Armani Silos Giorgio Armani

2015-05-25 13:00
Text description provided by the architects. We have the pleasure of informing you that, today, on the occasion of the celebrations marking the 40th year of his career, Giorgio Armani will open his new armani/silos exhibition space. Armani/silos is a living, open-to-the-public space illustrating giorgio armani’s professional experience, revealing a rich heritage of unique know-how: a space in which to design the future, a showcase of new attitudes and lifestyles that capture changing times and cultures.
 © Davide Lovatti
戴维斯·洛瓦蒂(Davide Lovatti)
空间的正式开放将在米兰市的支持和赞助下进行,同时还将举办2015年米兰博览会,乔治·阿玛尼是该博览会的时尚特别大使。Armani/筒仓*位于Via Bergognone 40,原来是一家大型国际公司的粮仓。我决定把它叫做“筒仓”,因为这座建筑曾经储存食物,这当然是生命所必需的。对我来说,和食物一样,衣服也是生活的一部分,“乔治·阿玛尼解释道。经过翻修,这座建于1950年的大楼在四层楼约有4 500平方米。设计师自己构思并监督了翻修工程。
The official opening of the space will take place with the support and under the patronage of the municipality of milan, at the same time as the launch of expo milano 2015, of which giorgio armani is special ambassador for fashion. Armani/silos*, located at via bergognone 40, is in what was originally the granary of a major international company. ‘i decided to call it silos because this building used to store food, which is, of course, essential for life. For me, just as much as food, clothes are also a part of life,’ explains giorgio armani. Following the renovation, the building, constructed in 1950, measures around 4,500 square metres on four levels. The designer conceived and oversaw the renovation project himself.
 © Davide Lovatti
戴维斯·洛瓦蒂(Davide Lovatti)
The search for simplicity, a preference for regular geometric shapes and a desire for uniformity have produced a sober yet monumental building based on the rule of order and rigour. Going against the trend in architecture today for a more elaborate aesthetic, in this building in via bergognone giorgio armani intentionally sought to achieve rational form. The areas where various activities will take place inside the building are designed with the same goal in mind: a rational response to practical needs, with spaces demonstrating respect for the original architecture. The renovation project therefore preserves the building’s unusual original shape, recalling a beehive, a metaphor for industriousness, thus reinforcing the identification of the new exhibition space with giorgio armani’s creative dynamism. By using the silos’ established form, the designer also demonstrates his aesthetic philosophy of striving for simplicity and eliminating unnecessary ornamentation and everything that is superfluous. The only decorative element distinguishing the project is a ribbon of windows all around the building’s perimeter, like a crown, defining its compact mass.
 © Davide Lovatti
戴维斯·洛瓦蒂(Davide Lovatti)
Inside, the building is organised on the basis of a basilica layout: an open space four floors high with two levels of naves overlooking it on either side. The ceilings are painted black, in contrast to the grey cement floors, and reveal not only the iron structure of the new floor slabs but also all the electrical installations for heating, cooling and lighting the building. The central staircase linking the four levels and organising the exhibition route passes through a vertical opening that allows people climbing the stairs to perceive the building’s great height and size. The bare, simple glass facade of the foyer attracts the interest and curiosity of people passing by.
 © Davide Lovatti
戴维斯·洛瓦蒂(Davide Lovatti)
该空间不仅包括展区,而且还包括礼品店和开放式室内咖啡店;它还收藏了一个草图、技术图纸和材料的数字档案,这些都是关于普雷吉奥-波特乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)和时装设计师乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)设计的,旨在让研究人员和粉丝们更多地了解乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)的作品和风格。该档案馆位于顶层,开放供免费查阅,并设有专门为Armani/筒仓开发的编目系统。工作站、触摸屏表和屏幕区域是供公众使用的工具。
The space includes not only the exhibition areas but also a gift shop and an open-plan indoor coffee shop; it also houses a digital archive of sketches, technical drawings and material on the prêt-à-porter giorgio armani and couture giorgio armani privé collections intended for researchers and fans who want to find out more about giorgio armani’s work and style. Located on the top floor, the archive is open for free consultation and features a cataloguing system developed specifically for armani/silos. Workstations, touchscreen tables and a screening area are the tools available to the public.
开幕展览涵盖了这栋建筑的所有四层,概述了这位设计师40年的职业生涯,其中包括从1980年到现在的乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)系列的600套服装和200件配饰。这些选择是根据一些主题来划分的,这些主题激发并继续激励了设计师的创造性工作:一楼的日装、一楼的异国情调和二楼的配色方案。第三层也就是最后一层的主题是光。
The opening exhibition, covering all four floors of the building, offers an overview of 40 years of the designer’s career, including 600 outfits and 200 accessories from giorgio armani’s collections from 1980 to the present. The selection is divided up on the basis of a number of themes that have inspired and continue to inspire the designer’s creative work: daywear on the ground floor, exoticism on the first floor and colour schemes on the second floor. The third and last floor focuses on the theme of light.
 © Davide Lovatti
戴维斯·洛瓦蒂(Davide Lovatti)
Giorgio armani says: ‘setting up armani/silos, deciding what to exhibit and how, focusing on the themes that best represent a way of thinking and a style – all this helped me look back on my 40-year career in a passionate but balanced way. Because fashion, which seems to want to live in an eternal present, needs to reflect on itself and its own roots in order to face the future. Through this process of reflection, we see how fashion accompanies and often anticipates important social changes. Remembering what we were like in the past can help us understand what we might be in the future.’ The ministry of economic development decided to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of giorgio armani and the opening of armani/silos with a special stamp, an honour granted to italy’s most outstanding enterprises. The stamp bears the designer’s sketch of the silos, and will be produced in a limited run of 800,000, available all over Italy.
Author Giorgio Armani
Location Via Bergognone, 40, 20144 Milano, Italy
Category Renovation
Original Construction Year 1950
Project Year 2015
Photographs Davide Lovatti





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