HPP Selected to Redesign Colognes University of Music and Dance
2015-06-18 13:17
HPP合作伙伴Remigiusz Otrzonsek表示:“这座新建筑是一种紧凑的大型建筑,将有自己的特色。这两个新的城市空间,其轮廓清晰,将有助于与现有建筑相结合,并强调校园概念。”
"The new building, a compact large format structure, will have its own character. The two new city spaces created, with their clear contours will aid the enmeshing with the existing structures and underscore the campus concept,” says HPP Partner Remigiusz Otrzonsek.
Entrance Hall. Image © HPP Architects
Enveloped with a perforated aluminum skin patterned after the perforated cards used to store electronic music in the early part of the 20th century, the refurbished building will be punctuated by large openings that place dancers on display. Inside, light warm tones of the wooden interiors will emulate the “light atmosphere" of the scheme's public spaces.
Section. Image © HPP Architects
Concert Hall. Image © HPP Architects
In total, the building will be comprised of a 400-seat concert hall, dance studios, additional space for the university library, rehearsal spaces, classrooms, and administration space. It will provide Germany's largest conservatory and serve as a landmark on the site.
Construction is slated to being in 2018.
Ground Floor. Image © HPP Architects
Architects HPP Architects Location Cologne,Germany Category Extension Partner in Charge Remigiusz Otrzonsek Competition Team Robert Bönsch,Henning von Bonin,Kathrin Fach,Melanie Scholz,Daniel Stollfuß,Kurt Wimmer,Anabel Zawisla Client Bau-und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW Köln General Contractor HPP International Planungsgesellschaft mbh,Düsseldorf Landscape Design Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH,Berlin Structural Engineer schlaich bergermann und partner–sbp gmbh,Stuttgart Building Services INNIUS RR GmbH,罗巴赫建筑物理咨询有限公司杜塞尔多夫建筑面积6500.0平方米2018年图片HPP建筑师
Architects HPP Architects Location Cologne, Germany Category Extension Partner in Charge Remigiusz Otrzonsek Competition Team Robert Bönsch, Henning von Bonin, Kathrin Fach, Melanie Scholz, Daniel Stollfuß, Kurt Wimmer, Anabel Zawisla Client Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW Köln General Contractor HPP International Planungsgesellschaft mbh, Düsseldorf Landscape Design Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, Berlin Structural Engineer schlaich bergermann und partner – sbp gmbh, Stuttgart Building Services INNIUS RR GmbH, Rosbach Building Physics Peutz Consult GmbH, Düsseldorf Area 6500.0 sqm Project Year 2018 Photographs HPP Architects