Hallenhaus Observatorium

2015-03-05 06:00
Text description provided by the architects. Steel sculpture on a coal slag heap alongside the A57 motorway. The hall is 16 metres long, 14 wide and 10 high. It is a landmark, a place of tranquillity and a historical reference. It is also the main building of the Open-Air University, an educational programme by Observatorium.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
Design what is there
Emptiness and silence are hard to design. Where available, Observatorium incorporates these characteristics into the design. There are three ways to do it: do nothing, protect them, and make them visible.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
Emptiness and silence can be hard to design, and when these qualities are present, the design must aim to protect them. It is important to realize how much mystery and how much perfection a non-designed space possesses. For an incipient recreational facility, for a district which is subject to major economic developments and, especially, for a region where huge power stations mingle with historic farmhouses, the incomplete building is a symbol of change and optimism.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
Observatorium's Hallenhaus frames the splendid panorama and gives the bare plateau a distinct identity. Despite the openness of the structure, the sculpture feels like an interior with picture windows. It exerts a concentrated force on many visitors. The subtle blend of sanctity and profanity that every large barn possesses is all the more conspicuous here due to the Acropolis-like setting.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
在柏林,荷兰大使馆工作人员玛丽·凯萨琳·哈夫(Marie Cathleen Haff)的一次不事先通知的访问,打断了观象馆Autorenwerkstatt展览的筹备工作。她要求了解情况,并带了一些观察站的幻灯片,以说明在荷兰的当代艺术讲座。后来,她听说了观赏院NieuwTerbregge的设计,并在大使馆的一份关于当代荷兰景观建筑的出版物中刊登了一篇关于这一设计的文章。她还负责与泰斯·施罗德(Thies Schr Der)联系,他是专题讨论会的组织者,也是景观建筑学出版物的编辑。
In Berlin, preparations for Observatorium's Autorenwerkstatt exhibition were interrupted by an unannounced visit by Marie Cathleen Haff, a member of the Dutch Embassy staff. She asked for information and took some of Observatorium's slides with her to illustrate a lecture on contemporary art in the Netherlands. She later heard about the design for Observatorium Nieuw Terbregge, and included an article about it in an embassy publication on contemporary Dutch landscape architecture. She was also responsible for putting Observatorium in touch with Thies Schröder, an organizer of symposiums and an editor of publications about landscape architecture.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
Schröder invited Observatorium to take part in a panel debate in Potsdam. Even before the start of the debate, Andre Dekker and Prof. Hinnerk Wehberg fell into an animated discussion. The professor ended the day by suggesting to Observatorium: "How about collaborating on a competition entry?" One year later, the newcomers to the discipline of art in the public space found themselves working as a team together with WES & Partner, a large landscape architecture firm from Hamburg. And, a year after that, they won a commission for a huge landscape remodelling project in the Ruhr redevelopment region.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
Halde Norddeutschland是一个80米高的高原,面积100公顷。这一煤矿工业遗迹已被指定为尼德谢林地区数百万人口的运动和娱乐设施网络中的一个节点。关闭煤矿造成位于鲁尔和荷兰边界之间的尼德谢林大量失业。城市规划师托马斯·西韦茨(Thomas Sieverts)以创造“Zwischenstadt”(指一种既非城镇也非乡村的、杂乱无章的发展方式)而闻名,他制定了一项促进该地区休闲发展的计划:LandschaftsPark Niederhein。
Halde Norddeutschland is an 80 metre high plateau of 100 hectares in area. This relic of coal mining industry has been designated as a node in a network of sports and recreational facilities in the Niederrhein landscape for the multi-million population of the Ruhr region. Closure of the coal mines caused considerable unemployment in Niederrhein, situated between the Ruhr and the Dutch border. The urban planner Thomas Sieverts, known for coining the term Zwischenstadt (which refers to a sprawling, incoherent style of development which is neither town nor country), drew up a plan to promote leisure development in the area: Landschaftspark Niederrhein.
 Site Plan 1
在这个计划中,Halde Norddeutschland是一个集中的景点。这是一个公园地区,适合步行,骑自行车,滑翔伞,马术运动等。它还旨在吸引娱乐设施方面的投资者。该项目的核心目标有三个:将矿渣堆纳入景观,将渣堆发展为娱乐设施(这将创造新的就业机会),以及创建一个里程碑。
Halde Norddeutschland is a centrally located attraction within this plan. It is a parkland area suitable for walking, cycling, paragliding, equestrian sport and much else. It is also intended to attract investors in recreational amenities. The core aims of the project were threefold: integration of the slag heap into the landscape, development of the heap into a recreational facility (which would generate new jobs) and creation of a landmark.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
Mount of Silence

WES & Partner and Observatorium entered the design competition and were so impressed by the landscape potential of the slag heap, that they chose Kein Remmidemmi ("cut the noise") as a motto for their design. The heap must not be turned into a plinth for the leisure industry, but into a place for contemplation. If building had to take place there, then it ought to be something for monks and seekers after tranquillity. Instead of using the elevation to build toboggan runs and restaurants, the designers visualized a monastery with a central courtyard. WES & Partner found a monastic community whose members were amenable to relocation, and pulled out all the stops to convince the jury of the importance of peace, quiet and wellness. They marked the vanished river courses around the plateau with large circles of trees, and designed a Himmelsleiter (Jacob's Ladder) monument.
 Floor Plan

观景院为这个地点设计了一个地标。这一设计获得了一等奖,但随后不得不迅速适应经济衰退的现实。暂时,资金只提供给地标、停车场和雅各布的梯子。这座地标的创意诞生于艺术家们阅读“寂静空间”(Silent Space)的时候,这是摄影师马尔科姆·柯克(Malcolm Kirk)关于谷仓建筑历史的一本书。其中一张特别的照片吸引了他们的兴趣-在纽约州北部的一座山顶上重新组装迪尔茨谷仓(Deertz Barn)。谷仓的木制骨架所创造的空间让他们想起了寺庙或大教堂的空间感觉。开创性的荷兰和德国移民在他们之间发展了一种新型的谷仓,融合了他们的两种传统。
Observatorium designed a landmark for the location. The design won the first prize, but then it had to be adapted quickly to the reality of a declining economy. Provisionally, funds were available only for the landmark, a car park and the Jacob's Ladder. Hallenhaus The idea for the landmark was born when the artists read Silent Spaces, a book about the history of barn building by the photographer Malcolm Kirk. One particular photo attracted their interest – the reassembly of the Deertz Barn on a hilltop in upstate New York. The space created by the wooden skeleton of the barn reminded them of the spatial sensation of a temple or cathedral. Pioneering Dutch and German immigrants to the USA had between them developed a new type of barn which blended their two traditions.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
The resulting "Dutch barn" was based on the los hoes, a Saxon farmhouse type with an unpartitioned interior which also occurs in the east of the Netherlands, and the Hallenhaus (hall house) from Lower Saxony in Germany, characterized by division into a central hall and two side bays. The hall house is a variant of an ancient architectural type which developed in the course of history into a practical building for agriculture, industry and residence, and was also used for ecclesiastical purposes. The hall house typically had three uses: grain storage, sheltering livestock and housing for the farming family.
A Dutch barn in Germany
The Hallenhaus sculpture consists of steel trusses and can be completely disassembled. The component elements, each of which consists of twelve lightweight beams, can be unscrewed without any danger that the remainder will collapse. Two sections were extracted from the overall structure and placed alongside the Hallenhaus, which is actually just a big construction kit. The structure rests on a concrete plinth which provides seating space all around.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
Large as the Hallenhaus appears to someone standing in its interior, it seems little more than a pencil sketch when viewed from below. It tells passing motorists on the A57 motorway that, after 50 years of being terra incognita, the huge mound is now accessible and is a place from which you can look back at the mundane world whenever you feel like standing outside it. The Hallenhaus can also be regarded as a structure that frames emptiness and expansiveness. Despite its overall size, it succeeds in underlining the design team's wish to keep the plateau as empty as possible.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
Open-Air University
Observatorium received more and more invitations from universities and other higher education institutes. Quite often, following a lecture or workshop, students would rush to their computers to seek reference images and existing solutions. Jacob Voorthuis, an assistant professor in architecture theory at Eindhoven University of Technology, gave Observatorium a free hand in arranging a workshop course. They decided to create an "open-air university", a virtual institution which would encompass all Observatorium's educational activities.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
It would take the students outdoors and address as much paradox as possible: reality awareness versus amazement, and free design versus communal consciousness. The Hallenhaus and the slag heap were declared the Open-Air University. Is it possible to combine culture and education with a recreational site? The students paid visits to the pioneering landscape, and were assigned the following task: to take up residence on the plateau and make an ideal house, bearing in mind that the settlement is on public ground and that the panorama from the top of the plateau is a valuable asset.
 © Thomas Mayer
(Thomas Mayer)
有两项建议需要考虑:不要仅仅从高原上拿出来,还要给高原,把公共和私人的划分纳入你的建筑中。娱乐场所的自由建造产生了一些有趣的自相矛盾的设计:一个公墓有一个看守住所,一个公共图书馆在一条公共道路上住在楼上,一个别墅有一个游泳池,它是一个门屋。随后,与乌珀塔尔大学和阿姆斯特丹Gerrit Rietveld学院合作举办了讲习班和展览。
Two suggestions were offered for consideration: don't just take from the plateau but also give to the plateau and incorporate a division between public and private into your building. Freedom of establishment on the recreation site yielded some intriguingly paradoxical designs: a cemetery with a caretaker's dwelling, a public library with upper floor dwelling on a public road, and a villa with a swimming pool that doubles as a gatehouse. Later on, workshops and exhibitions were held in collaboration with Wuppertal University and the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam.
Architects Observatorium
Location Halde Norddeutschland, 47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany
Category Other Structures
Project Year 2014
Photographs Thomas Mayer





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