Apos2 Apostrophy’s

2015-01-01 01:00
Text description provided by the architects. Working as the office in someday, it may be expand for support more amount and challenging of work that related to increasing of office members who need appropriate space for work. For supporting this expansion, built environment is the first criterion to be concern. Especially for the multi-disciplinary as “Apostrophys” whose new office space “Apos2” have to think twice.
根据现有的总部办公室位于住房开发项目,称为“城镇之家”,这已经发现在泰国的一个主要地区通常。它是一个混合使用的建筑物作为驻地和办公室。有三层楼,有一个条纹空间和有限的空间围绕着建筑物。因此,在现有站点上进行扩展是不可能的。此外,由于时间和施工成本的限制,在更大的场地上建造一座新的建筑并不是一个好的选择。由于这个原因,在“植物发芽”的启发下,提出了一个“Apos2”的设计概念,在它的母亲根部附近有了一种新的嫩芽。它与位于同一住宅开发项目总部附近的“Apo 2”类似,允许他们开会或共享一些基本设施,如学习媒体、设计材料或一些特殊设备,而无需重复或额外购买。
According to the existing headquarter office is located in housing development called “Town Home” which has been found in a prime area of Thailand usually. It is a mixed used building as a resident and office. There are 3 floor with a striped space and a limited space surround the building. So, it is impossible to do expansion on the existing site. Furthermore, to build a new building on a bigger site is not a good choice because of time and constructional cost limitation. Due to this reason is contribute a design concept of “Apos2” that inspired from a “Sprouting of a plant”, there is a new sprout near its mothers' root. It is similar to “Apos2” also located near its headquarter at the same housing development, allow them to have a meeting or share some essential facilities such as learning-media, design material or some special equipment without duplicated or additional purchased.
 © Ketsiree Wongwan
就目前办公室的急剧增长而言,时间是最值得关注的因素。花费过多的时间来设计和建造一个新的建筑,可能会影响到它的增长和效率。“Apo 2”可以作为“立体式办公”的原型,采用简单的工艺和一般的建筑材料,如角钢、胶合板、基本配件、涂上一般颜色的普通建筑材料,采用“打倒”结构组合。这一设计没有影响或附加到现有建筑表面的任何部分,因此,它是一个灵活的空间,以迁出或在未来进行翻新。另外,这是一个适合作为“多学科”的工作空间,这是来自不同类型工作的专家的合作,同时也是一种灵活的工作,涉及到“Aposs 2”中“Square”的含义,它不仅意味着“自己乘一个数字”,而且还意味着“一个多用途的公共区域”。作为这一空间的设计目标,欢迎所有来自任何一种作品的专家具有双重空间。
For a dramatic growth rate of the office nowadays, time is the main factor to concern. Spending overmuch time to design and construct a new one may be effect the growth and efficiency. “Apos2” could be the prototype of “Instant Office” by using “Knock Down” structure assembly with a simple technique and general building material such as Angle bar, plywood, basic fitting, finishing with general painted color. There is not any part of this design that effect or attach the existing building surface, so it is a flexible space for move out or do a renovation at the future. Besides, it is an appropriate space for working as “Multi Disciplinary” which is a collaboration of the experts from the different kind of work together with a flexible scoop of work that related to the meaning of “Square” in “Apos2” which do not only mean “multiply a number by itself “ but also means“a multi-purpose public area” as same as the design objective of this space to welcome all the expert from any kind of works with a double space.
 © Ketsiree Wongwan
此外,“Apo 2”的另一个目标是为初学者提供学习企业文化和培训的空间。以鲜活的原色作为设计的核心,在每个层次的各个环节都用光谱楼梯标记了红色、蓝色和黄色三种纯色,并在墙上放置了展示设计理念的随意字体和有趣的象形图。发现一个巨大的吉祥物名为“Aposer”的数字,作为一个胖子,分别有两面。在左边,有许多五颜六色的糖果,有不同的人物和面孔,而另一面则展示了骨骼、嘴巴、肠道、大脑和心脏等内部器官,这些器官是从“阿波塞”这个词所构成的,这些器官代表着团结和志向,达到了工作的目的。这个幽默有意义的“Aposer”被认为是连接在二楼和三楼之间的双高度墙垂直空间。对于空间规划,我们可以分为以下3部分
Moreover, another objective of “Apos2” is to be a space for learning a corporate culture and training for the beginner. Vivid primary color have been used as a core of design, consisting of 3 pure colors red, blue and yellow have been mark in each level link by a spectrum staircase as well as free hand Typographic and playful Pictogram which illustrate about design philosophy has been placed on the wall. Spotting to a giant mascot name “Aposer” figure as a fat man with has 2 sides separately. On the left side, it is fulfilled with numerous colorful candy with different characters and face while another side showed the internal organs such as the skeleton, mouth, intestine, brain and heart those are composing from the word “Aposer” which represent unity and ambition to the goal of work. This humorous meaningful “Aposer” was figured to link the vertical space on a double height wall at the landing between 2nd and 3rd floor. For the space planning, we can categorized into 3 part as following
 © Ketsiree Wongwan
 1. First Step – The retro neon sign has been placed on a hot red wall at the entrance. Then, entering to the first floor area has been design to be a reception hall and cafe for whether officer or guest. There are chairs and long desk along the wall beneath a loft steel cabinet. Red is the most powerful warm tone color so, it has been use to energized, and stimulated a guest to be excite and staff to express their enthusiasm at the first step.
 Floor Plan

2.继续前进-二楼被设计成一个叫“Aposer Room”的工作区域,以蓝色为标志,使这个空间变得平静、宁静和稳定。这是一个开放式的办公室,所有的办公桌都是面对面的,这样他们就可以进行一些讨论了。一个巨大的排版阶段-“团队中没有我,但胜利中有胜利”-一直被摆在墙上,主要是提醒所有员工降低自尊,然后合作或进行讨论来解决问题或任何冲突。
2. Keep Going - the second floor has been designed for working area called “Aposer Room”, marked by a blue, to make this space is calm, tranquility and stable. It is a open plan office, all working desk have been placed facing each others to allow them to have some discuss. A huge typographic phase “There is no “I” in TEAM but there is in WIN” have been place on the wall dominantly to remind all staff to cut down their self-esteem, then collaborated or have discussion to solve the problem or any conflict.
 © Ketsiree Wongwan
3. To be Continue- whereas the third floor is the last level but is not the last of work, this floor has been realized for “Brain Storming Room” and executive room. It marked by a bright yellow to light up the space and may be spark the creative thinking as well as the typographic phase about working development to inform both beginner staff and executive officers.
 © Ketsiree Wongwan
In conclusion, there are another creative solution to expand the existing office without high cost or long term of construction. “Apos2” can be the prototype, in the event of high cost of the land and dense in the city, causes a Sprouting office near its existing headquarter. This spout is fresher, newer and grow faster than its mother with a simple kind of material and construction technique, but it can still preserve its DNA of its mother that is a philosophy of work which can be seen in every detail in “Apos2”
 © Ketsiree Wongwan
Architects Apostrophy’s
Location Bangkok, Thailand
Category Offices Interiors
Area 176.0 sqm
Project Year 2014
Photographs Ketsiree Wongwan, Sirichai leangvisutsiri





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