Memory, Peace and Reconciliation Center Juan Pablo Ortiz Arquitectos

2015-01-26 01:00
 © Rodrigo Dávila
Text description provided by the architects. CONTEXT STATEMENT In the city, this building makes evident the remembrance of more than six million victims of the Colombian internal conflict.
PROJECT OBJECTIVE STATEMENT This is empathic architecture that has actively involved the victims in the construction of the building throughout all its life cycle.
在目前的和平进程中,这座建筑是为波哥大的公民制作的,这是一个每年有40 000名游客参与建设和平的教学环境。
PERFORMANCE STATEMENT In the middle of the current peace process, the building is made for the citizens of Bogota, a pedagogical environment to build peace with 40,000 visitors per year.
 © Rodrigo Dávila
CONTEXT DESCRIPTION The Center was built in the middle of the current internal conflict unlike other similar projects that have been built after the conflict has ended. In the city, this building makes evident the remembrance of more than six million victims of the Colombian internal conflict. It is also a Bicentennial memorial where values capable of achieving SUSTAINABLE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT based on the respect of life, no violence, truth, justice and RECONCILIATION are extolled.
该项目是波哥大中央公墓传统建筑群的一部分。移交给“记忆中心”(纪念中心)的具体地段是一个殡葬区,有两个世纪的纪念活动,有3 600多人被埋葬。为了挖掘尸体,在拉丁美洲进行了最大规模的考古调查。这些墓地所留下的区域目前被CMP R占用,并得到广大公众的广泛关注。
The project is part of Bogotá’s Central Cemetery traditional complex. The specific lot handed over to the “Centro de Memoria”(Remembrance Centre) was a funerary area featuring two centuries of remembrance in which more than 3,600 individuals were buried. In order to exhume the bodies, the largest archaeological survey in Latin America was conducted. The area left by these burial areas is currently occupied by CMPR and is widely attended by the public in general.
The building program was established under the land, which resulted in minimum environmental impact. The building covers are flooded with water and they become part of the park. Therefore, the covers of the building are a series of immaterial reflections enabling the existing columbarium not to be made smaller by the new construction; rather the new construction highlights them. The building is a threshold that receives visitors from the north, south, east and west, with no barriers; it’s an open and democratic public area.
 © Rodrigo Dávila
建筑项目的客观描述,与建筑物的使用者(哥伦比亚的暴力受害者)建立移情关系是这里提出的建议。为了在建筑阶段与社区建立情感和有意义的关系,呼吁该国的受害者协会,并与他们一起举行了15次象征性仪式,有2 000人前往建筑地区,利用从原籍地带来的土壤作出个人贡献,并发表了与纪念与和平有关的书面声明;这些捐款被插入玻璃管中,在15个月的时间里,这些玻璃管被关押在为这一目的而设计的一种特殊结构中,靠近建筑区域。施工结束后,这2,012根管子连同相应的捐款被送到大楼大厅,并存放在模板所留下的孔中,其中有一米宽的墙。
PROJECT OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION From the architectonic project, having empathic relationships with users of the building (violence victims in Colombia) is what is hereby proposed. In order to have an emotional and meaningful relationship with the community during the construction phase, victims associations in the country were called and 15 symbolic ceremonies were held along with them, where 2,000 persons went to the construction area and made personal contributions with soil brought from their places of origin along with memorabilia and peace related written statements; these contributions were inserted in glass tubes that were subject to custody at a special structure designed for this purpose next to the construction area over the course of 15 months. Once the construction ended, these 2,012 tubes with the corresponding contributions were taken to the building hall and were deposited in the holes that the formwork had left with which one-meter wide walls were erected.
 © Andrés Arenas
c Andrés Arenas
These 12-meter tall walls were built by implementing a method that had two symbolic meanings: first, evidencing that land ownership is the actual origin of the Colombian conflict, therefore, the only volume coming out from the land/lot was inspired by land construction ancestral systems; second, a symbolic action to commemorate the Bicentennial by building this monolithic volume through stratigraphy marked by 20 layers emptied into rings; each one of these correspond to a decade of our Republican history.
 Courtesy of Juan Pablo Ortiz
对波哥大公民的表现描述,纪念中心已成为历史地区城市景观的一部分,是哥伦比亚和平进程在该市无可争议的实际存在。这是一个通过同居和社会教育行动促进和平与尊重人权文化的公共建筑。每周都有文化和学术活动。在第一年(2013年),人们乐观地期待着10 000名游客,但事实是,2013年期间,近40 000名游客访问了该地区,4月9日,在和平游行期间,2 000名公民访问了该中心。这座建筑是庄严而令人难忘的活动的背景。该中心已成为所有抵达该市的和平活动分子必须看到的建筑。儿童一直是文化和教育计划的一部分;事实上,位于大楼大厅的临时设施(图12)包含30 000条带有和平梦想的信息,这些儿童向哈瓦那的和平谈判者发出了这些信息,要求和平谈判不会停止在我国找到和解与和平。最近的车站被称为“纪念中心”。
PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION To the citizens of Bogota, the Remembrance Centre has become part of the urban landscape at the historical area and is the undisputable physical presence of the Colombian peace process in the city. This is a public building that promotes a culture of peace and respect for human rights through cohabitation and social pedagogy actions. Every week there are cultural and academic events. During the first year (2013), 10,000 visitors were optimistically expected, but the truth is that during 2013, close to 40,000 visitors visited the area and on April 9 during the Peace March, 2,000 citizens visited the Center. The building has been the setting of solemn and memorable events. The Center has become a must see building for all peace activists arriving in the city. Children have been part of the cultural and educational schedule; in fact, the temporary facility located at the building hall (image 12) comprises 30,000 message with peace dreams that these children sent to the peace negotiators in Havana asking that the peace talks did not stop in finding reconciliation and peace in our country. The bus system closest station has been called with its name: Remembrance Center.
 © Rodrigo Dávila
Architects Juan Pablo Ortiz Arquitectos
Location Cra. 19b #24-2 a 24-90, Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia
Category Cultural Center
Project Year 2013
Photographs Rodrigo Dávila, Andrés Arenas
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