New Artist Residency In Senegal Toshiko Mori
2015-03-12 04:00
架构师提供的文本描述。塞内加尔东南部的辛西安乡村将是一个令人兴奋的新文化中心的背景,由康涅狄格州约瑟夫和安尼阿尔贝尔斯基金会(Josef And Anni Alber Foundation)与辛西安的一位当地领导人合作构想和资助。线程将于2015年3月4日开幕,它将为艺术家提供住宿服务,同时还将提供一系列不同的项目,为中国及周边地区的人民提供机会,以发现新的创意形式并培养他们的技能。作为市场、教育、表演和会议的场所,该中心将成为当地社区的中心,也是当地艺术家能够真正体验到华夏社会的一个地方。
Text description provided by the architects. The rural village of Sinthian in south-eastern Senegal will be the setting for an exciting new cultural centre, conceived and funded by the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation in Connecticut in collaboration with a local leader in Sinthian. Opening on 4 March 2015, THREAD will offer artist residencies alongside a diverse range of programs that will provide the people of Sinthian and the surrounding region with the opportunity to discover new forms of creativity and cultivate their skills. A venue for markets, education, performances and meetings, the centre will be a hub for the local community and a place where the resident artists can have a truly meaningful experience of Sinthian society.
Painters, sculptors, photographers, writers, choreographers, musicians and dancers from around the world will be invited to live and work at THREAD but the centre will particularly welcome and encourage the participation of local and Senegalese artists. With this rarely-visited area of the world as their muse, these artists can inspire a greater international appreciation for this part of West Africa. The first steps towards this spirit of cultural exchange were made in 2013, when gifted dancers from Wayne McGregor’s Random Dance ran a series of workshops in Sinthian.
著名的纽约建筑师森喜子(Toshiko Mori)在这个项目上做了无偿工作,设计了一座已经获得美国国际航空协会(AIA)纽约分会奖的建筑,并被选为2014年威尼斯建筑双年展(威尼斯建筑双年展)。这座建筑是用当地材料建造的,当地建筑商分享了他们对竹子、砖头和茅草屋的复杂知识。这些传统技术与Mori的设计创新相结合。传统的倾斜屋顶是倒置的,将能够收集大约40%的村民在新鲜降雨中的生活用水。
Acclaimed New York-based architect Toshiko Mori has worked on this project pro-bono, designing a building that has already won an AIA New York Chapter award and was selected for the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale.The building is constructed using local materials and local builders have shared their sophisticated knowledge of working with bamboo, brick, and thatch. These traditional techniques are combined with design innovations by Mori. The customary pitched roof is inverted and will be capable of collecting approximately 40% of the villagers’ domestic water usage in fresh rainfall.
约瑟夫和安尼·阿尔贝尔斯基金会主任尼古拉斯·福克斯·韦伯(Nicholas Fox Weber)对线程的精神进行了评论,“当约瑟夫和安尼·阿尔贝尔斯创建以他们名字命名的基金会时,他们表示其宗旨是”通过艺术揭示和唤起视觉“。他们认为创造的行为和将其视为战胜困难和提供平衡与希望的最大手段的乐趣。安尼·阿尔贝尔斯经常说“从零开始”是生活中必不可少的,约瑟夫经常赞美实验的奇迹。线程是根据这些值构建的。
Nicholas Fox Weber, Director of the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation comments on the ethos of THREAD, “When Josef and Anni Albers created the Foundation that bears their names, they stated its purpose to be "the revelation and evocation of vision through art". They regarded the act of creation and the pleasures of seeing as the greatest means to combat hardship and provide balance and hope. Anni Albers often spoke about "starting at zero" as essential in life and Josef often extolled the wonders of experimentation.” THREAD has been built in accord with these values.
Local leader, Dr. Magueye Ba and U.S. based non-profit organisation, American Friends of Le Korsa (AFLK) have worked together in running Sinthian’s medical centre, building its first kindergarten, and funding its teachers’ salaries and helping the community initiate new agricultural practices. Now, with the help of The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, the village will see the inauguration of a new facility that will complement the existing infrastructure, and promises to stimulate further creativity in the region.
Location Sinthian, Senegal