Ennead Unveils Plans for Shanghais Taopu Sci
2015-08-04 16:30
Ennead International的合伙人彼得·舒伯特(Peter Schubert)说:“我们的设计目标是创造出一座比一栋建筑更伟大的建筑;我们的目标是创建一个令人难忘、连接起来的市民区。”
“Our design goal was to create something greater than a single building; our goal was to create a memorable and connected civic district,” said Peter Schubert, a partner at Ennead International.
Site Plan. Image © Ennead Architects
From the architects: To achieve this goal and given the relatively low FAR for the project’s various blocks, the design includes a series of linear building edges that enclose five primary public park nodes. Each node creates an individual spatial identity, while together creating a cohesive identity for the entire R&D campus.
Critical to the success of the project is the design’s utilization of a multi-level pedestrian network. Multilayered pedestrian spaces combine the lower ground level, street level and upper ground level together to create a fluid architectural landscape experience that activates symbiotic relationships between retail areas, park spaces and streetscapes. Each public node provides opportunities for the creation of retail hubs at these three primary pedestrian levels and for clear pedestrian connections to the site’s existing subway and transportation infrastructures.
Collaborative Space. Image © Ennead Architects
Sustainable landscape systems are a critical component that helps merge the architectural and urban-scale designs with the surrounding landscape and infrastructure. These systems include: 1) green roofs and planted terraces, which, along with a maximization of green area at the ground level, help minimize the storm-water run-off from the site; 2) a network of connected ponds and canals that serves as an important component of a larger regional storm-water management plan, while also creating visual beauty and recreational landscapes for the district; and 3) an integrated and connective network of pedestrian pathways and landscape corridors that help create a walkable district, connect directly with the subway and other regional transportation networks, and minimize the need for individual travel by car.
建筑师Ennead建筑师地点上海中国类别研究中心设计合作伙伴Peter Schubert Management Partner Kevin McClurkan高级项目设计师Andrew Burdick项目主任格蕾丝·陈项目经理林恩·张琳,史蒂夫·佩帕斯项目建筑师迈克尔·斯皮塔里,埃里克·徐克,斯特芬妮·董设计团队代奥·阿代耶米,玛格丽塔·卡莱罗,玛吉·切科,克里斯·舒斯塔,毛晓云,桑德拉·默卡蒂利,基昂·敏,尼基塔·佩乌索夫余大伟拍摄“环境建筑师”
Architects Ennead Architects Location Shanghai, Shanghai, China Category Research Center Design Partner Peter Schubert Management Partner Kevin McClurkan Senior Project Designer Andrew Burdick Project Director Grace Chen Project Managers Lynn Zhang, Jing Lu, Steve Peppas Project Architects Michael Spitaleri, Eric Tsui, Stephanie Tung Design Team Dayo Adeyemi, Margarita Calero, Maggie Checo, Chris Shusta, Xiaoyun Mao, Sandra Mercatili, Kyung Min, Nikita Payusov, David Yu Photographs Ennead Architects