Stoke Newington School Sixth Form Centre Jestico + Whiles

2014-12-26 01:00
Local Authority London Borough of Hackney Structural Engineer Price & Myers Services Engineer Max Fordham (pre-Stage E) , Blackmoor Knight (post-Stage E) Acoustic Engineer Max Fordham Acoustics Employer’s Agent Appleyards Cost Consultant Appleyards CDM Co-ordinator Appleyards Rights of Light Surveyor GVA Schatonowski Brooks Approved Inspector Butler & Young Main Contractor Mansell / Balfour Beatty Client Stoke Newington School & Sixth Form Contract Value £1.4m Contract Type Design & Build Manufacturers Loading... More Specs Less Specs
 © Tim Crocker
架构师提供的文本描述。斯托克纽顿学校是伦敦一所成功的内城学校,在媒体、艺术和科学方面有专门的专业。Jestico Whiles于2011年被学校任命,在现场设立一个新的专门的中六中心,以处理不断增长的中六学生人数问题。这一做法以前有过与学校合作的经验,于2010年将整个大楼重新开发为未来建筑学校(BSF)方案的一部分。
Text description provided by the architects. Stoke Newington School is a successful inner-city school in London with a specialism in Media, Arts and Science. Jestico + Whiles was appointed by the school in 2011 to create a new dedicated sixth form centre on site to deal with growing student numbers at sixth form level. The practice had previous experience of working with the school having redeveloped the entire building as part of the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme in 2010.
 © Tim Crocker
The reason for the extension was the school’s need for more space to cater for a rise in sixth form students from 140 to 300 pupils, since BSF completion. The solution was a two-storey, L-shaped building of approximately 600m² that abuts the school boundary to the north, maximising the available space to form a small courtyard between the new building and the existing school, and responding to similar courtyards used in the original 1967 Brutalist building design. Additionally, the new building connects to the existing school at both ground and first floor levels, benefiting from the use of the existing stair, lift and WCs - meaning the new building was able to avoid the associated costs of the additional lift, fire stair and WCs that would otherwise have been required.
新的中六中心连接现有学校的北端,部分位于毗邻的三层大楼的阴影下。因此,设计必须最大限度地利用新建筑内的自然日光量。该战略是将南方、东方和西面的大部分玻璃窗都包括在内,它们可以俯瞰西面新的中六院和东面重新配置的外部空间。一楼办公室和WCS上方的屋顶灯和一楼学习区为建筑物的北部地区提供了额外的自然日光,因为那里几乎没有窗户;防止了与Sattar Mews上的邻居一起俯瞰的问题。
The new sixth form centre connects to the northern end of the existing school and is partly located in the shadow of the adjacent three-storey building. It was therefore important that the design maximise the amount of natural daylight within the new building. The strategy was to incorporate most of the glazing in the south, east and west façades that overlook the new sixth form courtyard to the west and the reconfigured external space to the east. Rooflights above the ground floor offices and WCs and first floor study area provide additional natural daylight to the northern parts of the building where there are few windows; preventing overlooking issues with the neighbours on Sattar Mews.
 © Tim Crocker
The shape of the new sixth form building echoes that of the existing Brutalist school structure. The orthogonal shaped volume branches out of the building as a new ‘wing’ in keeping with the plan form of the original school where individual ‘wings’ form courtyards. The proposed massing respects the existing buildings’ architectural language and does not attempt to compete with the bold form of the boiler house nearby. The striking boiler house is one of the most successful and admired elements of the original school design and the design treatment of the new sixth form building is deliberately deferential to it, picking up on the proportions of its windows among other things.
As with the entrance building completed in 2010, the new sixth form centre draws its inspiration from the material choices of the existing building but makes use of contemporary materials of sufficient gravitas to sit comfortably alongside the bold Brutalist architecture of the original school. Given the proximity of the entrance building, it was also important that the material palette chosen for the sixth form building sat well with the modern additions. Ultimately, all three elements read coherently alongside one another.
 © Tim Crocker
A dark grey rainscreen cladding solution was selected because it followed the language set by the new entrance building (Corten rainscreen panels) and didn’t compete with the masonry and bush-hammered concrete of the original building. The cladding system is made up of fibre cement boards, an appropriate material that enables the new sixth form building to ‘speak for itself’ and neither mimic the robust masonry and concrete ‘brutality’ of the original 1967 building nor undermine the powerful language established by the Corten extension. The Corten bay windows on the north elevation provide a subtle link between the two buildings and their architectural language.
Flashes of bold yellow are used on the window reveals and soffits in order to enliven an otherwise dark façade. These are in keeping with the colour used on the 2010 entrance building, which in turn was designed to reference the yellow used on the theatre of the existing school building.
 © Tim Crocker
就像新旧到2010 Corten钢入口建筑的交界处一样,与原学校毗邻中六中心的交界处是通过一个全高度的玻璃窗连接而成的。这一链接允许自然光从两边深入到公共房间,同时形成一个清晰和表达的新与旧的分离。
As with the junction between new and old to the 2010 Corten steel entrance building, the junction with the original school abutting the sixth form centre is made via a full height glazed link. This link allows natural light to penetrate deep into the common room from each side whilst simultaneously forming a clear and expressed separation between new and old.
 Floor Plan

由于位于现有锅炉房后面的场地性质有限,建造新的中六中心并不是一项简单的任务,设计必须应对若干挑战。进入工地的材料有限,但由于锅炉房及其相关烟囱的高度以及北部狭窄的公共公路Sattar Mews的高度,起重机的使用受到阻碍。因此,必须更多地考虑所选材料的大小和性质,一个值得注意的例子是现场混凝土楼梯被用来代替预制混凝土,因为后者不可能被吊起。
Due to the constrained nature of a site located directly behind the existing boiler house, the construction of the new sixth form centre was not a simple task and the design had to respond to several challenges. There was limited access into the site for materials, with crane use prevented by the height of the boiler house and its associated chimney and the narrow public highway, Sattar Mews, to the north. The size and nature of the materials selected therefore had to be given increased consideration, with one notable example being the in-situ concrete stairs which were used in lieu of pre-cast concrete, as the latter couldn’t have been craned in.
 © Tim Crocker
The sixth form centre building may only just have been completed but it has already become a lively and indispensable resource for the campus and wider school community.
Architects Jestico + Whiles
Location London, UK
Category Extension
Area 589.0 m2
Project Year 2014
Photographs Tim Crocker
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