New Conference Hall for the World Intellectual Property Organization Behnisch Architekten
2015-03-08 13:00
架构师提供的文本描述。德国斯图加特-国际知名建筑公司Behnisch Architekten宣布,该公司为世界知识产权组织(WIPO)设计的新会议厅即将竣工。世界知识产权组织位于瑞士日内瓦,是联合国的一个自筹资金机构,有188个成员国。
Text description provided by the architects. Stuttgart, Germany – Internationally recognized architecture firm, Behnisch Architekten, has announced the completion of the new conference hall for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which the firm designed. Located in Geneva, Switzerland, WIPO is a self-funding agency of the United Nations, with 188 member states.
该会议厅可容纳来自世界各地的大约900名代表,位于该组织的主楼B timent AB和WIPO的行政大楼之间,后者也是由Behnisch Architekten设计的,于2011年建成。这三座大楼包括WIPO在联合国的Place des Nations的校园。
The conference hall, which can accommodate approximately 900 delegates from around the world, lies between the organization’s main building, known as Bâtiment AB, and the WIPO administration building, which was also designed by Behnisch Architekten and was erected in 2011. The three buildings comprise the WIPO campus at the United Nations’ Place des Nations.
A predominantly opaque structure, the new conference hall sits slightly raised above the level of Place des Nations and opposite a row of villas. Despite its large volume and introverted appearance, it is light and approachable. From its fulcrum, arms cantilever out to create openings framing picturesque views, such as that of the Mont Blanc massif. The structure is placed like a sculpture between the two buildings, within the WIPO Garden.
The building’s ample lobby is a continuation of the Garden landscape. Structurally, the lobby separates the hall from its base, allowing the building, seemingly, to levitate. It is accessed through a newly designed main entrance, which interfaces with the main AB building’s lobby at the same level. An interconnection of ramps and staircases, the lobby channels visitor flows and houses security installations.
礼堂位于新大楼的第二层和第三层。它包含家具和照明元素,也是由Behnisch Architekten设计的,包括会议桌、灯光球和900个最先进的会议座椅,它们面向舞台,没有等级。大厅的设计目的是确保用户的友好和舒适,并充满日光。从北面流过舞台上方的玻璃。
The auditorium is located on the second and third floors of the new building. It contains furniture and lighting elements, also designed by Behnisch Architekten, that include conference tables, light spheres, and 900 state-of-the-art conference seats, which are oriented towards the stage without hierarchy. The hall is designed to ensure user friendliness and comfort, and is filled with daylight, which streams in through the north facing glazing above the stage.
Timber is the prime construction material of the new hall and dominates its structure, interiors, and façade, which is clad in larch shingles. The building’s design, with cantilevers of up to 30 meters in length, pushes the limits of timber construction.
This choice of material and all choices in this project are based upon the attempt to create ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable built environments.
Architects Behnisch Architekten
Location Geneva, Switzerland
Photographs David Matthiessen