kyung Su
The basement and first floor were originally planned as a cultural space with easy access from the main road. A sunken courtyard was planned to simultaneously solve the problem of the lighting restrictions and provide subsidiary pathways to the basement. Offices that required more ample space were designated for the second and third floors while an entrance pathway was laid out from the dead-end road to facilitate easy access to the entrance from the car park located at the rear.
中间层采用实心砖,稳定顶层不规则玻璃结构。砖外墙设计成双层皮肤,起到防晒霜的作用。为了使墙面更加透气,砖块被放置在金属框架内,嵌在不同大小的方形比例开口的面板中。砖块板是在工厂里通过将传统砖块装进铝制框架来完成的。预先制作的砖块板被安装在现场,转而采用挂砖的方法,而不是标准的砌砖(堆垛)方法。通过对建筑方法的重新诠释,可以自由地表达出一种洞察力。使用传统的砌砖方法可能会有些困难。通过熟悉材料来逆转砖块的平庸性,砖块以一种新的角度被展示出来,通过在外观设计中表现出来的解构思维方式,隐喻地象征着GL Com的视觉。
The middle floors were finished with solid and firm bricks to stabilize the irregular glass structure on the top floors. The brick façade was designed as a double skin, playing the role of a sunscreen. To make the façade more porous, the bricks were placed within the metallic frame in panels with differently sized openings in square ratios. The brick panels were completed in the factory by placing conventional bricks into aluminium frames. The pre-made brick panels were installed on site, switching to a method of hanging the bricks rather than the standard bricklaying (stacking) method. Through a reinterpretation of the construction method, a sense of porousness was freely expressed. This would have been somewhat difficult using conventional methods of bricklaying. By reversing the banality of brick through the familiarity of the material, brick is exposed in a new light, metaphorically symbolizing the vision of GL Com through such deconstructive ways of thinking as exhibited in the design of the façade.
 © Shin Kyung Sub
3.Shin Kyung Su
GL Com总部的内部已用裸露的混凝土完成,但用于地板的花岗岩除外。所有照明都是预先规划好的,因此安装在再生混凝土内,倾斜的结构柱和横梁在内部空间内统一起来。从窗户上可以看到的砖墙墙面,在风和日丽的环境下,把柔和的温暖带入了有点冷的室内。这个空间一直延伸到墙面,用砖块板,创造了一个干净宜人的内部环境。
The interior of the GL Com Headquarters has been finished with exposed concrete, except for the granite used for the floor. All lighting was planned in advanced, and thus installed within the reclaimed concrete, and the sloping structural columns and crossbeams became unified within the interior space. The brick panel façade that can be seen from the windows brings a soft warmth into the somewhat cold interior, drawing in the wind and the light. The space continues right up to the wall with the brick paneling, creating a clean and pleasant internal environment.
 Second Floor Plan
GL Com总部的建筑设计恰如其分地体现了公司的形象和愿景,是一个进一步增强公司主要竞争力的项目,其目标是创造一个跨越未来的平台。希望GL Com能在红代市校园街的青年文化中蓬勃发展,成为一个可以为社会做出贡献的表演和活动中心。
The architectural design of the GL Com Headquarters is an apt manifestation of the image and vision of the firm, as a project that further reinforces the main competencies of the company and aims to create a platform to leap forward into the future. It is hoped that GL Com may flourish and blossom as a center for performances and events that can contribute to society from its new location amid the youth and culture of Hongdae Campus Street. 
 © Shin Kyung Sub
3.Shin Kyung Su
Architects jhyana
Location Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Category Institutional Buildings
Architect in Charge Joo Heon, Yu
Design Team Park, Sung-woo
Area 323.0 sqm
Project Year 2013
Photographs Shin Kyung Sub



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