Keep It Glassy 2 Coordination Asia
2015-05-27 19:00
Courtesy of Coordination Asia
架构师提供的文本描述。2015年4月18日,上海玻璃博物馆以第二届成功的设计展览“保持玻璃”拉开了这一年的序幕。“保持它”是一个由亚洲协调公司开发和共同策划的概念,专注于玻璃设计.它为上海带来了国际人才,并探索了玻璃启发设计师的多种方式。这个版本的“保持它的玻璃”将放大设计工作室,如Nendo,MVRDV,Dominic Wilcox,Kacper Hamilton和Studio Formafantasma如何表达他们对更美好未来的希望和梦想,使用这种多才多艺的材料。
Text description provided by the architects. On April 18, 2015, the Shanghai Museum of Glass kicks off its year program with the second edition of the successful design exhibition Keep it Glassy. Keep it Glassy, a concept developed and co-curated by COORDINATION ASIA, focuses on glass design. It brings international talent to Shanghai and explores the many ways in which glass inspires designers. This edition of Keep it Glassy will zoom in on how design studios such as Nendo, MVRDV, Dominic Wilcox, Kacper Hamilton and Studio Formafantasma express their hopes and dreams for a better future, using this versatile material.
For Keep it Glassy 2, the conscious choice was made to focus on displaying concepts or projects, instead of mere objects in glass. The intriguing stories and smart strategies that hide beyond the surface of the design pieces show that designers make use of the specific traits of glass to shape their ideas for a better future. In the exhibition, four rooms highlight four different angles that can be taken when envisioning the future, through glass: Adornment, Sustainability, Innovation and Preservation.
Courtesy of Coordination Asia
For the occasion, the 1000 sqm former workshop of Keep it Glassy is turned into a sleek backdrop for bright design visions. Visitors are led through a dimly lit showcase of future thoughts and concepts. Lines of light frame ideas, and guide the visitor through a space that can be considered a vortex between now and tomorrow. Dark grey walls and floors enhance the feeling of timelessness, and offer a stage for ideas and objects in glass to stand out.
Courtesy of Coordination Asia
总之,“玻璃2”展示了我们如何通过玻璃建立一个更美好未来的30多个视图。展览没有站在一个立场上,解决方案是最好的或最有希望的。相反,它的目的是要展示巨大的托盘,玻璃可以应用到前进的时间。这与上海玻璃博物馆(Shanghai Museum Of Glass)的愿景是天衣无缝的。如今,上海玻璃博物馆在运营的第四个年头,仍在设法寻找新的、新的视角来探索和分享玻璃的无限可能性。
In total, Keep it Glassy 2 shows more than 30 views on how we can build a better future through glass. The exhibition does not take a stand point on which solutions are best or most promising. On the contrary: it intentionally aims to show the vast pallet of ways glass can be applied to move forward in time. This fits seamlessly to the vision of the Shanghai Museum of Glass that, now in her fourth year of operation, still manages to find fresh and new perspectives to explore and share the infinite possibilities of glass.
Courtesy of Coordination Asia
Architects Coordination Asia
Location Wandanu (Changjiang West Road), Baoshan, Shanghai, China, 200431
Category Interiors Architecture