Kjellander Sjöbergs Swedish Urban Block to Increase Civic Dialogue
2015-02-28 12:00
Kjellander Sj berg和发展集团Skanska一起赢得了基律纳市政府举办的广场再生比赛。在Fj lLB cken这个名字下,城市街区以建筑师描述的“长期可持续”的方式回应了特殊的亚北极气候。一旦实现,2000平方米的住房开发将有90套公寓,并具有许多可持续的解决方案。现场雨水管理设施被纳入该项目的规划,同时提供绿色空间和生态供暖和冷却系统。
Kjellander + Sjöberg, along with development group Skanska, won a competition held by Kiruna Municipality for the square's regeneration. Under the moniker Fjällbäcken, the urban block responds to the idiosyncratic subarctic climate in a manner the architects describe as "sustainable in the long term." When realized, the 2000m2 housing development will have 90 apartments and feature a host of sustainable solutions. Onsite rainwater management facilities are incorporated into the project's planning, alongside provisions for green space and ecofriendly heating and cooling systems.
Learn more about the project and view selected images after the break.
Courtesy of Kjellander Sjoberg
Kiruna is subject to extreme weather, particularly during the Swedish winter, a design constraint to which Kjellander + Sjöberg have paid close attention. The irregular, enclosed shape of the overall block is optimized to withstand large snow and wind loads, and roofs designed for minimum snow retention and maximum resistance to deflection.
Local timber and masonry materials are to be used in the project's construction and cladding, allowing the resulting urban block "to preserve and further develop the local identity".
Courtesy of Kjellander Sjoberg
Kjellander Sj berg希望,完成的项目将提供“各代人的季节性社会聚会场所”。该项目的总体规划划定了各种雪地运动和其他娱乐活动的空间,并将连接该街区与基律纳广场的中央公共楼梯改造为雪下滑雪场。
Kjellander + Sjöberg hope that the completed project will provide "seasonal social meeting places...for all generations". Masterplans of the project delineate spaces for various snow sports and other recreational activities, and a central public staircase connecting the block to the Kiruna Square proper is transformed into a ski slope under fallen snow.
Courtesy of Kjellander Sjoberg
该项目是基律纳广场(Kiruna Square)多阶段更新工程的一部分,与该镇其他地区一样,由于矿石开采造成的地面裂缝,该镇已向东移动3公里。我们以前对搬迁的报道可以在这里找到。
The project is part of a multi-stage renewal of Kiruna Square, which like the rest of the township has been moved 3km east as a result of ground fractures caused by ore mining. Our previous coverage of the relocation can be found here.
建筑师Kjellander Sj berg Location Kiruna,瑞典建筑师Stefan Sj berg Design Team Pontus Nilsson,Joel Yngangion,Alessandro Macaluso地区2014年2000.0平方米项目年
Architects Kjellander Sjöberg Location Kiruna, Sweden Architect in Charge Stefan Sjöberg Design Team Pontus Nilsson, Joel Yngvesson, Alessandro Macaluso Area 2000.0 m2 Project Year 2014