Miguel Delibes Space Rafael de La
2015-05-26 05:00
Text description provided by the architects. The new building hosts the International School of Photography PhotoEspaña de Alcobendas of Universidad Popular, as well as a media library and a citizen’s advice service of the City Council.
这座以著名卡斯蒂利亚作家米格尔·迪利贝斯的名字命名的新建筑建在巴勃罗·伊格莱西亚斯·德阿奥本达斯大道(Pablo Iglesias De Alcobendas)的一片6,000平方米的地块上。这是开发人员的明确意愿的结果,即创建一个开放的、动态的中心,从而生成一个奇异的体积法。
Inaugurated with the name of the famous Castilian writer Miguel Delibes, the new building is erected on a 6,000 square meter plot in Pablo Iglesias de Alcobendas avenue, one of the youngest areas of the city. It is the result of the express will of the developer to create an open and dynamic center so as to generate a singular volumetry.
拉斐尔·德拉-霍兹(Rafael de La-Hoz)提出了一座由三个明显不同的物体组成的建筑,它们是完全相互关联的:一个玻璃立方体,一个更大的体积和一个水平的周长冠,它从地面升起,创造了另一个空间,一个
Rafael de La-Hoz proposes a building with three clearly differentiated bodies which are completely interrelated: a glazed cube, a higher massive volume and a horizontal perimeter crown, which rises from the ground and creates another space, a plaza of convergence and exchange.
The gap generated by the perimeter crown forms a large void, a spacious patio in which the other two volumes are inserted, leaving spaces filled with air and light between them. These resulting courtyards have opposing characteristics due to their size, proportions and orientation. The bigger one is a landscaped and sunny winter courtyard. The second one is a vertical summer patio that provides shade.
The glazed central volume represents the core of the concept. It will host the multipurpose hall on the ground floor and the general vestibule of the building, together with the exhibition and rest area on the first floor. Its central position in the complex, between the two patios and tangential to the perimeter volume, turns it into an isolated body which, thanks to its crystalline materiality, looks like a huge night lantern from the outside.
周边的皇冠包括大学的讲堂和工作室。公民咨询服务(SAC)、PhotoEspa国际中心(PhotoEspa International Center)、教师室和方向都有大量的空间。
The perimeter crown includes the lecture halls and workrooms of the University. The citizen’s advice service (SAC), the PhotoEspaña International Center, the teacher’s room and the direction are housed in the massive volume.
Each of these volumes have an independent use and access from the street. They can thus be used at different times and in different ways, which allows for a completely flexible use of the complex.
Architects Rafael de La-Hoz
Location Avenida de Pablo Iglesias, 28100 Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain
Project Design Carolina Fernández, Francisco Arévalo and Hugo Berenguer
Project Director Belén Rivera, Ángel Rolán
Team Belén Rivera, Marta Tobías and Silvia Villamor
Photographs Alfonso Quiroga