The Archive Studio Jonathan Tuckey Design
2015-12-07 15:00
Text description provided by the architects. The Archive Studio by Jonathan Tuckey Design is located inside London's Grade I listed Royal Festival Hall that opened for the Festival of Britain in 1951. As of this Autumn, The Archive Studio allows Southbank Centre to explore, catalogue and arrange their collection and bring elements of this unique archive to life. The idea of making visible the processes of a working archive has been a key element in achieving this. The Archive Studio does this, for example, by allowing visitors to see archivists and volunteers at work. The general public also has the opportunity to engage directly with the archive material and play a part in its presentation and preservation.
档案工作室是一个独立的,自我支持的结构与抛光黄铜螺母和螺栓,并覆盖在穿孔硬板。这创造了一个轻巧的框架,尽管如此,它仍然有能力作为一个具有自己身份的专用空间来主办活动和展览。乔纳森·图基(JonathanTuckey)对这种方法如何在全国其他文化机构中使用感兴趣。他说:“我们正在以一种富有想象力的方式使用实际上非常标准化的元素来创造一个我们希望让人感觉特别和难忘的房间。”“我们还喜欢Southbank Archive Studio的设计提供了一个仅用三周时间建成的解决方案,这对希望更轻松地与藏品合作的档案管理员、图书馆员和馆长来说,是一个很有吸引力的选择,或者,如果需要的话,以一种反应更快的方式。”
The Archive Studio is a free-standing, self-supporting structure held together with polished brass nuts and bolts and clad in perforated hardboard. This creates a light framework that nonetheless has the ability to host events and exhibitions as a dedicated space with its own identity. Jonathan Tuckey is interested in how this type of approach can be used at other cultural institutions around the country. He says, "We are using what are in effect very standardised elements in an imaginative way to create a room that we hope feels special and memorable."; "We also like the fact that the Southbank Archive Studio design offered a solution that was built in only three weeks making it an attractive option for archivists, librarians and curators looking to work with their collections with greater ease or, if need be, in a more re
The Archive Studio project is part of Southbank Centre's long-term programme of restoration and improvement that includes the renovation of the Hayward Gallery and the Queen Elizabeth Hall.
Architects Jonathan Tuckey Design
Location Southbank Business Centre, Ponton Rd, London SW8 5BL, United Kingdom