PIM2 Jet Engine Maintenance Base Jean

2015-07-01 03:00
架构师提供的文本描述。在这个神秘的缩写背后隐藏着法国航空公司房地产部门在奥利建造的新的喷气发动机维修基地。法国航空公司或其他使用航空公司以货运或客运同样方式销售这种技术服务的公司的发动机就是在这座大楼内清洗、拆卸和检查的。该设施能够容纳的最大发动机GE 90直径为3.40米,重量超过8吨。建筑物的正面是起飞的比喻:一个白色包层的金属外壳,它的形状让人联想起一个机翼部分,浮在黑色的、有图案的混凝土底座上,象征着岩石。这些土质元素嵌入在一个看起来能穿透的草坡中。版面图展示了一个大的,朴素的正方形体积的形式。
Text description provided by the architects. PIM - behind this mysterious acronym hides the new jet engine maintenance base built at Orly by Air France’s real estate division. It is in this building that the engines of aircraft belonging to Air France, or other companies that use this technical service marketed by the airline in the same way as freight or passenger transport, are washed, disassembled and inspected. The largest engine that the facility can accommodate, the GE 90, measures 3.40 metres in diameter and weighs over 8 tonnes. The building’s facade is a metaphor for take-off: a metal casing with white cladding, whose form evokes a wing section, floats above a black, patterned concrete base symbolising rocks. These earthbound elements are embedded in a grassed slope that they appear to penetrate. The layout drawing exhibits the form of a large, unadorned square volume.
 Courtesy of Jean-François Schmit
让-弗朗索瓦·施米特(Jean-Fran ois Schmit)
这座新大楼的维修程序由法航工程师修改,他们最初设想建造一座直线建筑。建筑师在详细了解了喷气式涡轮发动机维修的各种步骤和程序后,提出了对紧凑体积的修改。让-弗朗索瓦·施米特(Jean-Fran ois Schmit)采用了基于车库模型的组织布局,而不是纵向设计,更接近生产线模式:根据要求和观察到的任何故障或损坏,拆卸的发动机可以在不同的维修单元中工作。一系列架空起重机,其栏杆连接到屋顶结构,使发动机或部件从一个车间地区到另一个容易移动。工作站的布局与未来的用户一起进行了全面的测试.许多方法确保建筑不仅仅是工业活动的庇护所,而是内部进程的一个组成部分。
The new building houses a maintenance process modified by Air France engineers, who initially envisioned the construction of a linear building. The change to a compact volume was suggested by the architect after he had familiarised himself in detail with the various steps and procedures involved in the maintenance of a jet turbine engine. Instead of a longitudinal design, closer to the production line model, Jean-François Schmit implemented an organisational layout based on the model of a garage: disassembled engines can be worked on in different maintenance cells, according to requirements and to any breakdown or damage observed. A series of overhead cranes, the rails for which are attached to the roof structure, enables easy movement of engines or parts from one workshop area to another. The layout of the work stations was subjected to full-scale testing in conjunction with the future users. Numerous methodologies that ensure that the building is not a mere shelter for industrial activities but an integral part of the process that takes place within.
 Courtesy of Jean-François Schmit
让-弗朗索瓦·施米特(Jean-Fran ois Schmit)
 Courtesy of Jean-François Schmit
让-弗朗索瓦·施米特(Jean-Fran ois Schmit)
PIM 2取代过时的PIM 1,其亮度与其前身不同。通过一系列锯齿屋顶在金属框架上的扩散,或通过提供外部视图的大条形窗户,光是始终存在的。与让-弗朗索瓦·施米特设计的其他工业建筑一样,透明度被用来连接车间和办公室。在PIM 2中,这两个元素由一条与植物相邻的内部街道相连。这是一个欢迎的区域,也是优化建筑成本的一个组成部分:这条8米宽的内部街道,旁边有两个位于地面的大槽,有助于空气的植物净化,也让人想起建筑师在以前的车间的工人储物柜上观察到的植物。从监管的角度来看,这一安排以类似的建筑成本取代了防火墙,但却以无可比拟的便利价值取代了防火墙。
PIM2, which replaces the obsolete PIM1, differs from its predecessor by its brightness. Diffused by a series of saw-tooth roofs across the metal frame, or by large strip windows providing views of the outside, light is present throughout. As in other industrial buildings designed by Jean-François Schmit, transparency is exploited to connect workshops and offices. In PIM2, the two elements are connected by an internal street bordered with plants. A welcoming area that is also an integral part of a quest to optimise construction costs: this 8-metre wide internal street, bordered by two large troughs set in the ground, contributes to the phyto-purification of the air and is reminiscent of the plants that the architect had observed above the workers’ lockers in the former workshops. From a regulatory perspective, this arrangement replaces a fire wall at a similar construction cost, but with an incomparable amenity value.
 Courtesy of Jean-François Schmit
让-弗朗索瓦·施米特(Jean-Fran ois Schmit)
The use of renewable energy, the installation of solar collectors and other high environmental quality systems took on a special significance in the context of the PIM. The environmental construction should reduce Air France’s overall carbon footprint and offset some of the greenhouse gas emissions from its aircraft. A contribution that may be modest in relation to the size of the company’s fleet, but important to the users of the building. Natural light thus contributes a tangible improvement to working conditions: it transforms the workshop into a cathedral flooded with light, in which the most meticulous operations are performed in remarkable tranquillity within an industrial space.
 Floor Plan




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